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March 11, 2015. Update: DOK and ELs LEARN training.

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Presentation on theme: "March 11, 2015. Update: DOK and ELs LEARN training."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 11, 2015

2 Update: DOK and ELs LEARN training

3 ProcessPayoff Welcome, housekeeping 9-9:15  Assign a secretary for minutes  Timekeeper  Identification of roles and responsibilities Professional Learning 9:15-9:30  Report out/Share: Winthrop DOK and ELs training @ LEARN  Discussion: best practices  Identification of high quality instructional practices  Discussion of key “take-aways” Data 9:30-10:00 Graduation rates Retention data of ELs  Data Protocol  What do we notice?  What trends are we seeing?  Are more ELs graduating each year?  Understanding of the work  Analyze EL trend data over time  Identify focus areas Group Work 10:00-10:30 Report out 10:30-11:00  What is the data telling us about retention in our district?  What is our current protocol in NL on retention?  What changes in protocol can we recommend?  Are students being retained due to language?  Understanding of the work  Identification of roles and responsibilities of teachers and administration working with ELs  Clarification of action steps/strategies Next Steps 11:00-11:15 LAS LINKS progress monitoring tools LAS LINKS data (if available)  Supporting teachers in teaching and learning  Supporting student progress over time  Using data to inform instruction

4 Grade Mean Math RIT Score – F’14 Mean Math RIT Score – W’15 Change Mean Reading RIT Score – F’14 Mean Reading RIT Score – W’15 Change 3178.3184.6+6.3173.2183.3+10.1 4185.8189.9+4.1178.5185.1+6.6 5193.6199.1+5.5185.8189.4+3.6 (Note: EL Subgroup data for Grades 6 – 9 unavailable via NWEA reporting for Winter 2015)

5 Predictions: More retentions in the earlier years than the older years Retention rates have gone down from 2012-2014 Grad tates @ the HS for ELs are low and have not increased; stayed stagnant. H.S: ELs have gotten better, but worse than the general ed population Retention rated from 2012-2014 down for ELs and grad rates up for the same period Retention has decreased Retention higher at Jennings due to DL

6 YEAR (n) Gr. 12 All Students (n) Gr. 12 EL Students (n) Gr. 12 Not EL Students (n / %) Graduated All Students (n / %) ELs Graduated (n / %) Not ELs Graduated (n / %) ELs Retained (n / %) Not ELs Retained 201420529176 181 / 88.3%24 / 82.7%157 / 89.2% 5 / 17.2% 19 / 10.7% 201320541164 171 / 83.4%36 / 87.8%135 / 82.3% 5 / 12.2% 29 / 17.7% 201222340183 186 / 83.4%29 / 72.5%157 / 85.8% 11 / 27.5% 26 / 14.2%

7  2014: 29 ELs vs. 41 in 2013 and 40 in 2014  Grad rates increase for all students in 2012  2013: more ELs graduated percentage wise than other years  Direct correlation of higher graduation rates = lower retention rates (inverse relationship)  # of ELs graduating decreased in 2014  There was a decrease of ELs graduating from 2012 to 2013  There was increase in the number of retentions from 2012 to 2013  2014 was the year with the highest number of ELs graduating and the least amount retained.

8  Special education students vs homebound students: are they accounted for?  Did students drop out? Go to adult ed? Where are the ELs if they are not graduating?  If students complete HS within 4 years, they are more likely to attend college  How many ELs are attending college? How many have to take remedial work in college? (Drop out often happens here)  How many students are retained in 9 th or 10 th grade vs. 12 th ? What’s the outcome?  What is the % of students who were retained and then later drop- out?  What is the % of students retained and later graduate?  What’s the overall culture/philosophy in NLPS in regards to retention?  What % of students who drop-out were retained 1 or more times? When?

9 The district will develop specific criteria for retaining students at the elementary level to ensure that ELs are not being retained because of their ELD. The district will ensure that the criteria for retention are being applied equitably and consistently at each school. The criteria should include grades, test scores, each student’s initial and current language development in both English and their native language, the amount of time in the U.S., as well as in the district, and cognitive, social, and emotional development.

10  Examine current policy on retention  Read: Retention Guidelines for EL Students  Discussion with group: 1. What retention guidelines for ELs should be kept or eliminated?  2. Should anything else be included?  Be prepared to report out

11 A team decision consisting of administration, the classroom teacher, and support staff, including the ESL Teacher, should be used to determine retention of all English Learners. The only criteria that can make a New London Public School student eligible for retention when they receive ESL, special education, or other services, is lack of attendance (40% or more of the academic year), or failing to meet number of credits required for high school graduation.

12  Next meeting: April 8, 2015  LAS LINKS progress monitoring tools  LAS LINKS 2015 data if available

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