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Faculty of Civil Engineering Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty of Civil Engineering Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty of Civil Engineering Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer Technische Universität Dresden MIS 1 Management Information Systems Part 4: Communication Prof. Dr.-Ing. Raimar J. Scherer Institute of Construction Informatics Dresden, 10.12.2012

2 Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer MIS Technische Universität Dresden 2 Overall Process of an Engineering System Treatment 1.System Capturing High level definition of the purpose, functions, processes and behaviour Formal Representation of the System (IDEF0) structure = {O,R} based on a specific meta model (= O-O-Model) development of a data model as an O-O-schema = ideal data structure of the concepts 3.transformation of the conceptual data model in a relational database model 4.implementation of the schema in a data base software; today being most appropriate as a relational data structure (approximations) 5.instantiation of an engineering model = configure the domain-specific engineering model from the data model 6.numerical program for the computation of the system behaviour = simulation = prognosis based on a model + model assumptions + quantitative values (statistics) (= {O-O + Impl.} + {Instantiation} ) 7.Communication M2M: between data base (= information) and computation program (= numerics) = data exchange (data conversion by importing program) M2H: Reports, i.e. graphical and alphanumerical representation of results (output and system changes) but also input, model and model assumptions 8.Monitoring + Evaluation + Reporting

3 Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer MIS Technische Universität Dresden 3 H2H Communication Structural Engineer Architect Column Pilar Support … Example Problem1 Synonyms Problem2 Fuzzy formulation i.e. neither expressions nor syntax is sufficiently standardized nor standard is error free applied 1)Voice - direct - telefon 2)Written - mail - fax - email with attachments - drawings - sketches - reports Communication Media Remind: email is not M2M communication structural model architectural model a common language

4 Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer MIS Technische Universität Dresden 4 M2M Communication Problem: Models are not harmonized, i.e. developed independently  Problem 1 different semantics Problem 2 different context & meaning Structural EngineerArchitect Interoperable Semantics = a common language Structural ModelArchitectural Model

5 Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer MIS Technische Universität Dresden 5 DataOutput Graphical representation Alphanumerical representation Multimedial representation Graphical interactive tools Intelligent tools H2M Communication curves, charts, diagrams, iso-lines, tables, reports DataInput

6 Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer MIS Technische Universität Dresden 6 M2M Communication - Need m a data model for each domain to express our engineering model m a language to communicate our engineering model m a mapping to translate the engineering model from one domain to another domain

7 Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer MIS Technische Universität Dresden 7 M2M Communication – Realization Goal: The 2 API and the external data format must become a homogeneous unit AUTOCAD internal.DWG Application Programming Interface X-CAD internal.DXX external data format e.g. XML-format (SPF: STEP physical File) domain data model domain data model Virtual common data model Description language Application Programming Interface Schema (XML, EXPRESS, EXPRESS-G) Schema (XML, EXPRESS, EXPRESS-G)

8 Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer MIS Technische Universität Dresden 8 M2M: Mapping m In the Application Programming Interface a data mapping happens, which converts data from a source data model into a destination data model  Transformation of data types (string  integer)  Transformation of coordinate systems (global x,y  local x‘,y‘)  Transformation of dimensions (m  mm)  Transformation of data structure (object  attribute)

9 Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer MIS Technische Universität Dresden 9 Integration of Tools = Client-Server-System Architect Structural Engineer HVAC Engineer Controls Engineer Constr. Manager Facilities Manager Building Owner Civil Engineer Tool to Tool Communication with individual languages common data model Architect Structural Engineer HVAC Engineer Controls Engineer Constr. Manager Facilities Manager Building Owner Civil Engineer Tools to one common data bank communication with one standardized language Big problem: Who takes care about the data? CIO takes care about data IFC=Industry Foundation Classes

10 Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer MIS Technische Universität Dresden 10 Information Space Client 1 Client 2 Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 …………….. Client 5 ………. Client n …………….. Server 6 ………. Server m Information (data) is distributed Web- Service 2 Web- Service 1 …………………….……………… Web-Service k tools are distributed, too

11 Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer MIS Technische Universität Dresden 11 Structured Information Space C1 C2Cn ….. (Corba), GRID, P2P Services Servers = Browser (= GUI) = intelligent Internet = water supply program (our EXCEL) = Data base (our ACCESS) Client-Layer Middle-Ware-Layer Service Layer Server Layer

12 Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer MIS Technische Universität Dresden 12 XML XML (Extensible Markup Language) m it is an extention of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) m it is used to structure plain text m it is based on the tagging (markup) method m it was invented to describe the layout of text, i.e. to separate text from the layout (printout) of text. example Water System Water Supply Each software/printer can now choose in structured way, what font size, font type, numbering, etc. it will use. This a) can be the same b) must be different This is defined in a DTD = data type definition file ( it is analogue to the Schema def)

13 Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer MIS Technische Universität Dresden 13 XML m It was recognized, that the tagging method can be used for any kind of text, i.e. also for data (exchange) and for the data schema (=DTD) m Drawback: the data files are becoming very big. The tagging strings amount is more than the data amount. However computer power and bandwidth made it possible to use. m Information (libraries etc.) can be included in the XML file from files located anywhere in the web by using URL m Schema files can be exchanged, too. For instance they can be used to overwrite the standard schema to generate exceptions on the fly m For everybody it is easy to start with XML immediately, problems coming later  success of XML m Web Service technology is based on XML

14 Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer MIS Technische Universität Dresden 14 Representation of EXPRESS-G Example Node REAL x nr INTEGER (ABS) Node y z Output_Node REAL consumption

15 Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer MIS Technische Universität Dresden 15 Schema Representation in XML: XSD …. …. Example: Node

16 Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer MIS Technische Universität Dresden 16 Data Representation in XML <... xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=“wss.xsd"> 1 0.0 3.5 0.5 <... xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=“wss.xsd"> 1 0.0 3.5 0.5 Node(id=i10, nr=1, x=0.0, y=3.5, z=0.5); Node(id=i10, nr=1, x=0.0, y=3.5, z=0.5); use of XML file Example: node

17 Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer MIS Technische Universität Dresden 17 ISO standard under the label 10303 (STEP – Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data) EXPRESS = ISO-10303 Part 11 definition of object-oriented data models ISO standard defines how to work with EXPRESS based data models (file-based data exchange: ISO-10303 Part 21- STEP Physical File Format data access: ISO-10303 Part 22 – Standard Data Access Interface mapping to programming languages: ISO-10303 Part 22 – Binding to C++ … toolboxes available to handle EXPRESS based data models (support model definition, mapping to databases and programming languages) EXPRESS and EXPRESS-G EXPRESS(-G):

18 Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer MIS Technische Universität Dresden 18 defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) XML is a way of describing data and an XML file can contain the data too (its a subset of SGML) lots of (free) toolboxes available support XML counterpart to EXPRESS = XML schema (XSD) counterpart to Step Physical File = XML file relation between XML and EXPRESS defined by ISO-10303 Part 28 (“ Implementation method: XML representation of EXPRESS schemas and data“) Use of XML instead of EXPRESS Relation between XML and EXPRESS XML ( Extensible Markup Language) :

19 Institute of Construction Informatics, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scherer MIS Technische Universität Dresden 19 Implementation of WSS with ACCESS and EXCEL Server = data base in Access m Filtering of Data = selection of objects Access: generation of a big output table (=unification of all selected objects) m Export data as XML file Tool = computation in EXCEL m Imported data from XML fileSheet 1 m Transformation of DimensionsSheet 2 m Transformation of Data StructureSheet 3 m Computation ProgramSheet 4

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