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I couldn’t tell fact from fiction Or if my dream was true, The only sure prediction In this whole world was you. I’d touched your features inchly, Heard.

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Presentation on theme: "I couldn’t tell fact from fiction Or if my dream was true, The only sure prediction In this whole world was you. I’d touched your features inchly, Heard."— Presentation transcript:


2 I couldn’t tell fact from fiction Or if my dream was true, The only sure prediction In this whole world was you. I’d touched your features inchly, Heard love and dared the cost. The scented spiel reeled me unreal And found my senses lost. 1. What is rhythm? 2. Does this poem have rhythm? 3. Identify two examples of alliteration in this poem.

3 Last night I dreamed of chickens, there were chickens everywhere, they were standing on my stomach, they were nesting in my hair, they were pecking at my pillow, they were hopping on my head, they were ruffling up their feathers as they raced about my bed. They were on the chairs and tables, they were on the chandeliers, they were roosting in the corners, they were clucking in my ears, there were chickens, chickens, chickens for as far as I could see... when I woke today, I noticed there were eggs on top of me. 4. Label this poem to show the rhyme scheme. 5. How many lines are in this poem? How many stanzas?

4 6. “As the winter winds litter London with lonely hearts…” “Winter Winds” - Mumford and Sons 7. “And let the sun wrap its arms around me.” “Soul Meets Body” – Death Cab for Cutie 8. “Hear the sound of the falling rain coming down like an Armageddon flame.” “Holiday” – Green Day 6. What sound device is present in this lyric? Explain. 7. Identify the type of figurative language in this lyric. Explain. 8. Identify the type of figurative language in this lyric. Explain.

5 It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know By the name of Annabel Lee; And this maiden she lived with no other thought Than to love and be loved by me. 9. Does this poem contain examples of assonance or consonance? Explain.

6 Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if I had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. 10. Is this poem a ballad, elegy, epic, haiku, limerick, lyric, narrative, ode, or sonnet? How do you know?

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