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Phonetic Variation Dialects and Accents. Phonetic Variation  Poll Everywhere 

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Presentation on theme: "Phonetic Variation Dialects and Accents. Phonetic Variation  Poll Everywhere "— Presentation transcript:

1 Phonetic Variation Dialects and Accents

2 Phonetic Variation  Poll Everywhere 

3 Phonetic Variation  Accent  Spoken by non-native speakers  Reflects normal influence of native phonological and phonetic system  Dialect  Spoken by native speakers of the same language  Mutually intelligible  Same linguistic evolution  Reflects normal variation in language

4 Dialects and Accents  Perceptual Bias  M30vbY M30vbY  dEnn4 dEnn4  1:55-2:22

5 Dialect  Standard American English (SAE)  php?function=detail&speakerid=563 php?function=detail&speakerid=563  Transcribe: snow, need, kids, bags, Wednesday  Used in the media  Taught in schools  Described in dictionaries

6 Dialect  Regional Dialects  Variations in dialect according to geographical region  Southern dialects  Monothongization : a / a I (hide), / I (joyful)  Diphthongization: i ə / I (kid), ʌ I / i (need), e I / Ɛ (dress), e ə /æ (had)  p?function=detail&speakerid=445 p?function=detail&speakerid=445



9 Dialect  Regional Dialects  North Central  Monothongization  e/e I (leg), o/o ʊ (boat)  e:/æ (bag)  unction=detail&speakerid=94 unction=detail&speakerid=94


11 Dialect  Regional Dialects  New York  Postvocalic ɚ deletion  etail&speakerid=121 etail&speakerid=121  Pre /r/ differentiation  Mary, Merry, Marry  Video  /æ/ tense and lax differences  Hammer, Planning  Video


13 Dialect  English (regional) dialectal differences are primarily in vowels  Specific to English  Not necessarily the case in other languages  Spanish  /s/ vs /θ/  /j/ vs/∫/ vs / ȝ / vs /d ȝ / vs /z/  /s/-blends

14 Dialect  Social dialects  Variation in dialect according to social categories  Age, gender, education level, race, political party  African American Vernacular English (AAVE)  Vowel and consonant variations  Similarities with southern dialects  f/θ, final consonants, clusters  International Dialects of English Archive

15 Dialect  *Not every member of a regional or social group uses all the same phonetic variations*  *Not every member uses all variations in every situation*

16 Dialect  Articulation difference or disorder?  What is normal in the client's environment?  Barry Kripke  1:22-2:08 1:22-2:08  Consider his phonemic environment  Some areas use /ou/ for /l/ (but not r, and not his area)  Articulation disorder

17 Dialect  Other English Dialects  Australia  New Zealand  Canada  United Kingdom  Jamaica  South Africa  India  Malaysia  Singapore

18 Accent  Spoken by non-native speakers  L1 = (first) native language  L2 = Second (non-native) language  Sound systems are defined in childhood.  L2 exposure prior to critical period = speaker usually sounds native  L2 exposure after critical period = speaker usually has an accent  L2 exposure during critical period = a tossup

19 Accent  Interference: An accented speaker uses L1’s phonology system instead L2’s  Which sounds are and aren't present or absent in L1?  Which are allophones of the same phoneme, and which are different phonemes?  Use native language patterns  Substitute the most similar sound in the native language

20 Accent  Phonemes or allophones?  Spanish: /j, ȝ, d ȝ, z, ∫/ = same  Japanese, Korean: /r, l/ = same  Amharic (Ethiopia): /k/, /k'/ = different  L1 patterns  Final /a/ vs / ə / in Spanish (2:51-3:00) Final /a/ vs / ə / in Spanish  Non-nasal codas in Mandarin

21 Swedish vs English

22 Spanish vs English

23 Accent  Please call Stella  Chinese Chinese  Spanish Spanish  Sarua (Chad) Sarua (Chad)  Latvian Latvian

24 Accent  Suprasegmentals  Can impact intelligibility more than phonemes  Video

25 Accent  Yes, school. That’s where people go to learn things, like not to keep children up all night.  Well listen, you were saying you used to like riding motorcycles, right? So I brought you one.

26 Accent  Yes, school. That’s where people go to learn things, like not to keep children up all night.  Well listen, you were saying you used to like riding motorcycles, right? So I brought you one.

27 Accent/Dialect Variation vs Speech Sound Disorder  Compare expected to observed  Ask a family member or native speaker  Accent modification therapy  Articulation therapy  Work on what causes the biggest impact  Don’t forget about suprasegmentals

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