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Doctrine & Covenants 81-83 COUNSELORS AND CARING.

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1 Doctrine & Covenants 81-83 COUNSELORS AND CARING

2 In this revelation, He described the role of counselors and outlined blessings for those who are faithful in their ministry. Jesse Gause did not remain faithful, and the Lord called Frederick G. Williams, whose name now appears in Doctrine and Covenants 81, to take Brother Gause’s place in the Presidency. A month later, the Prophet Joseph Smith received Doctrine and Covenants 82. The Lord instructed on how to manage the temporal affairs of the Church. Four days later, Joseph Smith received Doctrine and Covenants 83, in which the Lord instructed Church leaders on how to care for widows and orphans.

3 Who has a calling? D&C 81:1-2 will help you Who is a counselor to someone right now? D&C 81:3-5 will help you Who has had a disagreement with someone else? D&C 82:2-4 will help you Who has sinned? D&C 82:7 will help you Who needs a blessing? D&C 82:10 will help you Who has friends that are not members of our faith? D&C 82:22 will help you Who knows someone who’s husband has died? D&C 83:1-6 will help you help them Doctrine & Covenants 81-83

4 “What we’re asking is for the missionary to prepare an outline [lesson plan] during personal and companion study, personalized for who will be taught that day” (in “Be One of the Greatest,” New Era, Mar. 2004, 14). “Missionaries prepare outlines to plan how they are going to teach an investigator according to his or her needs. The outline [lesson plan] helps the missionaries conceive the presentation in their own minds. If the presentation is well conceived, it is clear, and then the words will come easily as missionaries teach by the Spirit” (Elder Charles Didier, “Teaching from the Heart,” Ensign, June 2004, 8).

5 CIUFA Identify & Understand : Find one principle or doctrine (a great phrase) from your verses. Feel & Apply : How have you seen the power of this doctrine in your own life? What do you think God wants us to do because of this principle? Prepare “A Message from the Heart” using CIUFA 1.D&C 81:1-2 2.D&C 81:3-5 3.D&C 82:2-4 4.D&C 82:7 5.D&C 82:10 6.D&C 82:22 7.D&C 83:1-6

6 Doctrine & Covenants 81-83 COUNSELORS AND CARING

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