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The Scientific Method A universal, organized approach to solving scientific problems.

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1 The Scientific Method A universal, organized approach to solving scientific problems.

2 Steps of the Scientific Method 1.Define the Problem 2.State a Hypothesis 3.Test the Hypothesis 4.Make Observations and Record Data 5.Analyze the data 6.State a Conclusion 7.Report the results

3 Step 1:Define the Problem Conduct Research –Make Observations Science is ultimately based on observation (perceiving objects or events using one of the five senses) –Ask Questions Observations often lead to questions ---> which lead to experiments to answer the questions.

4 Step 2: State a Hypothesis Hypothesis - a testable statement, can be shown to be true or false by experimenting or observation. –An Educated Guess or a possible solution to the problem. Prediction- A prediction is an expected outcome. –If the statement is true, then you would expect a certain result.

5 Examples of Hypotheses Good –1. Plants will grow taller when given Miracle Grow. –2. Girls will score higher on math tests than boys. –3. Hermit crabs choose colorful shells over drab shells. Bad –1. Plants will grow better when given Miracle Grow. –2. Girls are smarter than boys. –3. Hermit crabs like colorful shells.

6 Step 3: Test the Hypothesis Perform an experiment to see if your hypothesis works. Experimentation - a planned procedure designed to test the hypothesis.

7 The Experiment Experimental Group -receives some kind of treatment or condition Control Group - receives no treatment, used to compare **Everything about the two groups except the factor you are testing must remain exactly the same. Why?

8 Example of an experimental design Hypothesis: Plants will grow taller when given Miracle Grow. Plants A & B are both given the same amount of light, water, and are stored at the same temperature. Plant A is given Miracle Grow. All the variables are kept constant except the one you are testing. -What is the Experimental Group? -What is the Control Group?

9 Experimental design cont. Independent Variable - the factor you change, what you do to your exp. group. (Miracle Grow) Dependent Variable - what happens as a result of that treatment, what you are measuring (height of plant) Variable - Any factor that can change the outcome of an experiment. (List Examples)

10 Step 4:Make Observations and Record Data A scientist carefully collects and organizes data from the experiment. Data should always be presented in a neat fashion, usually tables or graphs. Height of Plants (cm)Title:

11 Steps 5: Analyze Data Accept or reject your original hypothesis. Depends on the data. Does the data support of refute your original hypothesis; “Plants will grow taller when given Miracle Grow?” Growth of Plant A with Miracle Grow vs. Growth of plant B without in cm. over time.

12 Step 6: State a Conclusion Conclusions: Based on the data, a scientist then determines whether the hypothesis was supported or refuted. What conclusions could you draw from the data tables. Is the hypothesis supported or refuted?

13 Step 7: Report the results Publish your results. Important so others can repeat your experiment and verify or negate your findings Adds to the body of scientific knowledge (“The Scientific Record”)

14 The Scientific Method is 1.Define the Problem 2.State a Hypothesis 3.Test the Hypothesis 4.Make Observations and Record Data 5.Analyze the data 6.State a Conclusion 7.Report the results A universal, organized approach to solving scientific problems.

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