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Recurrent cervical nerve: thyroid- parathyroid pathology Vocal cord palsy caused by thyroid or parathyroid pathology is due to recurrent nerve involvement.

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Presentation on theme: "Recurrent cervical nerve: thyroid- parathyroid pathology Vocal cord palsy caused by thyroid or parathyroid pathology is due to recurrent nerve involvement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recurrent cervical nerve: thyroid- parathyroid pathology Vocal cord palsy caused by thyroid or parathyroid pathology is due to recurrent nerve involvement due to its location in the tracheoesophageal groove (arrows). It is a common complication of thyroid/ parathyroid surgery. Diagnostic imaging. Hansberger

2 A xial view of the neck with coronal and sagittal reconstructions. It shows a liquid attenuation lesion depending of left thyroid lobe. It extended to tracheoesophageal groove and carotid space. Fine needle aspiration was performed obtaining pus. 83 yo female with left vocal cord palsy and 1 month evolution and dysphonia Thyroid abscess

3 Heterogeneous mass dependent of posterior part of left thyroid lobe. It contacts with esophagus and extends until paravertebral space. 79 yo female with anterior rapidly growing cervical mass, right vocal cord palsy and dysphagia. Thyroid anaplasic cancer

4 Recurrent affectation by thyroid pathology: - Usually is due to malignant pathology. - Affectation of recurrent nerve by a benign lesion is exceptional. - That are the reason why in the evaluation of a thyroid nodule recurrent nerve palsy suggests highly malignancy.

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