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Flow sampling in IPFIX: Status and suggestion for its support Maurizio Molina,

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Presentation on theme: "Flow sampling in IPFIX: Status and suggestion for its support Maurizio Molina,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Flow sampling in IPFIX: Status and suggestion for its support Maurizio Molina,

2 2 © NEC Europe Ltd., 2002 Network Laboratories, Heidelberg Packet sampling Packet sampling selects packets within flows –Several possible algorithms (1 out of N, random,…) –Done to reduce meter load –Most likely same algorithm is applied to all flows of an observation point Information to be exported: sampling algorithm and parameters (all drafts say so….) PROTO draft: “The Options Template Record….is used to supply information about the Metering process configuration….rather than supplying info about IP flows….for example the sample rate of an interface” INFO draft: –SamplingAlgorithm –SamplingInterval

3 3 © NEC Europe Ltd., 2002 Network Laboratories, Heidelberg Flow sampling Flow sampling selects entire flows –ARCH draft: “Selecting Flows for export” is a MAY funct. in the exporting process. In this way, it can reduce export/collector load Example: collect all, export the elephants: – –BUT it would be also beneficial to allow this functionality in the meter, to deal with limited resources (e.g memory for the flow cache) Example: keep flow records for the elephants only: –C. Estan, and G. Varghese: “New directions in traffic measurement and accouning”, SIGCOMM 2002 F.S. can co-exist with pk sampling, even if pk sampling introduces a “natural” flow sampling (small flows out) What info can/ needs to be exported? How?

4 4 © NEC Europe Ltd., 2002 Network Laboratories, Heidelberg Exporting flow sampling Info It is Metering/exporting process Info, not single flows Info –As for packet sampling, use Option records: flow records contain an options record ID where this info is contained. “Scope” can be the interface, the cache, etc. Info that can be known: –Flow sampling type and parameters E.g. threshold based exporting, 1 out of N exporting? Elephant detection? –Unreported traffic because of flow sampling (packets, bytes) –Unreported flows (only if flow sampling is done in the exporter, if it’s in the meter we don’t know it…) What is this info useful for? –Re-normalization (like for pk sampling) –Trust/re-adjustement of the metering process (e.g. “reported flows only account for 10% of the traffic….”)

5 5 © NEC Europe Ltd., 2002 Network Laboratories, Heidelberg Flow Sampling in IPFIX - Conclusions Flow sampling in the exporter process is already considered (as a MAY) in IPFIX drafts. What information to export hasn’t been defined yet Flow sampling in the meter is not explicitly considered, but may be a need if meter’s memory is limited How to Export flow sampling info: it would be possible with Option records, like for pk sampling Internet draft describing the flow sampling issue, what specific info to export and how. As a target, add these info in IPFIX information model Comments? Questions? Suggested next steps:

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