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The Death of a Peer during Adolescence Blakeley Collins CDFS 413.

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Presentation on theme: "The Death of a Peer during Adolescence Blakeley Collins CDFS 413."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Death of a Peer during Adolescence Blakeley Collins CDFS 413

2 Why I chose this topic? Personal experience

3 Target Audience Adolescents that have experienced the loss of of a peer Especially if it is from a drunk driving accident or other unexpected tragedy

4 Why is this group at risk? Lack of research More likely than any other age group to experience trauma (Jones) Number one cause of death during adolescents is automobile accidents Traumatic situations are especially dangerous to adolescents

5 At risk cont… Adolescents especially at risk for depression and PTSD 2 biggest predictors of PTSD: Exposure to violence Sudden unexpected death of a loved one

6 Ways to Cope (Ringler, 2000) 43% of participants in a study had lost a friend during high school 92% of participants found parents to give the most beneficial support Lack of awareness/trust in school counselor

7 Ways to cope cont… (O’Brien, 1991) Coping with the death of a peer suddenly made death seem very real Fear own death Varying emotions

8 Social Networking

9 (Williams, 2009) Linked with positive coping outcomes Inform others of memorial and funeral arrangements When adolescents posted comments to the online profile of a peer who had died, the language they used was as if they were talking directly to the deceased

10 Prevention Importance of drunk driving prevention Drunk driving will impact 1 in 3 people (MADD) Protecting You, Protecting Me Program Those who received the program had intentions to never ride with an alcohol impaired driver

11 Many adolescents are not aware of the serious consequences until it affects their lives personally (Bohman, 2004) Sense of invincibility Becomes an intense reality

12 Resources Available West Virginia Family Grief Center – Morgantown, WV Carruth Center- WVU MADD SADD

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