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Presentation On Computer Hardware & Software. What is Hardware? Hardware is a general term for the physical objects of technology. It may also mean the.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation On Computer Hardware & Software. What is Hardware? Hardware is a general term for the physical objects of technology. It may also mean the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation On Computer Hardware & Software

2 What is Hardware? Hardware is a general term for the physical objects of technology. It may also mean the physical components of a computer system, in the form of computer hardware. Everything you can see and touch in/on/attached to your Computer is called hardware.

3 What are Computer Hardware? Computer Hardware components is all devices or equipment involved in the functioning of a computer. Computer hardware consists of the components that can be physically handled. The function of these components are typically divided into three main categories: Input devices, Output devices and Storage Devices.

4 Computer Hardware Motherboard

5 Computer Hardware Computer Input Devices

6 Computer Hardware Output Device

7 Computer Hardware Storage Devices

8 Computer Hardware Modem I/O devices

9 Computer Hardware Memory - RAM


11 What is Software? Computer software is a general term that describes computer programs or applications. Related terms such as software programs, applications, scripts, and instruction sets all fall under the category of computer software.

12 What is Computer Software? Computer software, or just software is a general term used to describe the role that computer programs, procedures and documentation play in a computer system.

13 Software Characteristics Software is developed and engineered. Software doesn't "wear-out". Installed onto a computer system Provided either on an Optical disk or other storage medium

14 Types of software System software System software helps run the computer hardware and computer system. It includes a combination of the following: operating systems E.g. : Windows, Linux etc. Utilities Disk defragmenter Anti-virus Device drivers etc

15 Programming software Programming software usually provides tools to assist a programmer, and software using different programming languages in a more convenient way. The tools include: compilers debuggers interpreters text editors and more…

16 Application software Industrial automation E.g. CAD Business software E.g. Pastel Accounting, Quickbooks etc. Computer games E.g. Solitaire, Need for Speed etc. Office Applications E.g. MS Word, MS PowerPoint etc. Educational software E.g. Cairoo Math, Math Trek etc. Image editing E.g. Photoshop, Corel, Adobe, InDesign etc. There are many others to name…consult your textbook for more examples.

17 Thank You!

18 Send us an email at and we will answer you withing 24 You can also use the blog on the website or our facebook page to post questions and get answers. Enjoy!!!

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