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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 4 DEBITS, CREDITS, AND T- ACCOUNTS. LISTEN TO THIS:"— Presentation transcript:



3 LEFT V. RIGHT Raise your left hand. Raise your right hand.

4 T- ACCOUNTS A device used to analyze transactions.


6 SPECIAL NAMES FOR AMOUNTS IN T- ACCOUNTS Amounts recorded on the left side of the T-account are called debits Amounts recorded on the right side of the T-account are called credits

7 DEAD CLOR DEBIT Expenses Assets Dividends / Draws These items should always have a debit balance. To increase these items, you debit the account. To decrease these items, you credit the account.

8 DEAD CLOR (CONTINUED) CREDIT Liabilities Owner’s Equity Revenue (Sales / Fees) These items should always have a credit balance. To increase these items, you credit the account. To decrease these items, you debit the account.

9 DEBITS AND CREDITS - INCREASES If an account normally has a debit balance (D – E –A –D), then any INCREASE will be a debit. (left.) If an account normally has a credit balance (C-L-O-R), then any INCREASE will be a credit (right)

10 DEBITS AND CREDITS - DECREASES If an account normally has a debit balance (D-E-A-D), then any DECREASE will be a credit (right) If an account normally has a credit balance (C-L-O-R), then any DECREASE will be a debit (left)

11 DEAD AND CLOR DEBIT ACCOUNTSCREDIT ACCOUNTS E – A – DL – O - R DebitCreditDebit Credit LEFTRIGHTLEFT RIGHT IncreaseDecreaseDecreaseIncrease + - - +

12 QUIZ – TELL WHETHER IT IS A DEBIT OR CREDIT AND RIGHT OR LEFT Problem #1 Ben earns $50 cash in the course of the business (lemonade stand) – will he DEBIT or CREDIT cash for $50? Will he enter that on the right or the left of the T-account? HINT: Use D-E-A-D to analyze. Is he increasing or decreasing cash?

13 ANSWER Cash is an asset. (DEAD). He would DEBIT cash $50 on the left side of the T-account because it is increasing: Cash LEFT RIGHT $50 Debits on the LEFT, credits on the RIGHT.

14 PROBLEM 2 Ben pays $20 in cash for supplies for his lemonade stand. Would he DEBIT or CREDIT cash? Would he enter that on the right or the left? HINT: Use D-E-A-D to analyze. Is he increasing or decreasing cash when he buys supplies?

15 ANSWER Cash is an asset. (DEAD). He would CREDIT cash $20 on the right side of the T-account because it is decreasing: Cash LEFT RIGHT $20 + - Debits on the LEFT, credits on the RIGHT.

16 FOR EVERY TRANSACTION: 1. For every debit, there must be an equal amount of credits 2. Always do debits first. 3. Debits must equal credits.

17 PROBLEM #3 Ben pays his little brother Luke $5.00 in insurance to insure that Luke will not interfere with his lemonade stand. How would Ben account for this transaction (paying $5.00 cash for prepaid insurance)? Would he DEBIT or CREDIT prepaid insurance? How about cash? Would the entries go on the left or on the right? HINT: What type of account are cash and prepaid insurance? DEAD or CLOR?

18 ANSWER Ben would DEBIT prepaid insurance because the balance in his prepaid insurance account is increasing, and he would CREDIT cash because he paid cash out, so the balance in the cash account is decreasing. The entry for prepaid insurance would be on the left and for cash on the right. (Debits – left; Credits – right). Prepaid InsuranceCash LeftRightLeftRight$5.00 +- + -

19 PROBLEM #4 Ben pays $6.00 cash to repair the handle on his parents’ pitcher. Which accounts are affected? Are they debit or credit accounts? (DEAD CLOR) Are the accounts being increased (adding to) or decreasing (taking away)? How will you enter the transaction, on the right, or on the left?

20 ANSWER Ben would CREDIT cash because he is paying cash out (decreasing), and he would DEBIT rent expense because he is adding to the balance in that account (Increasing). The entry for repair expense would be on the left and for cash on the right. (Debits – left; Credits – right). Repair ExpenseCash LeftRightLeftRight$6.00 +- + -

21 PROBLEM #5 Ben buys $3.00 in supplies from his neighbor on account. Which accounts are affected? Are they debit or credit accounts? (DEAD CLOR) Are the accounts being increased (adding to) or decreasing (taking away)? How will you enter the transaction, on the right, or on the left?

22 ANSWER Ben would DEBIT supplies because he is increasing the amount in the account. He would CREDIT accounts payable because he is adding to the balance in that account. The entry for supplies would be on the left and for accounts payable on the right. (Debits – left; Credits – right). SuppliesAccounts Payable LeftRightLeftRight$3.00 +- -+

23 ANALYZING AND RECORDING TRANSACTIONS To record a transaction, you analyze it by taking the following steps: 1.Decide which accounts are affected. 2.Check whether each account is a debit or credit account (DEAD CLOR). 3.Determine whether each account is increasing or decreasing (adding to or taking away.) 4.That will tell you how each amount is entered in the accounts. 5.Remember that for every transaction, debits must equal credits. Always.


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