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April 9-11, 2001 Colloquium on Environmental Aspects of Aviation A European Perspective on Noise Ingemar Skogö.

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Presentation on theme: "April 9-11, 2001 Colloquium on Environmental Aspects of Aviation A European Perspective on Noise Ingemar Skogö."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 9-11, 2001 Colloquium on Environmental Aspects of Aviation A European Perspective on Noise Ingemar Skogö

2 April 9 - 11, 2001 Colloquium on Environmental Aspects of Aviation Structure  Environmental context in Europe  Current policy and impact at our airports  Challenge for the future  Way forward

3 April 9-11, 2001 Colloquium on Environmental Aspects of Aviation Environmental context in Europe  Population density  Demands for air traffic and environmental protection  Sustainable development of transport  Action to tackle noise from all modes  Measures on aircraft noise

4 April 9-11, 2001 Colloquium on Environmental Aspects of Aviation Current policy and impact at our airports 1  ECAC goal stabilise or reduce numbers of people affected by  noise  Measures from the “balanced programme” already used: - follow ICAO standards - noise abatement procedures widely applied - land-use planning measures highly developed - led to successfully negotiating agreement for Chapter 2 operating restrictions, and European industry has invested wisely in its future to deliver benefits  Charging to provide additional incentives with common European framework developed, based on certification data

5 April 9-11, 2001 Colloquium on Environmental Aspects of Aviation Current policy and impact at our airports 2  Achieved major reductions in size of noise contours and number of people affected  Further improvements expected through to 2002;  But growth in numbers of flights and number of passengers already difficult to accommodate  Continuing demand for maintaining and improving environmental standards

6 April 9-11, 2001 Colloquium on Environmental Aspects of Aviation Challenge for the future 1  Demand set to grow at 4% per annum  “Constraints to growth” study (2001) confirms critical position over airport capacity  Benefits of Chapter 2 phase-out likely to be heavily eroded

7 April 9-11, 2001 Colloquium on Environmental Aspects of Aviation

8 April 9-11, 2001 Colloquium on Environmental Aspects of Aviation

9 April 9-11, 2001 Colloquium on Environmental Aspects of Aviation Challenge for the future 3  Noise, a key issue in developing new infrastructure  High costs and strong opposition from local populations  Development depends on continuing progress on noise  Implications for all carriers

10 April 9-11, 2001 Colloquium on Environmental Aspects of Aviation Way forward 1  The challenge after 2002 - welcome CAEP/5 recommendation, but it will not even stabilise the position at major airports

11 April 9-11, 2001 Colloquium on Environmental Aspects of Aviation Way forward 2 Where ICAO can help now  Action to tackle growth of contours now - need operating restrictions against marginal Chapter 3 aircraft; - harmonised arrangements preferred; and - alternative of proliferation of local rules would be unwelcome to all.  Need to strengthen the influence of standards on design: - recognise these will be longer term benefits; - but can our industry needs quiet evolution and wait another 20-30 years for change

12 April 9-11, 2001 Colloquium on Environmental Aspects of Aviation Conclusions  A collective problem  Sustainability key to the development of aviation  Success of the industry demands continuing effort on noise  Europe ready to play its part through negotiations and technical work  ICAO has important potential contributions: on standards and operating restrictions

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