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Early migrations to the Americas Around 13,000 BC, humans traveled from Siberia to Alaska.

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3 Early migrations to the Americas Around 13,000 BC, humans traveled from Siberia to Alaska.

4 Teotihuacan, Mayas, Olmecs

5 The Olmecs The Olmecs (“rubber people”) lived near the Gulf of Mexico around 1,200 BC. First complex society in the Americas. Eclipsed (taken over) by others around 400 BC..



8 Olmec pyramid at La Venta

9 La Venta mosaic

10 The Mayans Classic Mayan society lasted from 500 BC to AD 900 when the Toltecs began to overtake them. Built pyramid temples (Chichen Itza)..

11 Chichen Itza

12 Temple of the Giant Jaguar

13 Accomplishments in hieroglyphic writing, mathematics, astronomy, and chronology. Bloodletting rituals were important to satisfy the gods..

14 Maya writing


16 Teotihuacan Located in the Highlands of Mexico. High point between AD 400 and AD 600. Colossal pyramids of sun and moon..

17 Teotihuacan


19 The Aztecs Around 1325, migrated from northern Mexico to present-day Mexico City. Called their island city, Tenochtitlan (“Place of the Prickly-Pear Cactus”). By 1500, they had conquered much of present-day Mexico..

20 .

21 Human sacrifices were important to their religious beliefs. The sun was their main god..


23 Polytheistic religion. Three main gods were Tezcatlipoca (giver and taker of life), Quetzalcoatl (supporter of agriculture, arts, and crafts), and Huitzilopochtli (supporter of warriors). Language was Nahuatl..

24 Quetzalcoatl

25 Aztecs and other Ancient Americans

26 Artist’s conception of Cahokia


28 .

29 Early societies of South America Chavin cult 900 BC-300 BC. Located in Peru. Had a polytheistic religion..

30 Chavin Huantar


32 Nazca 200 BC-AD 800 in southern Peru. Carved out mysterious lines in soil..

33 Nazca lines



36 Moche AD 300 to AD 700 in northern Peru. Built an enormous temple dedicated to the sun..


38 Moche temple of the Sun

39 Inside Moche temple of the Sun

40 Mochica

41 Mochica art

42 The Incas Empire included present- Empire included present- day Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and part of Chile. Reached height of power from AD 1200 to 1532. Worshipped the sun. The emperor was known as the “Son of the Sun.” Through couriers, messages could travel 140 miles per day..

43 .

44 Didn’t have a writing system. Kept records through a device called a quipu (a bundle of strings) Capital was Cuzco. Language was Quechua. Excellent engineers (Machu Picchu); built by Emperor Pachakuti..

45 Machu Picchu


47 Christopher Columbus of Genoa (Italy) Hero or villain? Discoverer or invader? One certainty: the world was transformed. Sought a new route (west) to Asia. Received financial support from Spanish King Ferdinand and his wife, Queen Isabella..


49 Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria

50 Columbus departed from Spain in August 1492. In October he reached an island in the Bahamas. He made three subsequent Voyages (1493, 1498, 1502)...

51 European exploration in the Atlantic Ocean, 1486-1498. Page: 615 Page: 615

52 Encountered Taino (Arawak) people on present-day Hispaniola. After some of his men were killed, he enslaved some Taino. Discovered clockwise circulation of Atlantic winds and currents..


54 Explorers: Christopher Columbus

55 VI. Amerigo Vespucci of Florence (Italy) A. Voyage to the Caribbean in 1498. First to A. Voyage to the Caribbean in 1498. First to call the lands, mundus novus (new world). call the lands, mundus novus (new world). Hence, in the 16 th C., European Hence, in the 16 th C., European geographers called the new continents, the geographers called the new continents, the Americas. Americas.

56 Amerigo Vespucci of Florence (Italy) Voyage to the Caribbean in 1498. First to call the lands, mundus novus (new world). Hence, in the 16 th C., European geographers called the new continents, the Americas..

57 .

58 Chinese and European voyages of exploration, 1405-1498. Chinese and European voyages of exploration, 1405-1498. Page: 596 Page: 596

59 European exporation in the Pacific Ocean, 1519-1780. European exporation in the Pacific Ocean, 1519-1780. Page: 620 Page: 620

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