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2 Summer Training Report Presentation
Venue: Natraj Construction Company Mehsana,Gujrat Prepared By Jayanti Patel P. G. Centre of Transportation Engg. & Planing SVNIT, SURAT

3 Content General a)Company Profile b) Scenario of Project Completed
Laboratory works a) Aggregate test b) Soil Test c) WMM Mix Design

4 Cont.. Field Visit a) Study Area b) Technical Specification
c) Hot mix Plant operation Office Work a) E-Tendering work b) Different type of format related to tendering

5 General Company Profile: Natraj Construction Company was establish in 1988 with ownership four Partners at Mehsana, NCC doing mega projects include work of Prdhan Mantri’s Gram Sadak Yojna, State Road Project, National Highways, State highway & Panchayat roads etc. NCC have two other Companies A. Vrun Construction Company B. Natraj Stone Industries

6 Scenario of Project Completed
YEAR TYPES OF WORKS RUPEES PMGSY Roads, Varies Approach Roads, Strengthening of Roads 50 Crores PMGSY Roads, Maintace Roads, Strengthening of Roads 24 Crores Improvement of Roads, Varies Approach Roads, Strengthening of Roads 18 Crores PMGSY Roads, Varies C.C. Roads, Strengthening of Roads

7 Laboratory works Aggregate Test (IS : 2386 PART - 4)
Aggregate Impact value Test EI & FI Test Specific gravity Test Abrasion Value Test Soil test (IS : PART - 5) Free Swell index Gran size Sieve Analysis Liquid limit & Plastic limit test Compaction test WMM Design

Object: To determine the toughness of road stone materials by Impact test Apparatus: Impact testing machine, Measure, Tamping rod, Sieve, Balance, Oven Procedure: Take the oven dry aggregate Collect the agg. Material Passing From 12.5 mm to 10 mm Cylindrical Cup Give the stroke by Hammer Material pass mm sieve

9 Aggregate Impact value Test
Sr. No. Details Trial Number Average 1 2 Total Weight of aggregate sample filling the cylindrical measure = W1 Weight of aggregate passing 2.36mm sieve after the test = W2 3 Weight of Aggregate retained on 2.36mm sieve after the test = W3 4 W2 = W1 - W3 5 Aggregate Impact Value = 100 W2/W1 percent

10 F.I &E.I TEST Object: To determine the flakiness and elongation of the aggregates by standard flakiness gauge and elongation gauges. Apparatus: a) Flakiness gauge (Thickness gauge):The Flakiness index of aggregates is the percentages by weight of particles whose least dimension is less than three-fifths (0.6) of their mean dimension. The test is not applicable to sizes smaller than 6.3mm b) Elongation gauge (Length gauge): The elongation index of aggregate is the percentage by weight of particles whose greatest dimension (length) is greater than one and four fifth times (1.8) their mean dimension

11 Cont.. Procedure a) Flakiness Index: The sample is sieved with the sieves mentioned in table. A minimum of 200 pieces of each fraction to be tested is taken and weighed. In order to separate flaky materials, each fraction is then gauged for thickness on a thickness gauge. The amount of flaky material passing the gauge is weighed to an accuracy of at least 0.1percent of the test sample. b) Elongation Index: The sample is sieved through the IS sieves specified in table. A minimum of 200 pieces of each fraction is taken and weighed. In order to separate elongated material, each fraction is then gauged individually for length in a length gauge. The pieces of aggregates from each fraction tested which could not pass through the specified gauge length with its long side are elongated particles and are collected separately to find the total weight of aggregates retained on the length gauge from each fraction. The total amount of elongated material retained by the length gauge is weighed to an accuracy of at least 0.1 percent of the weight of the sample.

12 Thickness Gauge size (mm)
F.I &E.I TEST IS Sieve (mm) Retained Sieve No. Weight (g) Thickness Gauge size (mm) Weight (gms) Length gauge size (mm) Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 63 50 W1= 23.90 w1= - 40 W2= 27.00 w2= 81.0 X1= 25 W3= 19.50 w3= 58.0 X2= 31.5 W4= 16.95 w4= 20 W5= 13.50 w5= 40.5 X3= 16 W6= 10.80 w6= 32.4 X4= 12.5 W7= 08.55 w7= 25.5 X5= 10 W8= 06.75 w8= 20.2 X6= 6.3 W9= 04.89 w9= 14.7 X7= Total W= --- X=

13 Cont… Flakiness index =(w1+w2+w3)/(W1+W2+W3)*100(%) Elongation Index = =(X1+X2+X3)/(W1+W2+W3)*100(%)

14 WMM MIX DESIGN Impact value test Shape test Water absorption
Scope of Design: To determine design percentage weight mix of mineral aggregates at desired density and % O.M.C, a series of test specimen are prepared. Coarse aggregate mm to 22.40mm-Sample-A Coarse aggregate mm to 11.20mm-Sample-B Coarse aggregate mm to 4.75mm-Sample-C Stone dust mm down size -Sample-D Determine the physical properties of above sample Impact value test Shape test Water absorption Abrasion value test Bulk Density

15 Physical Properties of ingredient

16 Combined Gradation of Aggregates

17 Trial Mix Proportion


19 Cont..

20 Field Visit a) Study Area Name of Work: Up gradation of Sub Merged Section of Rural Roads in Gujarat Taluka: Chansma, Dis: Patan,Package no- Marun /PT Mithadharva Chevali Road Ganget Jitoda Vasal Road Shedha Kharighariyal Road Estimated Cost of Package:3,24,89649 Rs. Geometric Details of road Formation width-7.5 m Carriage way width-3.75 m Embankment slope- 1 in 1.5 Camber slope-2 % Side shoulder slope-4 %

21 Cross-section of road


23 Construction Procedure Flexible Pavement
There are mainly five important layer of pavement are constructed which are as follows Soil Sub Grade Granular Sub Base Wet Mix Macadam Dense Bituminous Macadam Bituminous Concrete

24 SOIL SUB-GRADE Soil sub grade is one of the important layers of pavement because whatever load comes from the top layer ultimately it will transfer to soil sub grade. So soil sub grade is one of the important layers. The soil Sub grade is a layer of natural soil Prepared to receive the layers of the pavement materials placed over it. Construction of soil -sub grade Construction of soil -sub grade

Cleaning and grubbing of the area Filling of extra excavation portion Wetting of surface by means of water sprinkling and finally rolling is to be done Compaction Take the field density Calculate the CBR value Construct GSB.

26 GRANULAR SUB BASE Granular sub base is also known as (GSB), which is above the soil sub grade. This layer is also constructed after 24 hrs of construction of soil sub grade. Soil Sub grade layer require hard. GSB. consist of Mixing and laying of hard Murum soil, aggregates, stones, Bricks, water The thickness of GSB layer 150 mm

Preparation of soil sub grade construction of sub base can start after 24 hours of construct the Soil Sub Grade Mixing and laying of hard Murum soil, aggregates, stones, Bricks, water Compaction by means of roller is to be done and its in 7 pass Find Out FDD (Field Dry Density)  Find out Soil Strength by CBR Test Then construct WMM Layer

28 Asphalt Drum Mix Plant A HMA plant is an assembly of mechanical and electronic equipment where aggregates are blended, heated, dried and mixed with binder to produce HMA meeting specified requirements. The plant may be stationary or portable There are numerous types of plants, including batch plants, continuous mix plants, parallel-flow drum plants, counter flow drum plants, and double barrel drum plants to name a few. HOT MIX PLANT

29 Basic plant operation chart

30 Drum plant


32 Office work E-Tendering Work Diff. Type format
Schedule-A: Details of Structure and Organization Schedule-B : Details of financial statement Schedule-C : Details of personal with the applicant Schedule-D : Details of Equipment and Machinery

33 Cont.. Schedule-E : Details of Road work completed
Schedule-F : Details of Relevant project progress Schedule-G : Details of Litigation History Schedule-H : Details of Additional Information Schedule-I : Details of Lab testing equipment

34   ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to my sincere gratitude, regards and thanks to my training guide Mr. K.K.Patel Sir for his excellent and unstinted support. I would also like to express my gratitude towards his for showing confidence in me by giving me complete freedom and encouragement. I would like to thank to PG Incharge Dr.G.J.Joshi Sir and all the faculty members of Master of Transportation Engineering & Planning and Civil Engineering Department for arranged this kind of Academic Training Programme and encouraged for the same.

35 Photo. Discuss with company managing Director Site visit


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