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Ocean Vector Wind Experience Joe Sienkiewicz NOAA Ocean Prediction Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Ocean Vector Wind Experience Joe Sienkiewicz NOAA Ocean Prediction Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ocean Vector Wind Experience Joe Sienkiewicz NOAA Ocean Prediction Center

2 NOAA Ocean Prediction Center – impact on operations QuikSCAT wide swath 2 passes per day consistency wind range Cultural change revolutionized warning, analysis and forecast processes focus on Hurricane Force conditions Success – timely availability in forecaster workstations

3 Hurricane Force Extratropical Cyclone Intense, non-tropical cyclones with hurricane force winds Feb 09, 2007, North Atlantic kts

4 Hurricane Force Extratropical Cyclones Observed QuikSCAT Launch Jun 99 Hurricane Force Wind Warning Initiated Dec 2000 QuikSCAT winds Operational in N-AWIPS Workstations Oct 01 12.5 km QuikSCAT Available May 04 Improved wind algorithm, rain impact flag available Oct 06 Atlantic -194 Pacific - 177 371 HF Cyclones

5 QuikSCAT and Tropical Cyclones at NHC – Estimating intensity, especially for tropical depressions and tropical storms, but cannot be used for major hurricanes – Detection/tracking of TC centers for analysis and model initialization – Improved gale and storm force wind radii analysis in TCs  affects watch/warning areas 34-kt wind radii from QuikSCAT Accurate 34-kt wind radii critical for timing and placement of coastal watches and warnings

6 Gap Winds – Gulf of Tehuantepec Eight-year QuikSCAT-based climatology finds average of 12.4 gale-force events and 5.5 storm-force events per season 10-m wind guidance from operational NWP guidance currently available to TAFB forecasters has little skill in predicting storm-force Tehuantepec events Composite results suggest there may be identifiable synoptic-scale signals to help forecasters differentiate between storm-force and gale- force Tehuantepec events 12.5-km retrievals available 

7 Diagnostic of NWP initial conditions GFS – 3 hour forecast of wind speed12.5 km QuikSCAT Maximum Wind speed 20 knotsMaximum Wind speed 40 knots A GALE warning was issued. kts

8 Magnitude of SST gradient GOES SST composite Winds near SST gradients

9 GFS wind speed bias for marginally stable PBL

10 OSVW Measurements Benefit - mainly to offices with large areas of ocean responsibility Limitations to date – coastal waters, rain, resolution, and retrievals in high winds

11 The History….and the Future?!

12 ERS-2 Existing, Planned & Proposed OVW Missions AMI/ERS-2 Seawinds/QuikSCAT WINDSAT 97989900010203040506070809101112131415 In orbitApproved Planned / Pending Approval SeaWINDS/ADEOS-II 1000 km 500 km – failure of on-board recording 1800 km ASCAT/METOP – 3-satellite series 2 x 550 km w/ 720-km nadir gap HY-2 – 3-satellite series OceanSat-2 scatterometer Q’SCAT Follow-on Timely data access / quality? MIS C-2

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