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Schlumberger – OFS1 / New to Canada Payroll Employee Benefit Presentation 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Schlumberger – OFS1 / New to Canada Payroll Employee Benefit Presentation 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Schlumberger – OFS1 / New to Canada Payroll Employee Benefit Presentation 2016

2 Schlumberger-Private Agenda  Schlumberger’s Flexible Health Benefits - New to Canada? - Flex Benefit Options – Health, Dental, Insurance & Disability - How to select the right benefits for you - How to Enroll online - Managing your claims throughout the year - Additional Employee Benefits  Schlumberger’s Financial Benefits - Defined Contribution Pension Plan (DCPP), Deferred Profit Sharing Plan (DPSP) - Group Registered Retirement Saving Plans (RRSPs), Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSA) - Discounted Stock Purchase Plan (DSPP)  Websites & Questions

3 Schlumberger-Private New to Canada? 3

4 Schlumberger-Private Provincial Health Care Plans  The Schlumberger group health plan works in conjunction with the government sponsored health plan  You must be a member of the provincial healthcare plan to participate in the Schlumberger group plan  To apply and obtain a provincial health care card visit Service Canada:  ml ml

5 Schlumberger-Private The group & government plan work together!  The government provides coverage for some medical services including doctor visits and hospital stays – just show your provincial healthcare card!  The Schlumberger group plan provides supplementary coverage for items such as prescription drugs, dental treatments, and paramedical services.

6 Schlumberger-Private Flex Benefit Options – Health, Dental, Insurance & Disability 6

7 Schlumberger-Private Introduction to Flex Benefits  You have a variety of benefits to choose from  Schlumberger provides you with enough flex dollars to pay the full cost of option 2 for both health and dental coverage  You also receive additional flex dollars to use where you choose  Each benefit has different options with different price tags  If you have leftover flex dollars, you can deposit them into your Health Care Spending Account (HCSA) or Wellness Spending Account (WSA)  What you don’t pay for with flex dollars, you can cover with payroll deductions

8 Schlumberger-Private Your Benefit Choices  2 – 4 weeks after your start date, you will receive an Enrollment Package – with a copy of the Enrollment Guide and a letter with your temporary PIN to access the online enrollment tool  You will have 30 days from the date listed on your letter to enroll  Your benefit choices will be in effect from your hire date or first day on Canada payroll until the end of the plan year (December 31)  Any claims incurred after your start date, can be claimed once you are set up in the system

9 Schlumberger-Private Schlumberger Flex

10 Schlumberger-Private Provincial Health Care British Columbia  Schlumberger pays 50% of the cost of your BC provincial health care premium  Required in BC only  Complete Schlumberger Group Benefits Form

11 Schlumberger-Private Covering Your Dependents You can cover:  Yourself  Yourself + one dependent  Yourself + two or more dependents  

12 Schlumberger-Private Extended Health Care Option 1Option 2Option 3 Reimbursement For all eligible expenses 70% 90% 100% Prescription drugs Deductible Dispensing fee HospitalSemi-private Private Vision care (24 months)None$150 (PVS)$350(PVS) Paramedical services Maximum per service$500 $1,000 Annual combined max$1,500 Orthotics (annual max)$150

13 Schlumberger-Private Dental Option 1Option 2Option 3Option 4 Deductible None No coverage Basic dental Recall exams Periodontics 70% 6 months 16 units 90% 6 months 16 units 100% 6 months 16 units Major dental Crowns 50% Included 70% Included 80% Included Combined maximum $1,500$2,000$3,000 Orthodontia Under age 18 Lifetime max No coverage 50% $2,000 50% $3,000

14 Schlumberger-Private Life Insurance BasicOptional Paid for by…SchlumbergerYou AutomaticYesNo Coverage  For you2 x your admissible compensation Multiples of $25,000  For your spouse$10,000Multiples of $25,000  For your child(ren)$5,000Multiples of $5,000  Schlumberger-paid premiums are taxable  Additional optional coverage requires EOI

15 Schlumberger-Private Accident Insurance BasicOptional Paid for by…SchlumbergerYou AutomaticYesNo Coverage  For you2 x your admissible compensation Multiples of $25,000  For your spouseN/AMultiples of $25,000  For your child(ren)N/AMultiples of $5,000  No evidence of insurability is required for AD&D coverage

16 Schlumberger-Private Business Travel Accident Insurance You*Spouse Paid for by…Schlumberger MandatoryYes Coverage4.5 x eligible compensation$50,000 Maximum$1,000,000$50,000 *Spouse is covered only if Schlumberger requested that they travel with you.

17 Schlumberger-Private Short-term Disability Coverage  Fully paid by Schlumberger  Available for 26 weeks  Equal to 100% of your base pay for Office Employees and 130% of base pay for Field Employees  No options to choose

18 Schlumberger-Private Long-Term Disability Option 1Option 2Option 3 Formula60% of first $3,000 + 50% of next $4,000 + 45% of remainder 65% of first $7,500 + 50% of remainder 65% of first $7,500 + 50% of remainder Indexing No Yes Monthly maximum $15,000

19 Schlumberger-Private Long-Term Disability (continued) LTD options – Someone earning $80,000 Option 1Option 2Option 3 Monthly cost$96.84$122.08$133.08 Monthly benefit$3,633$4,333 Monthly benefit in five years$3,633$4,333$5,024

20 Schlumberger-Private Your Health Care Spending Account How it works :  Schlumberger provides each employee with $300 in flex dollars  You’ll use your flex dollars to pay for the benefits you choose  Depending on your benefits selections, you may have leftover flex dollars  This amount can be deposited into your HCSA or Wellness Spending Account  You can use the funds in your HCSA for reimbursement for any eligible medical expense (per CRA)  The best part is that it’s tax free!

21 Schlumberger-Private Your Health Care Spending Account Examples of eligible expenses:  The percentage of dental or health care related expenses that you pay  Prescription drug dispensing fees  Eyeglasses, contact lenses, or laser surgery  Orthodontia or other dental expenses not covered under your dental option  Health care expenses of relatives who are financially dependent on you, but not covered by Schlumberger Flex, like a parent or sibling

22 Schlumberger-Private Wellness Spending Account  Your allocation – January 1  You pay tax each January on your wellness claims made in the previous year.  You submit claims to Great-West Life just as you would for your HCSA  Claim forms will be available on the Great West Life GroupNet website

23 Schlumberger-Private Wellness Spending Account Examples of eligible expenses:  Vitamins and supplements  Orthopedic beds & pillows  Cholesterol and hypertension screening  Health assessments/ screening  Allergy tests  Reflexologists  Herbalist  Homeopaths  Athletic therapists  Maternity services  Health education programs  Exercise physiologists  Chinese medical practitioners  Shiatsu therapists  Osteopathic practitioners  Acupressurists  Occupational therapists  Fitness equipment (excluding apparel and footwear)  Fitness league fees  Fitness classes  LTD premiums  Comprehensive medical exams  Naturopathic medicines  Financial Planning

24 Schlumberger-Private Your HCSA & WSA The fine print:  Flex dollars expire two plan years after deposit  You must claim expenses in the year they occur  Flex dollars may only be withdrawn to reimburse eligible expenses  If your employment with Schlumberger ends or you are transferred outside of Canada, any eligible claims incurred before you leave must be received by Great-West Life within 90 days of your last day at work; after that, your HCSA & WSA dollars will be forfeited. You have two years!

25 Schlumberger-Private How to select the right benefits for you 25

26 Schlumberger-Private What you need to think about Health and Dental  Look at this year’s claims  Think about what’s changed  Chronic conditions?  The need for major dental work?  Orthodontia planned?  Talk to your doctor and dentist

27 Schlumberger-Private What you need to think about (continued) Life and Accident Coverage  Think about your current financial obligations  Determine what your future income needs will be  What would your family need if you weren’t there?  Consider other insurance coverage you may have

28 Schlumberger-Private What you need to think about (continued) Long-Term Disability  Think about your current financial obligations  Consider other family income  Determine what your future income needs will be

29 Schlumberger-Private Coordinating Your Benefits  Does your spouse have a benefit plan?  Receive up to 100% coverage by coordinating your two plans  By choosing a lower option with a less expensive price tag, you’ll have more flex dollars to direct elsewhere or deposit into your HCSA/WSA.

30 Schlumberger-Private Coordinating Your Benefits An example  Marco has chosen Extended Health Option 1 (70% reimbursement)  Marco has $400 in physiotherapy claims to submit Submits $400 claim to SLB Flex (70%) Receives a reimbursement of $280 Submits to his spouse’s plan Receives a reimbursement for the remaining $120

31 Schlumberger-Private What you need to think about (continued) Taxable Benefits  Premiums on a number of benefits are taxable  You’ll see the amount on your pay slip  You pay tax on:  Flex dollars used to pay for life insurance  Flex dollars used to pay for accident insurance  Business travel accident insurance premiums  Wellness Account reimbursements

32 Schlumberger-Private Want more information? Enrollment Guide Plan summary Help with decision-making Real life examples

33 Schlumberger-Private How to Enroll

34 Schlumberger-Private How to Enroll

35 Schlumberger-Private How to Enroll (continued) Step 1: Log on  Go to the YBR website  You can sign on from any computer with Internet access  Use your General Identification Number (GIN) and your Your Benefits Resources TM (YBR) PIN to log on  If you have forgotten your PIN, just click on “I Forgot My PIN” on the home page

36 Schlumberger-Private How to Enroll (continued) Step 2: Select your benefits The YBR website will guide you to  Verify your contact information  Verify your dependent information  Choose your benefit options for you and your dependents  Review your beneficiary(ies)  Allocate any excess flex dollars to your HCSA or Wellness Account

37 Schlumberger-Private How to Enroll (continued) Step 2: Select your flex benefits  Save your choices if you need to leave the YBR website before you have completed your enrollment  You can continue where you left off next time you log on  Once you click on “OK” your choices will be saved and will become your coverage for next year

38 Schlumberger-Private How to Enroll (continued) Step 3: Complete your forms  You may need to complete beneficiary designation forms for your life and AD&D insurance  If you choose optional life insurance for you or your spouse, you will need to fill out an Evidence of Insurability (EOI) form  If you don’t return your signed forms, your changes, including any new beneficiary designation, will not take effect

39 Schlumberger-Private How to Enroll (continued) BenefitDefault Coverage Extended Health CareOption 1 Provincial Health Care (BC only)Current coverage DentalOption 1 Basic Employee Life2 x eligible compensation Basic Spouse Life (if on file)$10,000 Basic Child Life (if on file)$5,000 Basic AD&D2 x eligible compensation Long-Term Disability (LTD)Option 1 Any excess flex dollarsDeposited to your Wellness Account If you don’t enroll

40 Schlumberger-Private Changing Your Benefits  Life changes! So can your benefits  There are two types of opportunities to change your coverage:  During the annual enrollment period each year  After you have a life event  Be sure to make your benefit changes on the enrollment tool within 30 days of any life event  Life events include marriage, divorce, the birth or adoption of a child, the death of a dependent, or your spouse losing his or her benefits coverage.

41 Schlumberger-Private Managing your claims throughout the year

42 Schlumberger-Private Submitting Your Claims  Great-West Life (GWL) is the benefits provider for Schlumberger Flex  You can submit claims many ways:  Paper forms  Online via Great West Life’s Group Net for Plan Members website  Mobile App (for iPhone, Android or Blackberry)  Automatically with your Assure Card (prescription drugs) at the pharmacy  Wellness Account claims may only be submitted via paper claim form

43 Schlumberger-Private GroupNet for Plan Members Sign up for GroupNet  Click “GroupNet for Plan Members”  Click “Register now”  Follow the registration instructions to choose your own user name and password.

44 Schlumberger-Private Mobile App

45 Schlumberger-Private Additional Employee Benefits

46 Schlumberger-Private Shepell  fgi Employee and Family Assistance Program  Confidential help with work and life issues  Services include:  Professional counseling including an online program.  Access to subject matter experts.  Online resources, tools, articles, action plans and self-directed help kits on real and relevant issues. or 1-866-833-7690

47 Schlumberger-Private NAM Fitness Reimbursement*  Employees can be reimbursed for fitness costs up to $210 per 6 months  January through June (H1) submitted in July, July through December (H2) submitted in January  Reimbursable Expenses  Monthly gym membership dues (registration dues are not reimbursable)  - Fitness class dues/costs (i.e., Pilates, Yoga, Kick-boxing, Spinning, etc.)  - Fitness-related activities such as tennis lessons, rowing lessons, rock climbing, personal trainer, etc.  Not Reimbursable  Recreational activities such as golf, skiing and non-physical fitness-related expenses such as Weight Watchers will not be reimbursed. League Fees will not be reimbursed.

48 Schlumberger-Private Global Medical Assistance  For use with business or personal travel (can be used in Canada outside of your province, or anywhere outside of Canada)  Covers a variety of costs resulting from a medical emergency while traveling (read Global Medical Assistance brochure for full services offered)  Treatment charges are paid by the employee and then reimbursed through the Great-West Life

49 Schlumberger-Private Schlumberger’s Financial Benefits  Defined Contribution Pension Plan (DCPP)  Deferred Profit Sharing Plan (DPSP)  Group Registered Retirement Saving Plan (RRSP)  Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA)  Discounted Stock Purchase Plan (DSPP)

50 Schlumberger-Private Defined Contribution Pension Plan Eligibility – First of the month following 3 months of service  Contributions are made each pay period as a percentage of your total pay  You will be automatically enrolled at a 3% contribution rate in order to maximize company contributions  Schlumberger will contribute 2% automatically, and will additionally match your contribution up to 3%.  You can contribute a maximum of 5%, bringing your maximum possible contribution to 10%  Vested immediately in Employer Funds  EE 5% + ER 2% (basic) + ER 3% (match)

51 Schlumberger-Private Deferred Profit Sharing Plan (DPSP) Eligibility – First of the month following one year of service  Vested after 3 years of service  Based on profitability, the Company will contribute up to 15% of your admissible compensation to your DPSP account  For Example: (2015 award was 6%)  If the employee’s admissible compensation was $80,000.00 and the profit sharing award was 6%, the dollar figure would translate to $4,800.00

52 Schlumberger-Private Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)  A savings plan registered with the Canadian federal government allowing you to save for the future on a tax-sheltered basis.  An RRSP is an investment portfolio. It can contain a variety of investments  What makes an RRSP special is that your contributions to it are tax deductible and your portfolio grows tax sheltered.  Eligibility - voluntary participation on the first day of the month following 3 months of service  No Company contributions  Voluntary contributions (payroll deductions) up to your RRSP contribution limit - if you don’t know your limit, contact the Canada Revenue Agency

53 Schlumberger-Private Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA)  A flexible, registered, general-purpose savings vehicle that allows you to earn tax-free investment income  Voluntary contribution up to $5,500 annually  Investment income earned & withdrawals from a TFSA are tax-free.  Contributions are not tax-deductible.

54 Schlumberger-Private Pension and Profit Sharing Package  Sun Life is our benefits carrier for the financial benefits  Employees receive a Financial benefits package with information on how to access their accounts  Transfer ins to Canada will receive this 2 – 4 weeks after their start date  New Hires will receive this 6 weeks before they are eligible, so about 6 – 8 weeks after their start date 54

55 Schlumberger-Private Sun Life website Retirement and Savings  Check out your Sun Life retirement and savings accounts  How much are you contributing? Should you be contributing more?  Have you used the Sun Life financial planning tools?  What about your investments?

56 Schlumberger-Private What you need to think about (continued) Retirement and Savings  “MAX Review” to update your beneficiary information  Click on the “Edit” button at the top of the screen  No form to sign and no form to mail

57 Schlumberger-Private Discount Stock Purchase Plan (DSPP) Eligibility – Employees are eligible upon hire, but can only enroll in June or December  Employees can contribute 1 to 10% of their total pay towards DSPP  Your DSPP balance accumulates throughout the plan period (January through June and July though December)  On the last day of the plan period, you automatically purchase as many shares of stock as you can with your DSPP balance  Price is determined as: lower of the stock price on the first trading day of the plan period (July 1st Or Jan 1st) or the last trading day of the plan period (June 30th or Dec 31st) less 7.5%

58 Schlumberger-Private Discount Stock Purchase Plan (DSPP) Plan Period July 1, 2015 – Dec 31, 2015 Price on July 1, 2014 Price on Dec 31, 2014 $85.30$69.69 -7.5% Purchase Price is $64.47 USD Example:

59 Schlumberger-Private Discount Stock Purchase Plan (DSPP)  Certify your tax status  W-8BEN FOR NON-US CITIZENS/RESIDENTS OR W9 FOR US RESIDENTS/TAX PAYERS  If you don’t certify your tax status, you will be subject to an automatic US Tax withholding (28%) as required by the US Internal Revenue Service (US tax authorities).  Questions: Contact Computershare Shareowner Services (previously known as BNY Mellon). or +1-866-752-3777 in USA or +1-201-329-8253 outside

60 Schlumberger-Private Websites and Questions  Houston HR Hub  AskHR is your one-stop shop for all HR related questions 1-877-9-ASKHR-9 1-877-927-5479 Online : http://askhr.slb.com E-mail:

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