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Scientific Method What you need to know.. Title Tells your audience what report is about. Create title by combining your two variables (dependent and.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method What you need to know.. Title Tells your audience what report is about. Create title by combining your two variables (dependent and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Method What you need to know.

2 Title Tells your audience what report is about. Create title by combining your two variables (dependent and independent) together.

3 Title Example Plant Growth vs. Hours of Light Exposure

4 Problem Is the question to be answered.

5 Example Problem How many hours of light per day is required for maximum plant growth?

6 Hypothesis Simply put, an hypothesis is an answer to your problem. Must be in If, then and because format

7 Sample Hypothesis If the plants are exposed to different amount of light per day, then the plant with the most growth will be the one that receives 8 hours per day because these plants will be able to perform enough photosynthesis to provide the required energy for maximum growth.

8 Experiment Identify your variables Independent (manipulated): variable that your change. Dependent (responding): variable that results from your manipulation. Control (constants): variable(s) which are kept the same throughout the experiment.

9 Example Variables Independent: hours of light Dependent: height of plant growth Control(s): type of plant, amount of water, type/amount of fertilizer and type of soil

10 Materials list of supplies/equipment needed to perform experiment. Paper, pencils, etc. should not be part of the materials list. Should be in bullet format

11 Example Materials Pea Plant seeds Potting soil Planting pots Water and graduated watering can Grow lights with timers

12 Procedure Numerical list of instructions on how to perform experiment. Must be logical order and detailed enough for someone else to replicate your work.

13 Example Procedure 1. Fill each of the pots with the same amount of potting soil. 2. Plant one seed, one inch below the surface, in each pot. 3. Add one cup of water to each pot. 4. Place each pot under one of the grow lights in an area where the grow lights will be the only source of light.

14 Procedure cont. 5. Set the timers on the grow lights for one hour intervals beginning with one hour for the first plant up to 8 hours maximum. 6. Water each plant same amount of water as needed in order to keep soil moist. 7. Measure plant growth daily and record plant heights for 2 weeks.

15 Data/Obserations Factual information (measurements, observations) presented in an organized manner with correct units.

16 Example Data Plant Day 1 Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7Day 8Comments 1 2 0000. 3 4 000.513. 5 0001. 6 00134567.5 7 0012. 8 Plant Height (cms) *Plant number also indicates number of hours of light per day

17 Data Cont. Plant Height (cms) *Plant number also indicates number of hours of light per day PlantDay 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13Day 14Comments 1 2.9 2 2.0 3 4 5 6 8.09.510111315 7 8.29.5111213.614.8 8

18 Analysis An evaluation of the data to find its meaning Must include graphs: properly titled and labeled Dependent variable along the y-axis Independent along the x-axis Should also include written summary of data

19 Example Analysis In order to determine the optimum amount of light required for the selected pea plants to have maximum growth 8 plants were tested. They were exposed to different hours of light in 1 hour intervals. Grow lights were use to provide the light source and timers were used to control the hours of exposure. Plant height measurements were conducted on a daily basis for 2 weeks. All plants received the same amounts of water, fertilizer and used the same soil types. All plants experienced no growth for the first 2 days. On the 3rd day all plants except number 2 and 5 showed some growth with plants 1,6 and 7 showing the most growth. At the end of the first week plant 8 had the most growth with a plant height of 5.9 cm. On day 5, plant 4 showed a height of 3.8 cm, which seems to be an error in measurement because the following day the same plant showed a height of 2.6 cm.

20 Analysis Continued The second week began with data indicating that plants 6 and 7 achieving 7.5 cm each. Plants 6 and 7 continued to have the most growth throughout the final days of the 2 week testing period. On the last day of testing plant 6 had the most growth with a height of 15 cm, followed by plants 7 and 5 with heights of 14.8 and 14.7, respectively.

21 Analysis Continued Create your own graph of the data.

22 Conclusion Is a discussion or judgment based on the analysis of the data. Must include: 1. Restatement of hypothesis indicating whether or not hypothesis was supported or not supported by the data. Explain why or why not. Be sure to use data to prove your statement of support or nonsupport. 2. Discussion/explanation of any sources of error and how you dealt with these errors. 3. Opinions (This lab was fun...) do not belong here

23 Example Conclusion The hypothesis stated that the plant with the most growth at the end of the testing period would be the plant that was exposed to 8 hours of light. This was because the plants exposed to 8 hours of light will be able to produce enough energy through photosynthesis to achieve the most growth. However, the data indicates that the plant with the most growth was exposed to only 6 hours of light with a height of 15 cm. This data shows that the hypothesis was not supported by the data. There appeared to be a serious error in measurement on day 5 with plant 4. This casts a shadow of doubt on all data because accurate measurements cannot be assured. As a result it is suggested that this experiment be repeated. It is also suggested that when this experiment is repeated measurements are taken by several individuals in order to minimize chances of error.

24 Discussion Identify what was learned by the experiment and explain why it was important.

25 Example Disscusion The outcome of this experiment shows that plant growth is in fact dependent on the amount of light available. This is important information so growers of this particular pea plant will be able to maximize their crop yield. This experiment also shows the importance of proper and accurate measurements of data.

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