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Particulate Matter Air Pollution and AQI. Pollution Facts Mexico City is one of the world's most polluted cities. When pollution is really bad, birds.

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Presentation on theme: "Particulate Matter Air Pollution and AQI. Pollution Facts Mexico City is one of the world's most polluted cities. When pollution is really bad, birds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Particulate Matter Air Pollution and AQI

2 Pollution Facts Mexico City is one of the world's most polluted cities. When pollution is really bad, birds have been known to drop dead out of the sky. Every day, each of the world's 11 billion cattle gives off one pound of methane (produced in their gut as they digest food). How much methane is produced every year? (Answer: 274 billion pounds or 137 million tons.) The average person takes about 20,000 breaths a day. Even though plants make oxygen, which is essential to live, people have destroyed almost two-thirds of the original forests on Earth.

3 Point Source Pollution A point source (PS) of pollution is a single identifiable source of air, water, thermal, noise or light pollution. Water pollution from an oil refinery Noise pollution from a jet engine Light pollution from a street light Thermal pollution from a coal fire plant

4 Nonpoint Source Pollution Nonpoint source (NPS) pollution refers to both water and air pollution from nonspecific sources. Not from one single source. NPS pollution is widespread, not just in a single area. Sediment- loose soil Nutrients organic matter from runoff ex. landfill, livestock Toxic contaminants and chemicals- heavy metals like lead, mercury, zinc or pesticides and fertilizers Pathogens- Viruses or Bacteria


6 Point and Nonpoint Sources NONPOINT SOURCES Urban streets Suburban development Wastewater treatment plant Rural homes Cropland Factory Animal feedlot POINT SOURCES Fig. 22-4 p. 494

7 Point source vs. Non-point source











18 What is Particulate Matter? Particulate matter (PM) describes any airborne material that comes from gaseous pollutants. PM pollution consists of particles (including dust, smoke, and soot). - Particles come from natural sources (volcanoes; forest fires) and human activities such as burning fossil fuels, burning wastes, and metals.

19 Sources of PM Mobile Sources (vehicles) VOCs, NO 2, PM Stationary Sources (power plants, factories) NO 2, SO 2, PM Area Sources (drycleaners, gas stations) VOCs Natural Sources (forest fires, volcanoes) PM

20 Air Quality Index (AQI) a national reporting program that links air quality levels to cautionary health messages Measures sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and ozone helps the public make good health- based decisions about their daily activities Used on the news Go to to get more


22 What do you say? AQI color code Who is affected?What is the significance? What action should people take? Green –Air quality is goodEnjoy activities YellowPeople who are unusually sensitive to air pollution Air quality is a concern for people who are unusually sensitive to air pollution People unusually sensitive to air pollution: Plan strenuous activities when air quality is better OrangePeople with heart or lung disease (including asthma), older adults, and children Air quality is unhealthy for people in sensitive groups Sensitive groups: Cut back or reschedule strenuous activities RedEveryone, especially people with heart or lung disease (including asthma), older adults, and children Air quality is unhealthy for everyone Everyone: Cut back or reschedule strenuous activities Sensitive groups: Avoid strenuous activities PurpleEveryone, especially people with heart or lung disease (including asthma), older adults, and children Air quality is very unhealthy for everyone Everyone: Significantly cut back on physical activities Sensitive groups: Avoid all physical activities

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