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1 LHC detector upgrades Marc Weber ATLAS Upgrade Tracker Upgrade; Trigger Upgrade CMS Upgrade Track trigger LHCb Upgrade RICH  PPD is involved in all.

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Presentation on theme: "1 LHC detector upgrades Marc Weber ATLAS Upgrade Tracker Upgrade; Trigger Upgrade CMS Upgrade Track trigger LHCb Upgrade RICH  PPD is involved in all."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 LHC detector upgrades Marc Weber ATLAS Upgrade Tracker Upgrade; Trigger Upgrade CMS Upgrade Track trigger LHCb Upgrade RICH  PPD is involved in all phases of experimental particle physics: conception, R&D, design + construction, commissioning, physics exploitation We provide:  International and national leadership  High calibre of R&D  Crystallisation point for joint UK projects  PPD benefits from strong technical base  Technical and intellectual challenges of PP attract best engineers and technicians to PPD and Technology Department

2 2 LHC Upgrade to Super-LHC What is it, why, when? SLHC is the luminosity upgrade of LHC to 10 35 cm -2 s -1 luminosity by ~2015  much increased occupancies and radiation levels, huge technical challenge! Three generic physics reasons for PPD to embark on SLHC detector upgrades: Consolidation of LHC discoveries Extended discovery reach (~30% in mass or ~1 TeV) Increased precision and access to rare decays/channels PPD activities focus on areas where: we have proven expertise, unique capabilities and which are most critical and challenging

3 3 ATLAS tracker upgrade for SLHC What is it? Replacement of ATLAS inner detector by all-silicon tracker Funding statusUK R&D is funded for 3 years UK partners 6 (total of 13 UK ATLAS institutes) PPD effort ~2 FTE in 2007/8 PPD activities ASIC and hybrid development (WP4) Power distribution (WP6) Engineering (WP7); DAQ (WP8) Coordination roles within ATLAS

4 4 ATLAS tracker upgrade What is it? Replacement of ATLAS inner detector by all-silicon tracker 1 m 5.6 m 2 m 1.6 m 17 thousand silicon sensors (60 m 2 ) 6 M silicon strips (80  m x 12.8 cm) 80 M pixels (50  m x 400  m) 350 K straws of Transition Radiation Tracker ATLAS Inner Detector

5 5 ATLAS tracker upgrade PPD activities Coordinating 2 of 8 UK WPs, significant involvement in 4 WP; building on our ATLAS SemiConductor Tracker experience; focus on system aspects and “show stoppers” ATLAS SCT Barrel

6 6 ATLAS tracker upgrade Readout IC Initiated design effort supported by RAL micro-electronics group; defining specifications, some involvement in characterization Readout IC challenges: power; radiation- hardness; 0.13  m CMOS technology M. Weber, M. Tyndel, P. Phillips

7 7 ATLAS tracker upgrade Hybrids Initiated and lead R&D on silicon post-processing and silicon substrate thin-film hybrids; highly-innovative; highly-relevant; close collaboration with several UK groups Hybrid challenges: material budget; size; power; high-speed design J. Bizzell, M. Tyndel, M. Weber

8 8 ATLAS tracker upgrade Cooling system R&D on joining and welding techniques on different pipe materials; high-pressure testing facility; collaboration with Technology Department and Oxford Cooling system challenges: material budget; reliability at joints at high pressure and ~ -40  C M. Gibson, R. Apsimon, Technology Depart.

9 9 ATLAS tracker upgrade Supermodules Proposed supermodule concept, based on SCT and CDF Run IIb experience; supermodule is ATLAS baseline now; collaboration with Technology Department, Oxford and Liverpool Supermodule: Large structure with integrated cooling and cabling. Faster assembly, and testing. Reduced costs M. Weber, Technology Depart.

10 10 ATLAS tracker upgrade Power consumption and distributionInitiated serial powering R&D for strips; obtained funding; built international collaboration Coordinating upgrade power distribution R&D in ATLAS; coordinating power distribution WP in an EU FP7 bid; setting up SLHC wide power working group Lots of interest from US ILC community; joint IC design project with FNAL Patent on data communication with SP (met representatives of a railway company yesterday) M. Weber, R. Holt, G. Villani, students Challenge: solve cable congestion and high-current distribution Good example of high-calibre R&D; international leadership and collaboration; efficient collaboration between physicists and engineers; outreach (vocational and work-experience students)

11 11 ATLAS tracker upgrade PPD activities Organizational roles and leadership -PPD organized first ATLAS UK tracker workshop at Cosner’s house in 2004. This jump-started the UK tracker upgrade R&D -PPD argued for more centralized organizational structure for upgrade, which lead to ATLAS Upgrade project office -PPD is heading ATLAS Upgrade Review Office, ATLAS power distribution R&D, two work packages of UK ATLAS tracker R&D Collaboration with Technology Department -PPD made the case for UK upgrade project engineer and obtained funding -Joint R&D projects relating to cooling, radiation-hardness of materials supermodule design and tracker mechanical layout -Heavy users of clean room (built for ATLAS SCT) and wire-bonding and micro-assembly equipment

12 12 ATLAS trigger upgrade for SLHC What is it ? Upgrade of trigger for SLHC rates and physics Funding statusStatement of interest to funding agency UK partners5 current UK partners in Level-1 and High-Level triggers PPD role Conceptual design and architecture, construction, commissioning, algorithms and real-time software Anticipated PPD trigger upgrade activities Focus is on commissioning of current trigger Key work to come is trigger optimization with real data Generic R&D (e.g. fast links, high-speed networking) Development of overall trigger concept Detailed specification when constraints are clear (bunch crossing and background rates, physics channels)

13 13 ATLAS trigger upgrade for SLHC Challenges for upgrade Higher data rates, higher detector occupancy, multiple high-speed links, increased connectivity Build on substantial LHC experience with Level-1 and High-Level triggers: -coordination; architectural design; high-speed processing technologies; algorithms; data-flow system L1 Trigger ROD 18 Gb/s data processing Display of 23 overlapping LHC events (p T >0.5 GeV)

14 14 CMS track trigger for SLHC What is it ? Provide tracker info to CMS first level trigger Funding statusBid for 3 years of UK R&D to go out soon UK partnersBristol, Brunel, Imperial PPD activitiesDevelopment of fast simulation tools and optimization of track trigger and tracker design; L1 trigger algorithms; evaluation of track trigger prototypes PPD staffD. Newbold, I. Tomalin, C. Shepard-Themistocleous

15 15 CMS track trigger for SLHC What is it ? Provide tracker info to CMS first level trigger (L1) CMS trigger without L1 tracker info: limited rejection power at high rates CMS upgrade: Reconstruct track stubs and combine with calorimeter and muon info at L1

16 16 CMS track trigger for SLHC Challenges - Rate reduction and performance  optimize layer/position/granularity/ material - Data transfer rates - On-detector electronics processing/power Candidate processing topology

17 17 CMS track trigger for SLHC Why track trigger ? SLHC trigger is one of most critical elements for CMS upgrade PPD/RAL has substantial expertise with CMS tracker and its readout electronics -Tracker readout chip APV25 and tracker off-detector readout system (FED) was designed by Imperial and RAL technology department - PPD led CMS Tracker Software group Project links very well with LHC physics exploitation Another key deliverable of PPD CMS, the ECAL, is less affected by upgrade CMS tracker FED APV25 Readout IC

18 18 LHCb Upgrade What is it, why, when? LHCb is running at 2x10 32 cm -2 s -1 below LHC design luminosity LHC machine optics could deliver factor 10 increase now  LHCb upgrade is a detector upgrade (including readout + trigger) LHCb upgrade is all about precision and exploring theoretically clean modes e.g.: Improved measurement of γ to < 1 degree B s mixing phase precision <10% Rare B decays like B s/d ->   LHCb detector

19 19 LHCb upgrade Funding statusWish to evaluate detector performance with real data before bidding for upgrade UK partnersBristol, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Imperial, Liverpool, Oxford PPD staffS. Easo, J. Morris, A. Papanestis, G. Patrick, S. Riccardi Anticipated PPD activities Analysis strategies for high-precision BSM analyses Simulation to evaluate RICH upgrade options RICH upgrade together with Technology Department and UK partners Definition and implementation of computing strategy Delivery of RICH II from RAL to CERN

20 20 Simulation of detector performance some, but not dramatic degradation of RICH particle ID at high luminosity (assumes 40 MHz HPD readout) Involvement in LHCb upgrade working group Organizing Cosner’s house Heavy Flavour Forum with sessions on future of HFP and LHCb upgrade Current PPD LHCb upgrade activities

21 21 Summary Current PPD focus is LHC detector commissioning and physics preparation PPD is taking part in LHC detector upgrade R&D from day one I have shown you representative examples of how -PPD projects help to attract the best engineers and technicians into STFC -UK and international PP community strongly benefit from synergy between engineers and physicists in STFC -PPD serves as a focus for collaborative UK projects -PPD carries through R&D of high-calibre and impact -PPD is an attractive national and international partner

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