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PXIE Cryogenics Concept Arkadiy Klebaner Session 5 / WG1 (CW Linac and PXIE) October 26 th, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "PXIE Cryogenics Concept Arkadiy Klebaner Session 5 / WG1 (CW Linac and PXIE) October 26 th, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 PXIE Cryogenics Concept Arkadiy Klebaner Session 5 / WG1 (CW Linac and PXIE) October 26 th, 2011

2 Project X Collaboration Meeting, KlebanerOctober 26, 2011Page 2 Outline Key functional requirements Operating parameters and constraints PXIE cryogenic system scope Major elements Next step Summary

3 Project X Collaboration Meeting, KlebanerOctober 26, 2011Page 3 Key functional requirements PXIE cryogenic system shall, at minimum, provide all services of the Project X (RDR) cryogenic system including: –Operating temperatures and pressures with associated tolerances –Cover full range of heat loads –Support all steady state and transient operating modes –Cooldown/warm-up –RF On/Off –Upset conditions Additionally, PXIE cryogenic system shall be capable of conducting individual cryomodule heat load measurements Availability - TBD

4 Project X Collaboration Meeting, KlebanerOctober 26, 2011Page 4 Operating parameters and constraints Low pressure circuit (cavity) –Delivered capacity Up to 200 W @ 1.8 K or 400 W @ 2.0 K –Pressure stability goal ± 0.1 mbar (10 Pa) 5/8 K circuit (shields and intercept) –Delivered capacity Up to 550 W @ 5 to 8 K –Supply - Return Temperature: 4.8 K Temperature: 8 ± 0.5 K Pressure: 3.5 ± 0.3 bar Pressure: 3.0 ± 0.3 bar

5 Project X Collaboration Meeting, KlebanerOctober 26, 2011Page 5 Operating parameters and constraints(2) 50/80 K circuit (shields and intercept) –Delivered capacity Up to 4 kW @ 50 to 80 K –Supply - Return Temperature: 37 ± 5 K Temperature: 80 ± 5 K Pressure: 10 - 18 (± 0.35) Pressure: 10 - 18 (± 0.35) bar All circuits utilize Helium only No limitations on cavity or cryomodule cooldown speed J-T heat exchanger is located at cryomodule(s) Physical location: CMTF campus

6 Project X Collaboration Meeting, KlebanerOctober 26, 2011Page 6 PXIE, CMTF and NML CMTF BUILDING PXIE TUNNEL PXIE cryo distribution

7 Project X Collaboration Meeting, KlebanerOctober 26, 2011Page 7 Scope Cryogenic plant –Cold box –Compressors (warm, cold, and vac pump) –Turbines –Internal plumbing Distribution system –PXIE tunnel transfer line and associated bayonet boxes –Turn around box –U-tubes Cryogenic controls Axillary systems –Gas and liquid storage, chilled water, instrument air, ODH, relief headers, etc.

8 Project X Collaboration Meeting, KlebanerOctober 26, 2011Page 8 Major elements: heat exchangers Thirteen (13) aluminium plate-fin heat exchangers fabricated by LINDE, AG

9 Project X Collaboration Meeting, KlebanerOctober 26, 2011Page 9 Cold compressors Three cold compressor (CC) stages by PBS Velká Bítes, a.s. Each CC is a single stage radial turbo compressor driven by an electrical high speed motor equipped with high precisions ceramic ball bearings Operating speed ~ 48,000 rpm Helium mass flow ~27 g/sec Lowest inlet pressure 12.4 mbar

10 Project X Collaboration Meeting, KlebanerOctober 26, 2011Page 10 Warm vacuum pumps The system is comprised of 5 process vacuum pumps by Busch, GmbH Each pump is oil free screw type vacuum pump with internal compression Hermetically sealed drives Inlet pressure down to ~ 1.2 kPa

11 Project X Collaboration Meeting, KlebanerOctober 26, 2011Page 11 Turbo expanders Five (5) self-activated gas bearing turbo expanders by LINDE Kryotechnik, AG Single-stage radial turbines with the directly-coupled single stage centrifugal break compressor The rotational speed range of 239,400 to 324,000 rpm All expanders are equipped with dynamic gas bearings operating at ambient temperature Courtesy Linde Kryotechnik AG

12 Project X Collaboration Meeting, KlebanerOctober 26, 2011Page 12 PXIE Cryogenic Transferline Cold compressors Heat exchangers Turbo expanders

13 Project X Collaboration Meeting, KlebanerOctober 26, 2011Page 13 Controls

14 Project X Collaboration Meeting, KlebanerOctober 26, 2011Page 14 Auxiliary systems Helium gas and liquid storage Inventory controls Purification systems Insulating vacuum system ODH protection system Chilled water Instrument air

15 Project X Collaboration Meeting, KlebanerOctober 26, 2011Page 15 Next step(s) Finalize and formalize cryogenic system functional requirements Start basic engineering of the PXIE distribution system Continue CMTF cryogenic infrastructure construction

16 Project X Collaboration Meeting, KlebanerOctober 26, 2011Page 16 Summary An overview of the the PXIE cryogenic system concept was presented The system will enable operation of SRF components in PXIE under similar cryogenic conditions to what will be used for the Project X Near term plan includes finalizing system functional requirements and starting basic engineering

17 Project X Collaboration Meeting, KlebanerOctober 26, 2011Page 17 THANK YOU !

18 Project X Collaboration Meeting, KlebanerOctober 26, 2011Page 18 Support slide: CM1 cavity pressure “Have e’er you seen the Pixies, the fold not blest or banned? They walk upon the waters; they sail upon the land… “ Nora Chesson

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