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ARIZONA ECAPs: The Power of Individual Learning Plans to Promote Student Success.

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Presentation on theme: "ARIZONA ECAPs: The Power of Individual Learning Plans to Promote Student Success."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARIZONA ECAPs: The Power of Individual Learning Plans to Promote Student Success

2 Hello! I am ____________ I am here because I care about the future of Arizona’s youth and economy. You can find me at @username

3 1. What is the Arizona Career Leadership Network?

4 Arizona Career Leadership Network Mission: Champion the development of a system in which all students become career literate through the implementation of high-quality ECAPs.

5 Arizona Career Leadership Network Theory of Change: If students, families, employers, community members, and educators collectively support and actively implement high-quality ECAPs, then students will be equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to pursue a career and achieve economic independence.

6 AzCLN membership Arizona Business Education Coalition Global Pathways Institute Freeport McMoRan Arizona College Access Network Greater Phoenix Leadership Arizona Department of Education Expect More Arizona Arizona School Counselors Association Center for the Future of Arizona GEAR UP! Arizona Governor’s Office of Child, Faith & Family Commission on Postsecondary Education …and many more

7 2. WHY ECAP? Education and Career Action Plans help to address many of the challenges that Arizona faces…

8 While the National four-year graduation rate is on the rise, Arizona’s graduation rate is stagnant, at best.

9 2020 Year that 68% of Arizona jobs will require some form of postsecondary education 1,085,662 Estimated number of Arizona residents age 65 and older 76% Arizona technology companies reporting that it is either difficult or somewhat difficult to find qualified applicants

10 The future of Arizona’s economy depends on preparing our students for college, career, and life.

11 Research on Individual Learning Plans… Increased: ▪ Graduation rates ▪ Attendance rates ▪ Classroom motivation & engagement ▪ Rigorous course selection ▪ Connections between school & family ▪ Goal-setting & action planning skills Decreased: ▪Drop-out rates

12 “ The fact that the ECAP process is so personal to them and their interests truly helped them see their path to college, rather than just a generic statement we say to everyone…The positive results for our students were impressive. -Phoenix Collegiate Academy

13 From Use of Individualized Learning Plans as a Promising Practice for Driving College and Career Readiness Efforts, Solberg et al (2014)

14 3. How does ECAP work?

15 Yesterday ▪ 2008 SBE Rule passed ▪ 2013 full implementation for all students grades 9-12 ECAP in AZ… background Today ▪Year Three of full implementation ▪Moving from “Compliance” to “Culture”

16 ECAP is a process self-exploration career-explorationcareer planning & management

17 ECAP is a plan… Students should enter, track, and update these four attributes: 1.Academic 2.Career 3.Postsecondary 4.Extracurricular

18 “ Many of our succeses can be linked to the benefits of an ECAP, a program of goal setting & purposeful, intentional planning that is critical to goal acquisition and achieving college & career success… -Principal Scott Becker, Lake Havasu High School

19 Lake Havasu High School ECAP Exemplar School  Classroom teachers: Advisory class 2x/month  School Counselors: Postsecondary planning lessons 2x/year  Freshmen: Commit2Graduate Ceremony  ECAP Leadership Team  Collaboration with feeder Middle Schools

20 Lake Havasu High School ECAP Exemplar School 20092014 Graduation Rate 75%85.7%+10.7% Drop-out Rate 5.2%3.3%-1.9%

21 Winslow High School ECAP Exemplar School  School Counselors: Postsecondary planning lessons 2x/semester  Senior Capstone project: graduation requirement  Collaboration with feeder middle schools  RTI triangle, tiered implementation model  #2 for Arizona College Application Campaign Photo - Todd Roth, Navajo-Hopi Observer

22 Winslow High School ECAP Exemplar School 20092014 Graduation Rate 71%92.2%+22.2% Drop-out Rate 7%6.2%-0.8%


24 4. How can you help?

25 Arizona students need…  Supportive & caring adult mentors  Work-based learning opportunities  Field trips & job-shadows  Internships & apprenticeships  CTE programs  Dual enrollment opportunities at community colleges Is your company/organization doing what it can to provide these opportunities to Arizona students? Are your legislators ensuring Arizona students have these opportunities?

26 Let’s review some concepts AzCLN & ECAP The Arizona Career Leadership Network is a cross sector collaborative that promotes the use of ECAPs for college and career preparation AZ has a skills gap Arizona students lack the skills needed to fill the middle to high skill jobs available in our growing economy AZ has an aging workforce As more and more baby boomers retire, this skills gap will only become more pronounced ECAP works Research shows that students with an ECAP see the relevancy in their course-work and are more motivated and engaged ECAP is a process Students go through a process of self-exploration, career exploration, and career planning and management ECAP is a plan Students develop a postsecondary education, career, and financial plan with their ECAP

27 Place your screenshot here ECAP Website Learn more about the ECAP process and how you can support students in their college and career planning efforts.

28 Place your screenshot here Contact Arizona Department of Education - ECAP Jim Buchanan, Ed.D Deputy Associate Superintendent, ECAP & Leadership Development 602-542-5510

29 Thanks! ! Any questions? You can find me at @username &

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