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UNIT 14 VOCABULARY REVIEW. continental shelf Off the beach, I stood on the continental shelf. a gently sloping, shallow area at the edge of a continent.

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2 continental shelf Off the beach, I stood on the continental shelf. a gently sloping, shallow area at the edge of a continent

3 continental slope The bottom of the ocean floor that drops to almost 4000 meters is the continental slope. the steep drop-off at the far edge of the continental shelf

4 abyssal plain The ocean floor is the deepest part and found along the abyssal plain. a smooth nearly flat region of the ocean floor

5 trench The lowest places on Earth are the deep sea-trenches. a deep canyon in the ocean floor

6 rift valley Along a divergent boundary, a rift valley can form along the ocean floor. valley that forms on land at a place where two plates are moving apart

7 wave Erosion along the beach takes place as the wave hits the shore. movement of energy through a body of water.

8 wavelength We can determine the strength of wind by measuring the wavelength of a wave. distance from one crest (top of wave) to the next crest

9 wave height Waves with large wave heights can do much damage when coming in contact with things on land. the up-and-down distance from a crest to a trough (bottom of wave)

10 frequency Waves can be measured by their frequency, or how quickly they may pass. the number of waves that pass a point in a certain amount of time

11 mid-ocean ridge In the center of the Atlantic Ocean is a mid-ocean ridge causing the Atlantic to get bigger. a very long underwater mountain range

12 mercantilism England used mercantilism to have the U.S. colonies provide products to sell to other countries in Europe. economic system that sells goods in colonial areas to increase wealth and power of the mother country

13 imperialism The United Kingdom would grow to be powerful and strong due to its focus on imperialism. Countries gaining colonies for the purpose of building an empire

14 nationalism As citizens began to believe in Hitler’s message, German nationalism increased. a fierce pride in their countries or homeland and wanting to be free from other nation’s control

15 militarism German militarism would increase and lead to the beginnings of World War II. build up of strong armed forces in order to defend homeland and colonies

16 alliances Great Britain, France, Russia, Serbia, and Belgium would have an alliance at the beginning of World War II. a union of countries to achieve a particular goal

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