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Page 1RSS Ontology and Terminology for Earth Observation / GSCDA use case Andrea Della Vecchia European Space Agency Earth observation Programme Research/Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1RSS Ontology and Terminology for Earth Observation / GSCDA use case Andrea Della Vecchia European Space Agency Earth observation Programme Research/Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Page 1RSS Ontology and Terminology for Earth Observation / GSCDA use case Andrea Della Vecchia European Space Agency Earth observation Programme Research/Service Support and Ground Segment Technology Section

2 Page 2 Ontology & Terminology for EO / GSCDA Objectives 1.A GSCDA Ontology for supporting the GSCDA Application Domains and the GSCDA EO Domain 2.A GSCDA Semantics, considering: – High level multi-domain ontology – Specific GSCDA ontology 3.User Client(s) for textual search and graphical navigation of the above semantics 4.An EO reasoner, permitting a dynamic connection between thesaurus and EO resources (e.g. products, layers, processors, documents) Scope GMES thematic areas – Emergency Response Support Services – Land Monitoring Core Service – Marine Core Service – GMES Atmospheric Composition Services – Climate Change

3 Page 3 EO Ontology Concept Permit easy, semantic identification from non-EO domains of relevant EO –Products –Services –Processing Components Implementation –Simple –Supporting multiple domains –With limited dependencies from evolution / changes Application Term Product Processor Service Multi-domain Thesaurus (shared, stable, multi-lingual) System Specific Thesaurus (dynamic, domain dependent) Semantic links Application Term

4 Page 4 Semantic Search Clients OTEG Semantic search clients: - Free Text - 2D Navigator

5 Page 5 Free Text Search Client Searched term Related Concept Related EO product

6 Page 6 Free Text Search Client 2D Navigation Client

7 Page 7 2D Navigator Client Related EO product Focused Concepts

8 Page 8 Multi-domain Vocabulary Multi-domain Graph Band … EO-Reasoner for dynamic connection between thesaurus and EO resources Application Requirements Application Term Product Group Product Group GSCDA Semantic Search Tool water Application Term Resolution Sensor Mode /Type Rules / Reasoning GSCDA Catalogue

9 Page 9 EO-Reasoner - Rules Application Term Application Requirements Sensor Type / Mode Resolution (m) BandProduct Class Revisit Time (days) GlacierSAR30 - 300C, LWide Swath30 ForestSAR<300C, LWide Swath30 ForestOptical<300 R, G, B, NIR, SWIR, TIR Wide Swath30 Product Group Product Characteristics Sensor Type / Mode Resolution (m) BandProduct Class Revisit Time (days) SAR Wide SwathSAR150CWide Swath35 SAR Medium ResolutionSAR30C35 PolarimetryPolarised SAR88LPolarimetry Phase preservingSAR40LPhase preserving Optical low resolutionOptical300 R, G, B, NIR, SWIR 35

10 Page 10 RAPID RESPONSE SUPPORT SERVER (RARE) Project Objectives RARE will provide a centralized service that interfaces with a number of on-line resources that were not integrated in the past, such as: Terminology service for ontology free text search and graphical navigation Semantic reasoners for dynamic connection between application terms selected by the users to specific EO resource “Google-like Query analyzer”, powered by Natural Language Programming (NLP), permitting user’s text parsing, identifying words that may be mapped to application terms, place names or time constraints. Gazetteers used to resolve place names Centralized catalogue service that collects (by harvesting) the properties of on-line resources registered in the ESA internal registries and other remote catalogues. Single Sign-On RSS

11 Page 11 Multi-domain Thesaurus & Reasoners Multi-domain Thesaurus shall be converted in SKOS, permitting text search via Open Search and advanced query via SparQL The EO Resource Reasoner is a Web Service providing the mapping between Application Terms (as described in the Multi-Domain Thesaurus) and EO resources (i.e., products and collections) Given an Application Term, the EO Resources Reasoner provides Resource Characteristics, i.e., information that can be used to create a query to EO catalogues, thus retrieving all the relevant EO resources. The EO Resource Reasoner supports three classes of data models: –Generic, possibly heterogeneous, data models (e.g. CSW ISO AP, CSW ebRIM CIM EP, W*S ) which are typically characterised by a low level detail of metadata information (e.g. title, abstract / description, and keywords), reusing SEPR rsults –EO GML data model (WCS 2.0, EO-WCS, EO-WMS, CSW ebRIM EOP EP), providing very high level detail of metadata –SensorML data model (CSW ebRIM SensorML EP), providing very high level detail of metadata RSS

12 Page 12 RARE Architecture RSS

13 Page 13 Technology Standard RARE ontology and Terminology shall be based on standardised formats and protocol (SKOS, SPARQL and OpenSearch) The RARE Catalogue service interface shall be fully compliant to OGC standard, permitting to: –Search and harvest metadata on (EO-)WMS, (EO-)WCS, WFS, WPS, CSW ebRIM CIM EP, CSW ebRIM EOP EP, CSW ebRIM Sensor-ML and CSW ISO AP –Expose metadata through CSW ebRIM CIM EP

14 Page 14RSS RARE Usage Scenario -Access though RARE client (RRC), stand-alone or integrated within pre- existing web portal (such SSE) -Resource research via multiple terms sentences, including location, time and topic of interest -Query forwarded, by RARE Server (RRS), to Query Analyser. It is responsible for statement disambiguation (e.g., oil spill Mexico 2010): -Geographic terms translation in coordinates (e.g., Mexico  AOI lat – lon) -Time terms translation in standard time ranges (2010  TOI 01/01/2010 – 31/12/2010) -Application Terms (e.g. oil spill) -Users, supported by the ontology Browser, can refine the search by analysing the preliminary results -Refined query submit to (EO-)WMS, (EO-)WMC, WFS, WPS, (EOP & ISO) CSW. The research is based on metadata content and powered by specific reasoners for processors and EO data -Association between processor and data shall be possible by using WPS standard. Asynchronous processing based on single or time series data is possible as well

15 Page 15 Functional overview RSS

16 Page 16 RARE External Repositories RSS #NameService typeEndpointAccessibility Disaster Charter Disasters Charter Catalogue CWS 2.0.2 e?wsdl Accessible but the catalogue appears empty. International Charter web map service WMS 1.3.0 using QGIS International Charter web feature service WFS 1.1.0 using QGIS Latest earthquakes, Active Volcanoes WFS 1.0.0 using QGIS Geoland2 geoland2 CIS Spatial Planning View (source: GEOSS) WMS 1.3 erviceId=urn:uuid:1d68899c-5163-4942-824b-99e6ba2460a3 Accessible using QGIS geoland2 CMS BioPar Discovery (source: GEOSS) CSW 2.0.2 (ISO Profile 1.0.0, HTTP Binding) erviceId=urn:uuid:8541a856-55c4-445c-bd7c-b6849f3881ed Not accessible with CatalogConnector Biopar catalogue of VITOCSWThe catalogue can be listed via the geoland2 web client at viceId=BB808F80&operation=Search (registration needed) viceId=BB808F80&operation=Search Not tested

17 Page 17 RARE External Repositories RSS #NameService typeEndpointAccessibility MyOcean MyOcean Official Catalogue Service (provided by the MyOcean Service Desk) CS-W 2.0.2/AP ISO19115/19 139 for service, datasets and applications csw/csw/ProdSpecification/MYOCEAN/external?service=CSW&r equest=getCapabilities Accessible using CatalogConnector WMS service (Chlorophyll-a concentration data) WMS 1.3.0 global-100km-chl-daily- ran?service=WMS&version=1.3.0&request=GetCapabilities Accessible using Google Earth SAFER Since SAFER gateway is protected by an Authentication, Authorization and Access (AAA) system we cannot give an access to SAFER catalogue even for a single harvesting. SAFER team proposes to provide, for each test case described in [AD12] section 8.3, an XML metadata files with all the metadata describing the products (Inspire compliant metadata) and with the static links to download these products by HTTP protocol. This solution prevents using WCS and WMS services but could be a first alternative. Emergency Support Mapping products WMS Provides access to Astrium GEO products made in the frame of SAFER (mainly cartographic reference maps). Credentials (tokens) needed Global Human Settlements Layer (GHSL) africaCitiesWMTS Web repository G-POD N/A (source: ESA/ESRIN)WPS 1.0 To Operations (TTO) planned in October 2011. N/A (source: ESA/ESRIN)OpenSearch The entry point access is closed from outside the ESRIN RSS Network Temporarily accessible outside ESRIN in September 2011.

18 Page 18 RARE External Repositories RSS RDS N/A Service: CSW 2.0.2 ISO Profile 1.0.0 HTTP Binding Metadata: ISO19115/ 19119/1913 9 sw?request=GetCapabilities&service=CSW&version=2.0.2 OK ERDAS Apollo MER_RR__1PNPDK20 110711_151834_00000 2023104_00241_48962 _0049, Single Service: WCS 1.0.0 Metadata: OWS capabilities apollo/coverage_public/MER_RR__1PNPDK20110711_151 834_000002023104_00241_48962_0049?service=WCS&re quest=GetCapabilities OK Not Available 2011.12.08 GAEL_WORLD_MOSAI C_40000X20000, Single Service: WCS 1.0.0 Metadata: OWS capabilities apollo/coverage/GAEL_WORLD_MOSAIC_40000X20000? service=WCS&request=GetCapabilities OK BUILTUP_AREA, Shape Service Service: WFS 1.0.0 Metadata: OWS capabilities apollo/vector/BUILTUP_AREA?service=WFS&request=Get Capabilities OK Not Available dated 2011.12.08

19 Page 19 RARE External Repositories RSS GENESIS-DEC GENESI-DEC Service: OpenSearc h 1.1 + Extension eop-1.0 + Extension geo-1.0 Metadata: information not available GENESI-DEC does not grant access to data. The user must obtain permissions (when requested) directly from the data owners 246 entries (by 2011.12.08)

20 Page 20 RARE Work Schedule Project duration: 2 years + 6 months warranty Project start date: February 2011 Project end date: February 2013 (AR), August 2013 RSS

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