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Case Study Migration: UK Spain Lesson Aims: To know why UK pensioners are migrating to Spain; To understand some of the positive and negative impacts of.

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Presentation on theme: "Case Study Migration: UK Spain Lesson Aims: To know why UK pensioners are migrating to Spain; To understand some of the positive and negative impacts of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case Study Migration: UK Spain Lesson Aims: To know why UK pensioners are migrating to Spain; To understand some of the positive and negative impacts of this migration. Page 110 Globe and page 94 Fish

2 Introduction Most immigrants to the UK are relatively young. Emigrants from the UK tend to be older; 60% are over 45. There are now significant permanent British populations in several other EU countries. The most popular of these countries is Spain.

3 Introduction Many emigrants to Spain choose to live in ‘urbanisacions.’ These are purpose-built villa developments. One such example is the Urbanisacion La Marina, near Alicante, construction of which began in 1985. It has the largest proportion of non-Spanish residents of any municipality in Spain. Around 8,000 of the 10,000 residents are foreign, and about half of them are from the UK.

4 NUMBERS OF BRITONS IN SPAIN TotalInc. part-timePensioners% male% female 761,000990,00074,6364241 BREAKDOWN BY AGE % 0-1415-2425-4445-6464+ 9.54.924.739.421.5 EMPLOYMENT STATUS% EmployedUnemployedInactive UK born/ nationals30.46.363.4 Locally born47.57.744.7

5 Why are Pensioners Migrating? Mediterranean Climate. Communications networks. Lifestyle of Spanish people. Cost of Living. Property Market. Awareness of destination. Expatriate community. Leisure facilities. Living longer. Health care.

6 Impact of migration Spread the cards out in front of you and read through them. Sort the cards into 4 piles: 1.Costs for UK 2.Benefits for UK 3.Costs for Spain 4.Benefits for Spain Complete the tables

7 Impacts on the UK CostsBenefits Impacts on Spain CostsBenefits

8 Impacts on the UK CostsBenefits Family breakup, as grandparents move away Loss of potential childminders Loss of a highly experienced workforce, especially if they retire early The ‘grey pound’ is spent overseas In part, emigration balances increased immigration, reducing net migration rates Fewer older people to take care of; some health and care problems are effectively exported Relieves pressure to build new homes, and therefore to build on greenfield sites

9 Impacts on Spain CostsBenefits Immigrant ‘ghettos’ are created, with little social and cultural integration Resentment as immigrants seek to enter local politics House prices become too high for local people Healthcare costs are borne by the host country Physical infrastructure systems may be strained Increased spending in the local economy; some retirees are highly affluent Job creation in construction, retail and other services Areas that were largely unproductive scrubland become valuable building sites

10 Managing migration Managing migration can be difficult. There may be a need for immigrants, but they also bring costs. It is very hard to prevent emigration. The UK is replacing the present system of more than 80 different types of work permits with a simpler, five-tier points system based on the Australian model It is hoped this will balance the need for skilled workers with the costs of providing additional services. Since 2002 the UK has taken a tougher line with asylum seekers in order to reduce public concerns.

11 UK’s 5 Tier system Tier 1: Highly skilled This tier includes entrepreneurs, top scientists and business people. No job offer will be required. Tier 2: Skilled with job offer People with qualifications/work- related experience; job offer in a ‘shortage area’ such as nursing. Tier 3: Low skilled Workers from the expanded European Union, who do not need prior permission to arrive. Tier 4: Students Those paying for tuition in the UK. Tier 5: Temporary workers, youth mobility

12 Exam Question: Using an example of a place you have studied, explain the benefits and problems that economic migrants can bring for both the host nation and source nation.[15]

13 Extra research To bring the issue of Migration into Spain up to date, research the issues that have developed over recent months linked to the recession and the impact it has had on this group of migrants. Use the ‘Fish’ Book plus your own research to investigate other groups of migrants that have moved to Spain (including illegal migration patterns) Complete question 4 and 5 from page 95 of the Fish book Do the exam question from page 113 of the Globe book

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