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Connected Health - vision for OuluHealth Maritta Perälä-Heape, Director, Centre for Health and Technology, University of Oulu.

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Presentation on theme: "Connected Health - vision for OuluHealth Maritta Perälä-Heape, Director, Centre for Health and Technology, University of Oulu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connected Health - vision for OuluHealth Maritta Perälä-Heape, Director, Centre for Health and Technology, University of Oulu


3 What does Connected health mean? Connected Health solutions are advanced service solutions, which are designed for you to build up your consumer journey making you as an active co- creator of your health & making health data actionable

4 Connected health solutions can be personal health accounts To support, motivate and encourage a more healthy lifestyle or more healthy choices To assist in learning from past situations 1. Actionable data in the citizen’s everyday situations

5 2. Connected health solutions – holistic view of personal data

6 3. Connected health is making data actionable – portable data & learning health system

7 CITY OF OULU and BUSINESS OULU TECHNOPOLIS VTT technical research centre of Finland OULU UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES OULU UNIVERSITYCOMPANIES Kontinkangas campus / OuluHealth in 2012 In 2009 CHT in 2011

8 Building blocks of OuluHealth ecosystem (PPP) Innovation platforms: Match-making events testing and piloting platforms digital co-creation platforms biobanks & cohorts R&DI management: thematic & multidisciplinary approach competence building: education Innovation capacity building: national and international innovation networks lab-to business lab-to service innovation competitions

9 Success factors PPL Tekes STM INKA TEM OKF Sitra H2020 EIP-AHA NoTEB OY VTT OYS OAMK OUKA BusinessOulu Technopolis

10 READi for Health AVAUS FUTURE HOSPITAL INDICO Global Innovation networks ECOSYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CONNECTED HEALTH professorship FUTURE OF CONNECTED HEALTH 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 hPOC OuluHealth Digital Health Revolution Digipathology SILVER THALEA ODA FICHe OuluHealth Labs Nordic Test Beds Key project roadmap INKA 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 OIA

11 Revenue (m€) and personel of life science companies


13 Connected Health in 2020 From emergency to prevention From passive patient to active agent From chronic patient care to recovery coach From fee for service to value creation Selling care vs. selling health Consumers will expect more: “always on - always available”

14 Healthcare transformation is faster than you think Eric Topol ( an American cardiologist, geneticist, and digital medicine researcher; Scripps Translational Institute, San Diego) The Patient Will See You Now… “Future medicine will look and feel a lot like Uber: with rich technology underpinning, consumer-service oriented and friendly, and shaking up the professionals at the front line of the business (from taxi drivers to physicians)”

15 Future Genomic and precision medicine Genomic knowledge will transform the daily practice of medicine change medicine and make it far more precise and individualized Consumer-driven genomic medicine: Direct-to consumer tests From population cohorts to participatory medicine

16 New players will change the game

17 Takeaways for OuluHealth 1.Promotion of Individualized Health and Wellbeing – customer in the drivers seat 2.Efficient and Effective Health and Social Services – Virtual clinics and couching for health plans 3.The World's Smartest University Hospital – virtual visits for targeted follow-up visits Take the opportunity of health and digital technologies in transformation of care – multimodal imaging, robotics, printed intelligence, etc

18 Connected health technologies are here to stay 5G & Big data in healthcare The internet of healthy things

19 2

20 My Data: Empowering All Americans with Personal Data Access "Because we want every American ultimately to be able to securely access and analyze their own health data, so that they can make the best decisions for themselves and for their families." - President Barack Obama January 30, 2015

21 "People’s right to decide about and monitor their personal information will be enhanced, while ensuring the smooth transfer of data between the authorities." - Strategic Programme of Prime Minister Juha Sipila ̈ ’s Government May 29, 2015

22 USAFINLAND ObamaCareGovernment Turntable ClinicMyData Clinic REVOLUTION IN PERSONAL DATA MANAGEMENT (OuluHealth) Our services: Tell us your service needs and use cases We work out the MyData customer journey REVOLUTION IN HEALTH CARE (Las Vegas, Zubin Damania MD ) Services: See the nurse, physician and health couch in one visit and make your health plan together with them focusing on everything that keeps you healthy. Also 24/7 access by phone, See us or not: phone, video chat, email

23 Thank you! Maritta Perälä-Heape, Director Innovation Services and ecosystems, University of Oulu RDI management, OuluHealth

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