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Lecture-03 PC Components. System Components Video Card Sound Card Monitor (Display) Speakers Modem (or Network Card)

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture-03 PC Components. System Components Video Card Sound Card Monitor (Display) Speakers Modem (or Network Card)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture-03 PC Components

2 System Components Video Card Sound Card Monitor (Display) Speakers Modem (or Network Card)

3 The Motherboard Processor Socket Chipset Level 2 cache (on some models) Memory Sockets ROM BIOS Bus Slots

4 Processor CPU “Central Processing Unit” The “Brain” or “Engine” of the Computer Reads Instructions (commands) from memory then executes them One of the most expensive, yet smallest components

5 Memory RAM (Random Access Memory) –Requires power to maintain storage ROM (Read Only Memory) –Doesn’t require power to maintain storage SIMM (Single Inline Memory Module) DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Module)

6 Case and Power Supply The shell of your computer Protects and directs air flow Different “Form Factors” Power Supply converts AC into DC Important yet often over looked

7 Disk Drives Hard Disk (Fixed Disk) - primary storage area for computer. Analogous to a filing cabinet Floppy Disk- used for storing and exchanging small files CD-ROM Drives- Holds greater amounts of data and are faster than floppies, yet slower than hard disks

8 Disk Drives CD-RW Drives - Can read and write CD-R and CD-RW media for high- capacity, durable storage LS-120 SuperDisk, Zip Drives - Replacing the standard floppy for high-capacity removable storage for work in progress

9 Keyboard and Mouse Many kinds of keyboards Only input device available prior to the invention of the GUI (graphical user interface) After the GUI, mice followed “Point and Click”

10 Video Card Chipset Video Ram DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) BIOS Popular upgrade component, especially for gaming

11 Sound Card and Speakers Also popular upgrade components Popular for home recording includes Game Port Many high quality home PC speaker systems. Can rival home stereos. Often used to create and play MP3 audio files

12 Monitor Similar to a high quality television Video card send its memory contents to monitor Now available in both CRT and active-matrix LCD versions

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