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1 Water Safety Plan in Vietnam Urban Sector Water Safety Plan in Vietnam Urban Sector WASH TWG Meeting, Aug. 16, 2012 WASH TWG Meeting, Aug. 16, 2012 Ton.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Water Safety Plan in Vietnam Urban Sector Water Safety Plan in Vietnam Urban Sector WASH TWG Meeting, Aug. 16, 2012 WASH TWG Meeting, Aug. 16, 2012 Ton."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Water Safety Plan in Vietnam Urban Sector Water Safety Plan in Vietnam Urban Sector WASH TWG Meeting, Aug. 16, 2012 WASH TWG Meeting, Aug. 16, 2012 Ton Tuan Nghia, WHO Environmental Health NPO

2 2 Content Background of WSP Background of WSP WSP Programme in Vietnam WSP Programme in Vietnam Outcomes Outcomes Lessons learnt Lessons learnt Challenges Challenges Future Activities Future Activities

3 3 Background of WSP

4 4 Objectives of Water Supply Adequate quantity of water Adequate quantity of water With good quality With good quality Microbiologically/Chemically Microbiologically/Chemically safe and acceptable At an appropriate pressure At an appropriate pressure

5 5 Why Water Safety Plan needed? Traditional approach Traditional approach Curative, reactive Curative, reactive Water Safety Plan (WSP) Water Safety Plan (WSP) Preventive, proactive Preventive, proactive

6 6 Curative approach - Problems “…end-point testing is both limited in scope and late in giving feedback…” (Davison, Davis & Deere, 1999) Relying on monitoring at point of consumption means consumers have already drunk contaminated water by the time monitoring results come back from the lab Relying on monitoring at point of consumption means consumers have already drunk contaminated water by the time monitoring results come back from the lab Notification comes too late Notification comes too late E.g Walkerton, Canada, 7 dead E.g Walkerton, Canada, 7 dead Water was being tested Water was being tested Test results responded to too late Test results responded to too late Testing/standards are narrow. “Standards” implies a minimum level of water quality Testing/standards are narrow. “Standards” implies a minimum level of water quality E.g. Milwaukee, USA, 400,000 ill E.g. Milwaukee, USA, 400,000 ill Water complied with US standards Water complied with US standards No testing/standards for Cryptosporidium No testing/standards for Cryptosporidium Same is true for most pathogens/toxins Same is true for most pathogens/toxins Laboratory capacities are inadequate (in numbers and locations, hardware, software, and in human resources)

7 7 WSP preventive approach - Benefits WSP preventive approach - Benefits Notification comes in time Notification comes in time E.g monitoring chlorine residual on line E.g monitoring chlorine residual on line If residual drops, a correction is applied If residual drops, a correction is applied Consumers are protected Consumers are protected Same principle applies to all processes Same principle applies to all processes Risks are managed by control processes Risks are managed by control processes E.g. chlorine kills many pathogens E.g. chlorine kills many pathogens Control processes are tested and monitored Control processes are tested and monitored Many pathogens and toxins can be controlled by a small, manageable number of control processes Many pathogens and toxins can be controlled by a small, manageable number of control processes

8 8 Important Modern Concepts Prevent contamination, don’t wait for it to happen Prevent contamination, don’t wait for it to happen Use multiple barriers so that if one barrier fails, the water stays safe Use multiple barriers so that if one barrier fails, the water stays safe Use management systems to make water safety management reliable Use management systems to make water safety management reliable

9 9 Process Control Hazards WatershedConsumer Consumers Supplier Final Output WQ Final Output WQ Initial Input WQ Initial Input WQ Barrier 1 Output WQ Barrier 2 Input WQ Output WQ Barrier n Input WQ

10 10 Process Control Barrier failure! Consumers Supplier Hazards WatershedConsumer Final Output WQ Final Output WQ Initial Input WQ Initial Input WQ Barrier 1 Output WQ Barrier 2 Input WQ Output WQ Barrier n Input WQ

11 11

12 12 WSP Conceptual Framework Inputs Water Supplier Stakeholders Champion Staff / Management Time Commitment Facilities Materials / Equipment Knowledge Political Will / Motivation Funds Water Supply Improvements Health Improvements Water Safety Plan Impacts Socioeconomic Improvements Other Environmental Factors (Sanitation, Hygiene, Food, etc.) Institutional Changes Operational Changes Financial Changes Policy Changes Feedback Activities/Outputs Outcomes Months Years Preparation System Assessment Monitoring & Evaluation Management & Communic ation Feedback & Improvement

13 13 WSP – 11 Modules Assemble the WSP team Describe the water supply system Identify hazards and hazard events and assess the risks Identify hazards and hazard events and assess the risks Determine and validate control measures, reassess and prioritize the risks Determine and validate control measures, reassess and prioritize the risks Develop, implement and maintain an improvement/upgrade plan Develop, implement and maintain an improvement/upgrade plan Define monitoring of control measures Verify the effectiveness of the WSP Prepare management procedures Develop supporting programs Plan and carry out periodic review of the WSP Plan and carry out periodic review of the WSP Revise WSP following an accident

14 14

15 15 WSP Implementation in Vietnam

16 16 Urban Water Sector in Vietnam  Total No. of water supply companies (WSCs): 68. Most are one member Ltd.Co.  Service coverage: 70% pop in urban areas.  Authority: Administration of Technical Infrastructure (ATI- MoC)  Database of WSP, WATSAN in urban sector not available  Complicated and unrealistic WQ standards  Low water tariff to fully recover costs  High non-revenue water rate (average 30%)  Backward distribution network  Weak enforcement of regulation on WSP

17 17 Starting point of WSP Treatment plant and lab in Quang Tri WSC

18 18 WSP Programme Phase 1 & 2 under WHO/AusAid Partnership  Training on WSP: for all 68 WSCs (2006-2011)  Pilots of WSP implementation: 6 urban and 3 town pilots  Advocacy: National workshop/communication programme  Strengthening policy/regulation: Roundtable Meeting, a milestone Roundtable Meeting, a milestone Roadmap developed Roadmap developed Regulations on WSP issued, Dec 2008 Regulations on WSP issued, Dec 2008  Pilot of WS Investment Plan in Phase 2  Workshops/Study tours to share experience from pilots ● Hai Phong ● Hai Duong ● Hue ● Quang Tri ● Vung Tau ● Vinh Long

19 19Outcomes  Improved risk management : preventing oil spillage by booms, adding reservoirs, fish tanks for diagnosis, chlorine adsorption chamber or replacing liquid chlorine by javel  Improved operation/technology : optimizing chemical doses, on- line control measures (SCADA)  Reduced non-revenue water : upgrading pipe systems  Increased commitment of WSCs, staff awareness  Improved water quality: Hue case  Improved capacity of testing water quality: upgrading labs  Raised awareness of community  Improved consumers’ satisfaction: less complaints

20 20Outcomes Booms to prevent oil spillage Detect/adsorption of Chlorine leakage Fish tank for detecting water source pollution

21 21Outcomes Reservoirs for pre-sedimentation Pipes before and after upgrading Covers of filtration tanks Cleaning pipes

22 22Outcomes Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) On-line monitoring 3 main parameters Upgraded laboratory Electrohydrolysis of salt to produce Javel

23 23 Outcomes Joys of drinking water directly from the tap in Hue Testing wate quality at household

24 24 Lessons Learnt  A holistic approach needed  Water source protection: roles of stakeholders  Risk analysis and mgmt: core task of WSP, logic behind WSP Manual  Weak enforcement of regulations/lack of incentives  Lack of investment plan at WSCs/ mechanism for access to funding sources/donors  WHO QA Tool: wide application vs confused WSP concept  Network of WSP: useful and necessary

25 25Challenges  Increased water source pollution due to rapid urbanization and industrialization  Ensuring sustainability of WSP after WHO’s support  Health impacts: difficult to evaluate separately  Setting up channels of investment for WSP  Expanding WSP to rural water supply schemes  Implementing a stringent water quality monitoring  Availability of qualified and competent personnel  Meeting consumers’ expectations

26 26 Future Activities  Ready for Phase 3 (4 years) under WHO/AusAid Partnership, 14 countries in two regions.  Co-operation among agencies, sectors in water source protection  Role of local governments – important via steering committee establishment  Mechanism for enforcement of WSP regulation to be set up  Scaling up WSP in urban sector  Commencement of WSP in rural sector

27 27 Thanks for your attention! Thanks for your attention!

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