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Click to edit Master subtitle style Temperate Rain Forest’s.

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1 Click to edit Master subtitle style Temperate Rain Forest’s

2 Temperate forests grow in eastern North America, northeastern Asia, and western and central Europe.


4 Temperature goes from -30° C to 30° C. Precipitation is 75 to 150 cm is distributed evenly throughout the year. Soil is fertile and enriched with decaying litter. Canopy is moderately dense and allows light to penetrate, resulting in well-developed and richly diversified understory vegetation and stratification of animals. Climate


6 The world’s largest spruce, with tall, straight trunk from buttressed base, and broad crown of horizontal branches. Height - 160 ft. Diameter - 3-5 feet Needles - evergreen; 5/8 - 1" long Sitka Spruce Big leaf Maple Height – 30-70’ Diameter – 1-2 ½ ‘ Leaves – Shiny dark green above, paler below; opposite 6-10" long with 5 deep lobes. Known for the size of its leaves and its beautiful fall coloring, the Bigleaf Maple is often planted in parks and as a specimen tree in private gardens.

7 The animals consist of wolves, gray foxes, bobcats, deer, raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks, birds and insects. Because of deforestation, the Carolina parakeet became extinct in the early 1900's. Other animals, like the Mississippi sand hill crane, bears, woodland caribou, goshawks, wolves, fox, and mountain lions, are also becoming endangered.



10 1992 2006

11 Threats Humans threaten rainforests. It takes temperate rainforests hundred of years to mature, and so fires is a lasting danger. Another threat is clearing of rainforests to use the land for farming, plantations, dams or mining. Rainforest timber is valued for its beauty and usefulness. However, rainforest trees grow slowly so it is not economical to grow them in plantations for timber.

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