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Chapter 13 C H A P T E R 13. Enduring Understanding Development and impact of Medieval Kingdoms in Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 13 C H A P T E R 13. Enduring Understanding Development and impact of Medieval Kingdoms in Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 13 C H A P T E R 13

2 Enduring Understanding Development and impact of Medieval Kingdoms in Africa.

3 Essential Questions 1.How did Islam influence the development of Medieval Africa? 2.Why did areas in Africa become centers of commerce? 3.How did family values influence culture in Medieval Africa? 4.How did the slave trade impact the development of culture?

4 Vocabulary, Places and People 1.plateau 7. griot 2.Makkah (Mecca) 8. Ghana 3.Sultan 9. Mali 4.Swahili 10. Timbuktu 5.Islam 11. Songhai 6.Axum (Ethiopia) 12. clan

5 Key Concepts Africa had a vast and varied landscape West African empires grew rich from trade East African kingdoms also became rich from trade Centralized government and traditional African religions developed African rulers helped spread Islam/Africans and Arabs influence each other Despite Africa’s size, people in different regions of Africa have similar traditions and cultures

6 Chapter 14 Medieval Africa Section 1 The Rise of African Civilizations Section 2 Africa’s Government and Religion Section 3 African Society and Culture

7 Google Earth Africa.kmz

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