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How To Review. Introduction  What makes your idea for fit for purpose ?  This is where you will reflect on the project you chose and discuss the aspects.

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Presentation on theme: "How To Review. Introduction  What makes your idea for fit for purpose ?  This is where you will reflect on the project you chose and discuss the aspects."— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Review

2 Introduction  What makes your idea for fit for purpose ?  This is where you will reflect on the project you chose and discuss the aspects of your story relating to the brief and target audience.  What literary qualities have you thought of in your idea that gives it potential?  This is where you will think about your characters and plot devices and compare them to other game stories. You will also consider comments from peers and refer to you own work and comparison to other similar story genres.  Cathedrae – this is the name of a game story I’m using as an example.

3 Open up word  Save it as ‘Asst 2 Story Review’  What have you written about in Asst 2?  Add the following headings  INTRODUCTION  FITNESS FOR PURPOSE  COMPONENTS  CHARACTERS, PLOT DEVICES AND THE NARRATIVE APPROACH  APPLICATION OF WRITING STRATEGY

4 FITNESS FOR PURPOSE  Explain how the story-work you have completed meets the project  client brief, original idea, franchise etc.)  Target audience.  Reflect on the project Example  Cathedrae is about opposing clans seeking to dominate and gain full power of the land of England. The genre is an RPG adventure similar to Skyrim, Fallout and GTA: San Andreas as they are faction, clan or gang based and GTA: San Adnreas is about bying for territory. My peer said that they that have proved a successful series of game stories and this should appeal to that target audience. The target audience for Cathedrae are 16+, male or female who enjoy playing adventure story games. They are core gamers and will own consoles or play games on the PC. Cathedrae appeals to this audience as it contains themes appropriate to 16+ with violence and war as well as revenge.

5 COMPONENTS  Theme and premise,  Setting and context  Back-story.  The theme of my story was revenge for breaking a code of honour amongst warring clans. This is similar to GAME X which … … … The setting is England in Saxon times during the 5th Century where kings and clans were vying for power and privilege. This setting fits in well with the role-playing genre of games such as Skyrim (elder Scrolls series) that are based on clans and factions although the setting and context differs as Skyrim is a fictional world based in the land of Skyrim, a province of the Empire on the continent of Tamriel. My game called Cathedrae is based on historical clans and kings in Saxon times. My peer said they liked this setting and context and that it reminded them of the popular book and TV show called Game of Thrones and it could be popular at this time.”

6 CHARACTERS, PLOT DEVICES AND THE NARRATIVE APPROACH Example I have used the three-act structure with a clear thesis (beginning), and I used the struggle between the hero Octa and his sidekick Eadbald as an effective antithesis (middle). I used my hero’s sidekick to create this conflict which added an unexpected plot twist with Eadbald turning on Octa because he was wanting the adulation that Octa was receiving for his efforts whilst he was getting none. I foreshadowed this at in the thesis where a cut-scene showed Octa receiving great adulation from the pack leader for his heroism and strength at a defeating a local clan. Eadbald was sat in the side-lines looking disappointed at not being mentioned once and the storyboard shows an unknown character approach him and whisper something in his ear. Having Eadbald turn on Octa introduces part of his character- backstory to the narrative as Eadbald was the second born and was largely ignored by his father who adored his older brother who was an aggressive, strong hunter and Eadbald was a more creative type who spent most of the time on his own. His father largely ignored whatever Eadbald did and always compared his lack of strength to his older brother Eadric. On another occasion I would consider a MacGuffin to improve the suspension of disbelief early in the story as Octa has unnatural strength without any clear explanation why. My peer and I think my plot was weak here and not very believable. I would improve this by giving Octa a reason for his strength with something like a mysterious vow that he took as the first born that can be broken if Octa … … …. In the synthesis (End) I have develped two different narratives, one where Octa has to sacrifice his life to gain revenge and another where Eadbald sacrifices his life. My peer and I think this is adequate but would be better if the end involved the hero alone. I would consider using the Macguffin mentioned above where Octa’s revenge can only be achieved by breaking the secret vow that gives him his strength or allowing a person to go free by refusing to break the vow.

7 APPLICATION OF WRITING STRATEGY  Pre-writing,  Drafting  Revision Example I used my pre-writing strategy when I brainstormed my ideas with a group. I made two drafts, but I only planned to have one – the second draft was needed because I got involved in a complicated storyline which did not lead my hero to the goal I had chosen for his journey. Having done this I think I would spend more time in the planning stages using a flowcharting tool to ensure that goals and certain plot points are clearly indicated before drafting.’

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