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Walking School Bus Moira Shire and VicHealth. Promoting Good Health and Activity through local schools. A better way to get to Sacred Heart Primary School.

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Presentation on theme: "Walking School Bus Moira Shire and VicHealth. Promoting Good Health and Activity through local schools. A better way to get to Sacred Heart Primary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walking School Bus Moira Shire and VicHealth. Promoting Good Health and Activity through local schools. A better way to get to Sacred Heart Primary School

2 What is a Walking School Bus? Moira Shire and VicHealth. Promoting Good Health and Activity through local schools. A Walking School Bus (WSB) is not a vehicle but rather a way to encourage children to walk to school instead of be driven. Children walk in small groups, lead by an Adult supervisor and picks up passengers at timetabled “Bus stops” along a predetermined Route to school. Whilst safety is paramount, the prime objective of WSB is to build fun activity into our children's day.

3 Who is involved in our Walking School Bus? Moira Shire and VicHealth. Promoting Good Health and Activity through local schools. Partners in our Walking School Bus Project include : 1.Local Primary Schools, School Council, Parents and Friends Association etc 2.Vic Health 3.Moira Shire 4.Children attending Partnership schools 5.Volunteers (parents, grandparents) 6.Business houses 7.Other interested community members

4 Who can benefit from a WSB? Moira Shire and VicHealth. Promoting Good Health and Activity through local schools. EVERYONE benefits when a WSB is established. Whilst not everyone will use the bus for a range of reasons, the opportunity to see incidental activity as a normal part of daily life can be greatly enhanced through associated programs and is limited only by our imagination. Parents, Teachers and most importantly our KIDS benefit from WSB by rediscovering the simplicity and FUN of walking to school.

5 What are the Benefits? Moira Shire and VicHealth. Promoting Good Health and Activity through local schools. Inactivity is a major contributor to people being over weight. All too often we see highly structured activities (generally intensive in effort and efficient in time) as being the answer where in actual fact it is incidental activity (built into normal daily tasks) that is the solution to this problem. A return to traditional activities, like walking to school is a great step in reversing the trends of becoming overweight. It is also a fantastic way to encourage improvements to general health and fitness. It’s great fun as well!

6 What are the Benefits? cont Moira Shire and VicHealth. Promoting Good Health and Activity through local schools. To the School – Increases the profile of our school as a part of the broader community through the exposure created by the WSB winding through local streets. Improves attendance, punctuality and alertness of children who arrive at school “Ready to Learn”. Generates a greater sense of “Community” within the school by breaking down social barriers and mixing peer groups.

7 What are the Benefits? cont Moira Shire and VicHealth. Promoting Good Health and Activity through local schools. To Parents– An alternative means for getting their children to school safely. It has been suggested that children's effort to get ready for school is improved out of fear of missing the bus if late! Creates time efficiency by eliminating the need to drive children to school or pick them up. A great way to get to know other parents by being involved as a volunteer.

8 What are the Benefits? cont Moira Shire and VicHealth. Promoting Good Health and Activity through local schools. To Children – The opportunity for children to get regular daily exercise A greater understanding of Road Rules. A fun way to start the day. Creates a positive mindset. Improved social network with a wide range of other children from their school. Greater ownership of their school and its image. Improved confidence as an ambassador of the school.

9 Moira Shire and VicHealth. Promoting Good Health and Activity through local schools. How does it all work? 1.A Volunteer starts at the beginning of the route with any children who are listed at that stop. 2.In line with the timetable set out for that route, the bus travels from one stop to the next picking up the listed passengers as it goes. 3.The bus enters the school grounds at which time the children go to class rooms as usual. 4.It’ just that simple!

10 Moira Shire and VicHealth. Promoting Good Health and Activity through local schools. What has been done so far? 1. The program has been introduced to the schools Principal. 2. Forms for the program have been developed Volunteer agreement Parent consent / volunteer availability Student pledge WSB passenger lists 3.Police check subsidy forms have been authorised.

11 Moira Shire and VicHealth. Promoting Good Health and Activity through local schools. What next? With the background work complete, all that remains now is for the program to be introduced and implemented to the broader school community. In addition to this Power point presentation, school newsletters and local newspapers will form the basis of promotion. The school needs to appoint a coordinator who will be the primary contact for the program. This role will be directly supported by the Driver Volunteers and WSB coordinator from Moira Shire.

12 Moira Shire and VicHealth. Promoting Good Health and Activity through local schools. What next? cont Parent interest forms to be sent out, returned and plotted on a map Volunteer responses plotted against popular passenger routes Identify Route(s), carry out safety audits and set out timetables Hold Parent information session to promote the program details Conduct Driver volunteer education sessions including dry run of the route. Confirm timing and any hazards that remain Send out Parent consent and passenger pledge forms Launch the program and enjoy the ride!

13 Moira Shire and VicHealth. Promoting Good Health and Activity through local schools. Success is dependant on….. It is vital that the program is sustainable. By setting realistic targets based on volunteer capacity the longevity of the WSB program is in everyones best interest. Continual review of the program ensures that volunteers are supported and the interest for expansion of the program is responded to promptly. Whilst “Bells and Whistles” are great they should not be relied upon to ensure success. Good will, novelty themes and a genuine willingness to be a part of something positive should be enough to ensure success. What role do YOU WANT TO PLAY!

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