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Vocabulary Unit #6 Slides 2015-2016. Prefix: “Non-”  Prefix: “Non-”  Definition: “not”  Example Word: Nonchalant- Showing or having a relaxed manner,

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Unit #6 Slides 2015-2016. Prefix: “Non-”  Prefix: “Non-”  Definition: “not”  Example Word: Nonchalant- Showing or having a relaxed manner,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Unit #6 Slides 2015-2016

2 Prefix: “Non-”  Prefix: “Non-”  Definition: “not”  Example Word: Nonchalant- Showing or having a relaxed manner, free from concern or excitement.  Example Sentence: The actor had a nonchalant speech when he accepted his Emmy.  Prefix: “Non-”  Definition: “not”  Example Word: Nonchalant- Showing or having a relaxed manner, free from concern or excitement.  Example Sentence: The actor had a nonchalant speech when he accepted his Emmy.

3 Other words with the prefix “Non-”  Noncombatant: a member of the armed forces whose duties do not include fighting such as a surgeon.  Nonexistent: Not a real thing, imaginary  Nonperishable: able to be stored for a long time without going bad or spoiling (think canned vegetables)  Nonverbal: not using words to convey or communicate  Nonconformist: person who does not behave according to generally accepted standards or customs  Noncombatant: a member of the armed forces whose duties do not include fighting such as a surgeon.  Nonexistent: Not a real thing, imaginary  Nonperishable: able to be stored for a long time without going bad or spoiling (think canned vegetables)  Nonverbal: not using words to convey or communicate  Nonconformist: person who does not behave according to generally accepted standards or customs

4 Prefix: “Mis-”  Prefix: “Mis-”  Definition: wrong, or badly  Example Word: Mischievous- tending to make minor bad choices; teasing; full of tricks; naughty  Example Sentence: The students were acting a little mischievous on April’s Fools Day, and all of the teachers were on edge!  Prefix: “Mis-”  Definition: wrong, or badly  Example Word: Mischievous- tending to make minor bad choices; teasing; full of tricks; naughty  Example Sentence: The students were acting a little mischievous on April’s Fools Day, and all of the teachers were on edge!

5 More words with the Prefix: “Mis-”  Mislead: to guide someone into the wrong direction; to be a bad influence  Misconstrue: to guide someone into the wrong direction; to be a bad influence  Misuse: use (something) in the wrong way or for the wrong purpose.  Misinterpret: to interpret something wrongly  Miscalculate: calculate (an amount, distance, or measurement) wrongly.  Mislead: to guide someone into the wrong direction; to be a bad influence  Misconstrue: to guide someone into the wrong direction; to be a bad influence  Misuse: use (something) in the wrong way or for the wrong purpose.  Misinterpret: to interpret something wrongly  Miscalculate: calculate (an amount, distance, or measurement) wrongly.

6 Prefix: “Pre-”  Prefix: “Pre-”  Prefix Definition: Before  Example word: Preconceive: To conceive, or form an opinion of, beforehand; to form a previous notion or idea of.  Example Sentence: The new big brother had a preconceived idea about what his new baby sister would be like, but she was nothing like he thought!  Prefix: “Pre-”  Prefix Definition: Before  Example word: Preconceive: To conceive, or form an opinion of, beforehand; to form a previous notion or idea of.  Example Sentence: The new big brother had a preconceived idea about what his new baby sister would be like, but she was nothing like he thought!

7 More words with the prefix: “Pre-”  Predetermined: to establish or decide in advance.  Prejudice: preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.  Preliminaries: preceding and leading up to the main part, matter, or business; introductory; preparatory:  Prequel: a literary, dramatic, or filmic work that prefigures a later work, as by portraying the same characters at a younger age.  Preserve: to keep alive or in existence; make lasting.  Predetermined: to establish or decide in advance.  Prejudice: preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.  Preliminaries: preceding and leading up to the main part, matter, or business; introductory; preparatory:  Prequel: a literary, dramatic, or filmic work that prefigures a later work, as by portraying the same characters at a younger age.  Preserve: to keep alive or in existence; make lasting.

8 Prefixs:“Uni-”  Prefix: “Uni-”  Prefix Definition: One  Example word: unilateral - (adj) – one-sided, involving only one part or side  Example Sentence: The congress made a unilateral decision to allow unicorns to roam free in the United States.  Prefix: “Uni-”  Prefix Definition: One  Example word: unilateral - (adj) – one-sided, involving only one part or side  Example Sentence: The congress made a unilateral decision to allow unicorns to roam free in the United States.

9 Prefix:“Bi-”  Prefix: “Bi-  Prefix Definition: Two or twice  Example word: bifurcate - (V) – to divide into two parts  Example Sentence: Last night at dinner, I bifurcated the macaroni and cheese between my sister and my dad.  Prefix: “Bi-  Prefix Definition: Two or twice  Example word: bifurcate - (V) – to divide into two parts  Example Sentence: Last night at dinner, I bifurcated the macaroni and cheese between my sister and my dad.

10 Prefix: “Tri-”  Prefix: “Tri-”  Prefix Definition: Three  Example word: triptych - (N) – a picture (such as a painting) that has three panels placed next to each other  Example Sentence: I have finial finished painting my triptych and have decided to hang them on my wall in my living room.  Prefix: “Tri-”  Prefix Definition: Three  Example word: triptych - (N) – a picture (such as a painting) that has three panels placed next to each other  Example Sentence: I have finial finished painting my triptych and have decided to hang them on my wall in my living room.

11 Other words with the prefixes “Uni-”, “Bi-”, and Tri-”  Unanimous: a decision about something all people involved agree or are united in their opinion.  Unique: Radically distinctive, rare, one of a kind  Bicentennial: of or relating to or completing a period of 200 years  Bifocals: eyeglasses having two focal lengths, one for near vision and the other for far vision  Triathlon: an athletic contest consisting of three different events, typically swimming, cycling, and long-distance running.  Trilogy: a set of three literary or dramatic works related in subject or theme (Lord of the Rings, The Hunger Games)  Unanimous: a decision about something all people involved agree or are united in their opinion.  Unique: Radically distinctive, rare, one of a kind  Bicentennial: of or relating to or completing a period of 200 years  Bifocals: eyeglasses having two focal lengths, one for near vision and the other for far vision  Triathlon: an athletic contest consisting of three different events, typically swimming, cycling, and long-distance running.  Trilogy: a set of three literary or dramatic works related in subject or theme (Lord of the Rings, The Hunger Games)

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