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Africa Region Incentive Plan

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1 Africa Region Incentive Plan
Tiens Africa Region Incentive Plan

2 Elite Growth Plan (201507)

3 makes a once-off / accumulatively 600 PV or above personal sales
Option 1: Applies to all NEW and existing 3 Star or below distributors as at Bonus Month 2015/06. In ONE bonus month (i.e. July 2015 Bonus Month) makes a once-off / accumulatively 600 PV or above personal sales fast promoted to 4 Star

4 U Option 2: In ONE bonus month (i.e. July 2015 Bonus Month)
Applies to all new and existing distributors as at Bonus Month 2015/06. In ONE bonus month (i.e. July 2015 Bonus Month) Sponsors / placement TWO down lines who qualified from Option 1, AND At least ONE down line is direct down line. U A Qualifier for Option 1 B ii. The Qualifier must be promoted to 5 Star or above.. iii. Maintain monthly personal sales as per Tiens Marketing Plan

5 CASH $200 REWARD Qualifiers can get a Cash Reward of
$200 USD (Two Hundred Dollars) = N36,000.00

6 Attention A maximum of FOUR (4) x $200 will be rewarded to a Qualifier of Option 2. Example: Distributor A (6 Star) has sponsored 8 new 4 Star who qualified Option 1 within one bonus month and 4 of the new 4 Star are his/her direct down-lines and Distributor A’s PPV is qualified. The Distributor A will be rewarded cash $800 from this promotion.

7 (July 2015 –Sept. 2015)


9 Advantages: Gives preferential option to distributors who fought for but did not qualify for the China trip. For option 2: Qualifiers ONLY need promote to 6 Star or above, GPV will not be used as qualifying criteria again. NO need subtract the GPV from downlines who also qualify for the promotion. Expand your network, help U to achieve African Pride Promotion (Car Award)/Special Award easier.

10 26th June 2015 till 25th September 2015
Option 1: 26th June 2015 till 25th September 2015 (Bonus month 2015/07 – ) Applies to all 5 Star or above who upgraded from 4 Star or below in 2015/03 and New member who joined during the China Trip promotion, but did not qualify for China Trip. YOU 6 STAR or Above Accumulated GPV during China trip * 10%(Max.1000PV)+ New accumulated GPV >=7,000 GPV PROMOTE Maintain monthly personal sales Existing 5 Star or Below

11 A ticket to Spain

12 26th June 2015 till 25th September 2015
Option 2: 26th June 2015 till 25th September 2015 (Bonus month 2015/07 – ) Applies to all 4 Star or below as at Bonus Month 2015/06 and all Newly joined YOU 6 STAR or Above PROMOTE Maintain monthly personal sales Existing 4 Star or Below And Newly Joined

13 A ticket to Spain

14 26th June 2015 till 25th September 2015
Option 3: 26th June 2015 till 25th September 2015 (Bonus month 2015/07 – ) Applied to all new and existing distributors. Sponsors TWO Direct down -lines who qualified for Option 1 or 2. U A Qualifier for Option 1 or 2 B ii. Promoted to 5 Star or above.. iii. Maintain monthly personal sales as per Tiens Marketing Plan

15 A ticket to Spain

16 Attention A qualifier can only qualify either ONCE for Option1 (or Option 2) or maximum TWICE from Option 3.

17 (July 2015 –January 2016)

18 YOU PROMOTE Option 1: GOLD LION or Above Existing Silver Lion or Below
26th June 2015 till 25th January 2016 (Bonus month 2015/07 – ) Applies to all Silver Lions or below as at Bonus Month 2015/06 YOU GOLD LION or Above PROMOTE Obtain the Gold Lion bonus at least 1 Month Maintain monthly personal sales Existing Silver Lion or Below

19 A ticket to Spain

20 Applies to all Gold Lion or above as at Bonus Month 2015/06
Option 2a: 26th June 2015 till 25th January 2016 (Bonus month 2015/07 – ) Applies to all Gold Lion or above as at Bonus Month 2015/06 YOU Obtain the Gold Lion bonus at least 3 Months Gold Lion or Above

21 A ticket to Spain

22 Applies to all Gold Lion or above as at Bonus Month 2015/06
Option 2b: 26th June 2015 till 25th January 2016 (Bonus month 2015/07 – ) Applies to all Gold Lion or above as at Bonus Month 2015/06 YOU Obtain the Gold Lion bonus at least 6 Months Gold Lion or Above

23 2 ticket to Spain

24 A qualifier can only qualify for either
Attention A qualifier can only qualify for either Spain Trip Or Passion Spain.


26 Advantages Immediate reward. NO need subtract the GPV from downlines who also qualify for the promotion Give the preferential option to distributors who fought for but did not qualify for the last Car Award

27 26th June 2015 To 25th June 2016 (Bonus month 2015/07 – 201606)
PROMO DURATION: 26th June 2015 To 25th June 2016 (Bonus month 2015/07 – )

28 Option 1A: 26th June 2015 to 18th December 2015 (Bonus month 2015/07 – ) Applies to Newly Registered Members during the Promo Period YOU 7 STAR UPGRADE Maintain monthly personal sales Newly Registered

29 $15,000 GET CAR REWARD WORTH: Qualifiers can get a Cash Reward of
$15,000 (Fifteen Thousand Dollars) = N2,700,000.00

30 Option 1B: 26th June 2015 to 25th June 2016 (Bonus month 2015/07 – ) Applies to Newly Registered Member during the Promo Period YOU 8 STAR UPGRADE Maintain monthly personal sales Newly Registered

31 $15,000 GET CAR REWARD WORTH: Qualifiers can get a Cash Reward of
$15,000 (Fifteen Thousand Dollars) = N2,700,000.00

32 Applies to 6 STAR or Below
Option 1C: 26th June 2015 to 18th December 2015 (Bonus month 2015/07 – 2015/12) Applies to 6 STAR or Below YOU 7 STAR Accumulated GPV >=60,000 GPV PROMOTE Maintain monthly personal sales Existing 6 Star or Below

33 $15,000 GET CAR REWARD WORTH: Qualifiers can get a Cash Reward of
$15,000 (Fifteen Thousand Dollars) = N2,700,000.00

34 Applies to 7 STAR or Below
Option 1C: 26th June 2015 to 25th June 2016 (Bonus month 2015/07 – 2016/06) Applies to 7 STAR or Below YOU 8 STAR Accumulated GPV >=100,000 GPV & TNPV >=170,000 PROMOTE Maintain monthly personal sales Existing 7 Star or Above

35 $15,000 GET CAR REWARD WORTH: Qualifiers can get a Cash Reward of
$15,000 (Fifteen Thousand Dollars) = N2,700,000.00

36 Maintain monthly personal sales
Option 1D: 26th June 2015 to 25th June 2016 (Bonus month 2015/07 – 2016/06) Applies to 8 STAR YOU BRONZE LION Accumulated GPV >=100,000 GPV & TNPV >=170,000 PROMOTE Maintain monthly personal sales Existing 8

37 $15,000 GET CAR REWARD WORTH: Qualifiers can get a Cash Reward of
$15,000 (Fifteen Thousand Dollars) = N2,700,000.00

38 Maintain monthly personal sales
Option 1E: 26th June 2015 to 25th June 2016 (Bonus month 2015/07 – 2016/06) Applies to Bronze Lion SILVER LION YOU Accumulated GPV >=100,000 GPV & TNPV >=170,000 PROMOTE Maintain monthly personal sales Existing Bronze Lions

39 $25,000 GET CAR REWARD WORTH: Qualifiers can get a Cash Reward of
$25,000 (Twenty Five Thousand Dollars) = N4,500,000.00

40 Car Award ( ) Option 2: For the distributors who upgraded to 7 Star, 8 Star or Bronze Lion during the last Car Award, but did not qualify for the last Car Award, within the period of till : 7star Upgrade to 8star 10% of Accumulated GPV during the last Car Award (capped at maximum of 5,000PV) + New accumulated GPV>=100,000PV New accumulated TNPV>=170,000PV Get 15,000USD.

41 Car Award (201507-201606) 8star Upgrade to Bronze Lion
10% of Accumulated GPV during the last Car Award (capped at maximum of 5,000PV) + New accumulated GPV>=100,000PV New accumulated TNPV>=170,000PV Get 15,000USD.

42 Car Award (201507-201606) Bronze Lion Upgrade to Silver Lion
Get 25,000USD.

43 Special Award (201507-201606) Golden Lion or above in 201606
Yacht:5 Golden Lion or above in Jet:3 1star Golden Lion or above in Villa:1 2star Golden Lion or above in

44 Customer Care on: 09036019094
Questions & Answers For more details, Inquiries, Feedbacks, please call our Customer Care on: Or us on: You can also log on to Tiens Nigeria website for important info on:


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