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Presented by Tudor Smith CFIOSH (Retired).  69 years old. (Apprentice ‘old gittttt’ soon to be ‘grumpy old git’)  I retired last year.  Started working.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Tudor Smith CFIOSH (Retired).  69 years old. (Apprentice ‘old gittttt’ soon to be ‘grumpy old git’)  I retired last year.  Started working."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Tudor Smith CFIOSH (Retired)

2  69 years old. (Apprentice ‘old gittttt’ soon to be ‘grumpy old git’)  I retired last year.  Started working life as a chippy  Was head hunted to supervise a construction site.  Moved on to local authority.  Moved into Health and Safety.  Spent the next 43 years in that profession at various companies and organisations.

3  I'm still standing.  I've been lucky.  I've been unlucky.  I've had great support.  I've been frightened to tell my employer my woe’s.

4  I limp.  I now have to walking with a stick (its a balance thing).  I try to walk a mile every day. (don't always succeed).  I won’t let it grind me down (more of this later)

5  I've worked for employers who, when they know, have been very supportive.  I have great family and friends.  I have happened across great people in the NHS and private practice.  (I love the NHS).

6  I've worked for companies /organisation who I would not let know my health issues.  I've had more than my fair share of problems.

7  I've had Five major operations on my spine.  Starting from the top;  Quadrilateral laminectomy.  Replacement carbon fibre disc at C3- C4.  Decompression of between T11-T12  Fasetectomy at L3-L4-L4-L5.  Discectomy at L3-L4-L4-L5.

8 Its not very clear but the picture on the left is looking down through my spinal cord. You may be able to make out two white areas, they are dead nerves. On the right is a cross section showing the nipped areas. *disc inserted here not shown

9  I've had Cancer.  352,197 people were diagnosed with cancer in 2013 (latest figures).  Breast, lung, prostate and bowel make up 53% of all cancers diagnosed.  Mine was my Left kidney (radical nephrectomy). They took it out.  Scans for Seven years (thank goodness no recurrence, 21 years on).

10  I've broken my right shoulder. (Humerus that is)  Because of my limp (I have a retentive right leg and a dropped right foot)

11  Broken ‘Humerus’  Balance issue.  Foot didn't react.  Toppled over.  Hit elbow on steel shelf.  Shattered humerus.  Hung for a week.  Op to insert titanium plate and ten screws.  Ouch!!!!!

12  I've had a toe amputated.  I've had ‘Celluliteous’ (explain)  I've had a bone growth removed from my knee (Housemaids knee)  I'm diabetic (Type 2).  I have to take tables for nerve pain.

13  Certainly not for sympathy!!!  My wife ensures I get none of that!!!!  Awareness, can you spot the SIGNS and would you know what to do?

14  Changes in behaviour, however slight may, and only may be, a sign (but we all have bad days).  Lateness, quickness to temper/argumental, tearfulness, increased/reduced eating, alcohol intake, tiredness, lack of concentration, increased incident rate, etc, etc.... (investigation question?)  These may build up as a pattern or onset may be rapid.  GRAY.

15  SHRUG.  Others can’t.  Some can share these issues.  Other can’t.  We need to be aware of this.  My advice is don’t push it!!!  The word “Trauma” is used all to glibly these days.  But offer an ear.

16  What ever we think its still a bit of a taboo subject.  Many organisation do recognise this as an issue and put in place a provision for referral, but still loads don’t.  This is much to big a subject to discuss here but please become more aware of it.

17  Other than the limp could you tell from just looking at me?  How many of you have, or have had, health issues to deal with. (you and or family)  I've learned that I'm unique in my list (but)  I’m well off compared with others.  What you see is not always what you get so please

18  I intend to grow older disgracefully so please, don’t be tempted to ‘tell the book by the cover’

19 Thanks for listening..... Do you have any questions?... Happy to discuss.

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