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Published bySherman Maxwell Modified over 8 years ago
Best Start Early learning Collaboration Commissioning Market Engagement Event November 2015
Aims of the commissioning To commission an Early Learning Collaboration in order to provide pedagogical leadership and support to the Early Years community in Croydon.
Croydon Best Start National Content Local Content Vision of the Best Start Learning Collaboration Service Scope Procurement process Questions Agenda
Best Start- Evidence and Background Research shows that the early years are the most influential time in the development of a child, when their brain grows the fastest and when love and security are crucial. The council and its partners believe that it is vital that all young children get the best start in life and are working in partnership to bring together key services including health visiting, children’s centres, early years and voluntary sector into an integrated service model
Best Start service transformation The service transformation will ensure: families have more consistent and clearer information so that they can access services more easily for themselves and find support within their family network and communities joined up ‘Best Start’ services so that those families who need extra support can get the help they need earlier and reduce the need for later intervention more integrated and efficient service delivery with improved information sharing, reduction in duplication of paperwork, better targeting of specialist support and a reduction in the number of families’ falling through the gap greater whole system focus so that there are more radical improvements in areas such as take up of two year old childcare places, accident & emergency visits, obesity and early learning outcomes
Best Start Design Principles Principles for Croydon Best Start model is that Parent ledThe service is needs-led with a clear and purposeful vision One TeamPractitioners will work to the same principles and approaches One Performance Framework Indicators will capture short, medium and long term impact Integrated Commissioning Framework Activities will be tailored to meet these indicators Multi-disciplinaryServices will utilise a range of appropriate skills to deliver best outcomes
Best Start-Integrated Performance – Better Outcomes An integrated performance framework will bring together statutory and local targets and performance data so that there can be clear monitoring of the impact of the Best Start service. Working with Queens University Belfast a robust evaluation framework, including Cost Benefit Analysis, is being built around the proposed seven outcomes as follows: children are healthy and well, emotionally and physically children are prepared and ready for school children are safe and protected from harm parents are self-reliant and have strong and supportive social networks parents are healthy and well, emotionally and physically parents can access employment and training Practitioners are confident and skilled and work together to deliver high quality and inclusive services
National Context The Government invests around £5 billion per annum to support young children and their parents with early learning and childcare. It is an approach which seeks to balance the need for childcare to support families with the importance of early learning in enhancing the life chances of children. The aims are to: make childcare affordable so that parents can make the work choices that they want and need to raise their household income; provide valuable early education for all children; and help to close the gap between children from disadvantaged backgrounds and their peers.
National Context 570 hours of free early education for 40% of the most disadvantaged two-year-olds 570 hours of free early education for all three- and four- year-olds Introduction of the early years pupil premium for families who meet the criteria for free school meals A new common inspection framework for inspection of early years provision.
National Context September 2017 the new extension to 30 hours of free childcare. For families who are working for more than 8 hours a week at minimum wage
Local content – Take up of funding Year Number 3YOs % London average Number 4YOs % London average Total% London average 2012460082%87% 511092%94% 971087%90% 2013463084%89% 515092%95% 978088%92% 2014462082%89% 509093%95% 971087%92% The figures over the last three years are shown above :
Local content- Quality of early years providers OutstandingGood Requires Improvement InadequateAwaiting Day nurseries78%7280%1112%00%10n/a Pre-school1023%2864%511%12%7n/a Schools with nursery 2235%3149%914%12%0n/a Childminders4312%26874%3710%143%83n/a Out of School129%10381%108%32%13n/a Holiday Playschemes 00%1657%621%14%5n/a National avg.10%70%12%1% Quality of childcare in Croydon Ofsted inspect all registered provision and the table below shows the current quality judgements along with the national average.
Vision of the Best Start Learning Collaboration The Early Learning Collaboration as a minimum should include the following partners: A nursery school or primary school with a strong early years pedagogical ethos, who has a delivery presence in Croydon, who will be the lead organisation in the collaboration and enter into a contractual relationship with the Local Authority. A good or outstanding setting from the private, voluntary and independent (PVI) sector, including childminders who has a delivery presence in Croydon An further education training provider, with a good or outstanding Ofsted Outcome
Vision of the Best Start Learning Collaboration The collaboration may be larger, with more than one partner from the above list or partners from other providers such as academy schools, teaching schools or other organisations that support Early Years providers in Croydon. All partners who are inspected by Ofsted must have been judged as ‘Outstanding’ or ‘Good’ in their most recent Ofsted inspection and will need to evidence that they have experience of working closely across the whole Early Years sector in Croydon The Early Learning Collaboration need not be a legal entity or have worked together previously. A Memorandum of Understanding outlining the shared principles and objectives by which the organisations in the collaboration commit to operating under, will need to completed
Service Deliverables OutcomeOutputActivityMeasure Practitioners are confident and skilled and work together to deliver high quality and inclusive services. To work with early years providers to enable them to receive a good or outstanding Ofsted outcome To enable all Early Years providers who have received an Ofsted outcome of ‘Requiring Improvement’ or ‘Inadequate’ to improve their outcome to a good Ensure all providers are offered support before their next inspection service to meet the requirements of the EYFS Statutory Framework and the Ofsted Common Inspection Framework and maintain a good Ofsted outcome Ensure all new early years providers are offered an induction programme To provide training programme that supports the identified development needs of the Early Years sector and to use the findings from the EYFS Profile data or subsequent baseline assessments to support the sector to understand how their practice and learning environment impacts on improving children’s outcomes. To maintain or increase the percentage of setting who have a good Ofsted outcome To maintain or increase eligible children accessing 2 year old funding To maintain or increase children accessing 3 and 4 year old funding
Service Deliverables OutcomeOutputActivityMeasure Children are safe and protected from harm To work with providers to identify children needs Work closely with Early Years providers and the Educational Psychologist to identify and support children with additional needs and understand the Early Help Pathway Increased number of children with an early help assessment
Service Deliverables OutcomeOutputActivityMeasure Improved educational attainment Children are prepared and ready for school To work with other Best Start colleagues/partners to deliver the Bookstart programme, both to registered early years providers and voluntary groups who offer service to families such as parent and toddler groups Working with speech and language therapy to deliver to Early Years providers a programme to support children’s language development. Work with Children Centres to develop and support activities that promote school readiness by challenging and supporting the Children Centre’s delivery of early learning experiences and tracking of children’s attainment. To maintain or increase the number of children achieving a GLD To maintain or decrease the GLD gap
Procurement Process Stage 1: Supplier information Stage 2: Economic and Financial Standing Stage 3: Professional Capacity Stage 3: Technical and Professional Ability (Method Statements/Quality section) Stage 4: Price Quality 60% Price 40%
Evaluation of the different stages CriteriaWeighting/Scoring Stage 1Supplier informationPass/Fail Stage 2Economic and financial standingPass/Fail Stage 3Professional CapacityPass/Fail Stage 3Technical and Professional Ability (Method Statements) 60% Stage 4Price40%
Method Statements: Quality evaluation scoring: 60% ScorePerformanceJudgment 5Exceeds the requirement. Exceptional demonstration by the tenderer of their relevant ability, understanding, skills, resource and quality measures provided in the method statement. Response identifies factors that demonstrate added value, with evidence to support the response. Excellent 4Satisfies the requirement with minor additional benefits. Above average demonstration by the tenderer of the relevant ability, understanding, skills, resource and quality measures provided in the method statement. Response identifies factors that demonstrate added value, with evidence to support the response. Good 3Satisfies the requirement. Demonstration by the tenderer of the relevant ability, understanding, skills, resource and quality measures provided in the method statement, with evidence to support the response. Acceptable 2Satisfies the requirement with minor reservations. Some minor reservations of the tenderer’s relevant ability, understanding, skills, resource and quality measures provided in the method statement, with limited evidence to support the response. Minor reservations 1Satisfies the requirement with serious reservations. Serious reservations of the tenderer’s relevant ability, understanding, skills, resource and quality measures provided in the method statement, with little or no evidence to support the response. Serious reservations 0Does not meet the requirement. Does not comply and/or insufficient information provided to demonstrate that the tenderer has the ability, understanding, skills, resource and quality measure, with little or no evidence to support the response. Unacceptable
Price evaluation scoring The price forms 40% of the total evaluation. Tendering is a competitive process therefore The Tenderer which submits the lowest tender price will receive the maximum price score of 40(%). Scores for other tenderers will be calculated on the following basis: Lowest submitted total average (annual) pricex40(%) Tenderer’s submitted total annual price The Council reserves the right to reject any Tender which exceeds the affordability level in any one year Year 1: £454, 617 Year 2: £404,617 Possible Extension Year 3: £329,617
Indicative timetable Indicative date Week commencing 9 November 2016 Activity Tender opportunity is available on the London Tenders Portal 30 November 2016 (approx)Deadline for all clarification questions to be submitted via London Tenders Portal Week of 10 December 2016Closing date for tenders to be submitted via the London Tenders Portal 22 February 2016Award report recommending the preferred bidders is discussed at Cabinet meeting 2 March 2016Intention to award letters sent out 14 March 2016Final award letters sent out 15 – 31 MarchService Level Agreements signed and sealed, and mobilisation meetings 1 April 2016Service starts
Top Tips for Tendering 1.Register on as early as 2.Read all the documentation and requirements thoroughly. 3.Raise any questions you may have in the discussion area on the London Tender’s Portal. 4.For any technical difficulties there is a helpline available for suppliers at or 01670 597 5.Croydon Council have a procurement contact telephone number on 0208 407 1318 for any other queries.
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