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Published byMolly Powers Modified over 8 years ago
CENG 553 Database Management Systems1 Object-Oriented & Object-Relational DBMSs
CENG 553 Database Management Systems2 Advanced Database Applications Computer-Aided Design/Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Network Management Systems Office Information Systems (OIS) and Multimedia Systems Digital Publishing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Interactive and Dynamic Web sites Other applications with complex and interrelated objects and procedural data.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems3 Expected features for new applications Complex objects Behavioral data Meta knowledge Long duration transactions
CENG 553 Database Management Systems4 Weaknesses of RDBMSs Poor representation of “Real World” entities –Normalization leads to relations that do not correspond to entities in “real world”. Semantic overloading –Relational model has only one construct for representing data and data relationships: the relation. –Relational model is semantically overloaded Limited operations –only a fixed set of operations which cannot be extended.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems5 Object-Oriented Concepts Abstraction, encapsulation, information hiding. Objects and attributes. Object identity. Methods and messages. Classes, subclasses, superclasses, and inheritance. Overloading. Polymorphism and dynamic binding.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems6 Database Systems First Generation DBMS: Network and Hierarchical –Required complex programs for even simple queries. –Minimal data independence. –No widely accepted theoretical foundation. Second Generation DBMS: Relational DBMS –Helped overcome these problems. Third Generation DBMS: OODBMS and ORDBMS.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems7 Object-Oriented Data Model No one agreed object data model. One definition: Object-Oriented Data Model (OODM) –Data model that captures semantics of objects supported in object-oriented programming. Object-Oriented Database (OODB) –Persistent and sharable collection of objects defined by an ODM. Object-Oriented DBMS (OODBMS) –Manager of an ODB.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems8 Commercial OODBMSs GemStone from Gemstone Systems Inc., Objectivity/DB from Objectivity Inc., ObjectStore from Progress Software Corp., Ontos from Ontos Inc., FastObjects from Poet Software Corp., Jasmine from Computer Associates/Fujitsu, Versant from Versant Corp.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems9 Advantages of OODBMSs Enriched Modeling Capabilities. Removal of Impedance Mismatch. More Expressive Query Language. Support for Schema Evolution. Support for Long Duration Transactions. Applicability to Advanced Database Applications.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems10 Disadvantages of OODBMSs Lack of Universal Data Model. Lack of Experience. Lack of Standards. Query Optimization compromises Encapsulation. Object Level Locking may impact Performance. Complexity.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems11 Alternative Strategies for Developing an OODBMS Extend existing object-oriented programming language. –GemStone extended Smalltalk. Provide extensible OODBMS library. –Approach taken by Ontos, Versant, and ObjectStore. Embed OODB language constructs in a conventional host language. –Approach taken by O 2,which has extensions for C++. Extend existing database language with object-oriented capabilities. –Approach being pursued by RDBMS and OODBMS vendors. –Ontos and Versant provide a version of OSQL. Develop a novel database data model/language.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems12 Single-Level v. Two-Level Storage Model With a traditional DBMS, programmer has to: –Decide when to read and update objects. –Write code to translate between application’s object model and the data model of the DBMS. –Perform additional type-checking when object is read back from database, to guarantee object will conform to its original type. Conventional DBMSs have two-level storage model: storage model in memory, and database storage model on disk. In contrast, OODBMS gives illusion of single-level storage model, with similar representation in both memory and in database stored on disk.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems13 Two-Level Storage Model for RDBMS
CENG 553 Database Management Systems14 Single-Level Storage Model for OODBMS
CENG 553 Database Management Systems15 Object Data Management Group (ODMG) Established by vendors of OODBMSs to define standards. The ODMG Standard includes : –Object Data Model (ODM). –Object Definition Language (ODL). –Object Query Language (OQL). –C++, Smalltalk, and Java Language Binding.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems16 Main Idea: Host Language = Data Language Objects in the host language are mapped directly to database objects persistentSome objects in the host program are persistent. Changing such objects (through an assignment to an instance variable or with a method application) directly and transparently affects the corresponding database object object faultAccessing an object using its oid causes an “object fault” similar to pagefaults in operating systems. This transparently brings the object into the memory and the program works with it as if it were a regular object defined, for example, in the host Java program
CENG 553 Database Management Systems17 SQL Databases vs. ODMG In SQL: Host program accesses the database by sending SQL queries to it (using JDBC, ODBC, Embedded SQL, etc.) In ODMG: Host program works with database objects directly
CENG 553 Database Management Systems18 ODMG Data Model literalsDistinguishes between objects and pure values (which are called literals) Both can have complex internal structure, but only objects have oids ODMG classesODMG interfacesTwo kinds of classes: “ODMG classes” and “ODMG interfaces”, similar to Java –An ODMG interface: only signatures does not have its own objects cannot inherit from (be a subclass of) an ODMG class – only from another ODMG interface –An ODMG class: can have attributes, methods with code, own objects can inherit from (be a subclass of) other ODMG classes or interfaces –can have at most one immediate superclass
CENG 553 Database Management Systems19 ODMG Object Model – Built-in Collections Set: unordered collections without duplicates. Bag:unordered collections that do allow duplicates. List:ordered collections that allow duplicates. Array: 1D array of dynamically varying length. Dictionary: unordered sequence of key-value pairs with no duplicate keys.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems20 More on the ODMG Data Model Can specify keys Class extents have their own names – this is what is used in queries relationshipsattributesDistinguishes between relationships and attributes Attribute values are literals Relationship values are objects Only binary relationships supported ODMG relationships have little to do with relationships in the E-R model
CENG 553 Database Management Systems21 ODL: ODMG’s Object Definition Language ODL supports semantics constructs of ODMG ODL is independent of any programming language ODL is used to create object specification (classes and interfaces) ODL is not used for database manipulation
ODL Examples (1) A Very Simple Class A very simple, straightforward class definition : class Degree { attribute string college; attribute string degree; attribute string year; }; 22CENG 553 Database Management Systems
ODL Examples (2) A Class With Key and Extent A class definition with “extent”, “key”, and more elaborate attributes; still relatively straightforward class Person (extent persons key ssn) { attribute struct Pname {string fname …} name; attribute string ssn; attribute date birthdate; … short age(); } 23CENG 553 Database Management Systems
ODL Examples (3) A Class With Relationships Note extends (inheritance) relationship Also note “inverse” relationship Class Faculty extends Person (extent faculty) { attribute string rank; attribute float salary; attribute string phone; … relationship Dept works_in inverse Dept::has_faculty; relationship set advises inverse GradStu::advisor; void give_raise (in float raise); void promote (in string new_rank); }; 24CENG 553 Database Management Systems
25 Referential Integrity STUDENTPERSON class STUDENT extends PERSON { StudentExt ( extent StudentExt ) attribute Set Major; COURSE relationship Set Enrolled; COURSE inverse COURSE::Enrollment; } COURSEObject class COURSE: Object { CourseExt ( extent CourseExt ) attribute Integer CrsCode; attribute String Department; STUDENT relationship Set Enrollment; STUDENT inverse STUDENT::Enrolled; }
CENG 553 Database Management Systems26 Object Query Language (OQL) OQL is DMG’s query language Provides declarative access to object database using SQL- like syntax. Does not provide explicit update operators - leaves this to operations defined on object types. Can be used as a standalone language and as a language embedded in another language, for which an ODMG binding is defined (Smalltalk, C++, and Java). Embedded OQL statements return objects that are compatible with the type system of the host language
CENG 553 Database Management Systems27 Object Query Language (OQL) An OQL query is a function that delivers an object whose type may be inferred from operator contributing to query expression. Query definition expressions is of form: DEFINE Q as e Defines query with name Q given query expression e.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems28 Example OQL: Extents & Traversal Paths Get set of all faculty (with identity) faculty Get set of all enrollments(with identity) CourseExt.Enrollment
CENG 553 Database Management Systems29 Example schema class Branch (extent branchOffices key branchNo) { attribute string branchNo; …. relationship Manager ManagedBy inverse Manager::Manages; void takeOnPropertyForRent(in string propertyNo); }
CENG 553 Database Management Systems30 Example (cont.) class Person { attribute struct Pname {string fName, string lName} name; } Class Staff extends Person (extent staff key staffNo) { attribute staffNo; attribute date DOB; …. short getAge(); }
CENG 553 Database Management Systems31 Example (cont.) class Manager extends Staff (extent managers) { relationship Branch Manages inverse Branch::ManagedBy; }
CENG 553 Database Management Systems32 Example OQL: Extents & Traversal Paths Find all branches in London DEFINE londonBranches AS SELECT b.branchNo FROM b IN branchOffices WHERE = “London”; This returns a literal of type bag.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems33 Example OQL: Extents & Traversal Paths Find all staff who work at London branches. londonBranches.Has This returns set.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems34 Example OQL: Use of structures Get structured set (without identity) containing name, sex, and age of all staff who live in London. SELECT struct (,, age:s.age) FROM s IN Staff WHERE = “London” This returns a literal of type set.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems35 Example OQL: Use of structures Get structured set (without identity) containing branch number and set of all Assistants at branches in London. SELECT struct (branchNo:x.branchNo, assistants: (SELECT y FROM y IN x.WorksAt WHERE y.position = “Assistant”)) FROM x IN (SELECT b FROM b IN branchOffices WHERE = “London”) This returns a literal of type set.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems36 OQL - Creating Objects A type name constructor is used to create an object with identity. Manager(staffNo: “SL21”, fName: “John”, lName: “White”, address: “19 Taylor St, London”, position: “Manager”, sex: “M”, DOB: date“1945-10-01”, salary: 30000)
CENG 553 Database Management Systems37 ORDBMS
38 Merging Relational and Object Models Object-oriented models support interesting data types --- not just flat files. –Maps, multimedia, etc. The relational model supports very-high- level queries. Object-relational databases are an attempt to get the best of both. CENG 553 Database Management Systems
39 Evolution of DBMS’s Object-oriented DBMS’s failed because they did not offer the efficiencies of well- entrenched relational DBMS’s. Object-relational extensions to relational DBMS’s capture much of the advantages of OO, yet retain the relation as the fundamental abstraction. CENG 553 Database Management Systems
40 ORDBMSs Vendors of RDBMSs conscious of threat and promise of OODBMS. Agree that RDBMSs not currently suited to advanced database applications, and added functionality is required. Can remedy shortcomings of relational model by extending model with OO features.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems41 ORDBMSs - Features OO features being added include: –user-extensible types, –encapsulation, –inheritance, –polymorphism, –dynamic binding of methods, –complex objects including non-1NF objects, –object identity.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems42 Stonebraker’s View
CENG 553 Database Management Systems43 Objects in SQL:1999 Object-relational extension of SQL-92 Includes the legacy relational model database =SQL:1999 database = a finite set of relations relationrelation = a set of tuples (extends legacy relations) OR OR a set of objects (completely new) object =object = (oid, tuple-value) tupletuple = tuple-value tuple-valuetuple-value = [Attr 1 : v 1, …, Attr n : v n ]
CENG 553 Database Management Systems44 SQL:1999 Tuple Values Tuple valueTuple value: [Attr 1 : v 1, …, Attr n : v n ] –Attr i are all distinct attributes –Each is one of these: –Each v i is one of these: Primitive value: a constant of type CHAR(…), INTEGER, FLOAT, etc.Primitive value: a constant of type CHAR(…), INTEGER, FLOAT, etc. Reference value: an object IdReference value: an object Id Another tuple valueAnother tuple value A collection valueA collection value ARRAY Only the ARRAY construct is – a fixed size array. SETOF and LISTOF are not supported.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems45 Row Types The same as the original (legacy) relational tuple type. However: –Row types can now be the types of the individual attributes in a tuple PERSON CREATE TABLE PERSON ( Name CHAR(20), Address ROW(Number INTEGER, Street CHAR(20), ZIP CHAR(5)) )
CENG 553 Database Management Systems46 Row Types (Contd.) Use path expressions to refer to the components of row types: SELECT P.Name PERSON FROM PERSON P WHERE P.Address.ZIP = ‘11794’ Update operations: PERSON INSERT INTO PERSON(Name, Address) VALUES (‘John Doe’, ROW(666, ‘Hollow Rd.’, ‘66666’)) PERSON UPDATE PERSON SET Address.ZIP = ‘66666’ WHERE Address.ZIP = ‘55555’ PERSON UPDATE PERSON SET Address = ROW(21, ‘Main St’, ‘12345’) WHERE Address = ROW(123, ‘Maple Dr.’, ‘54321’) AND Name = ‘J. Public’
CENG 553 Database Management Systems47 User Defined Types (UDT) UDTs allow specification of complex objects/tuples, methods, and their implementation Like ROW types, UDTs can be types of individual attributes in tuples UDTs can be much more complex than ROW types (even disregarding the methods): the components of UDTs do not need to be elementary types
CENG 553 Database Management Systems48 A UDT Example PersonType CREATE TYPE PersonType AS ( Name CHAR(20), Address ROW(Number INTEGER, Street CHAR(20), ZIP CHAR(5)) ); StudentTypePersonType CREATE TYPE StudentType UNDER PersonType AS ( Id INTEGER, Status CHAR(2) ) BOOLEAN METHOD award_degree() RETURNS BOOLEAN; StudentType CREATE METHOD award_degree() FOR StudentType LANGUAGE C EXTERNAL NAME ‘file:/home/admin/award_degree’; File that holds the binary code
CENG 553 Database Management Systems49 Using UDTs in CREATE TABLE As an attribute type: TRANSCRIPT CREATE TABLE TRANSCRIPT ( StudentType Student StudentType, CrsCode CHAR(6), Semester CHAR(6), Grade CHAR(1) ) As a table type: STUDENTStudentType CREATE TABLE STUDENT OF StudentType; typed table. Such a table is called typed table. A previously defined UDT
CENG 553 Database Management Systems50 Objects Only typed tables contain objects (i.e. tuples with oids) Compare: STUDENTStudentType CREATE TABLE STUDENT OF StudentType; and STUDENT1 CREATE TABLE STUDENT1 ( Name CHAR(20), Address ROW(Number INTEGER, Street CHAR(20), ZIP CHAR(5)), Id INTEGER, Status CHAR(2) ) Both contain tuples of exactly the same structure STUDENTSTUDENT1Only the tuples in STUDENT – not STUDENT1 – have oids. This disparity is motivated by the need to stay backward compatible with SQL-92.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems51 Querying UDTs Nothing special – just use path expressions SELECT T.Student.Name, T.Grade TRANSCRIPT FROM TRANSCRIPT T WHERE T.Student.Address.Street = ‘Main St.’ StudentType StudentType PersonType Note: T.Student has the type StudentType. The attribute Name is not declared explicitly in StudentType, but is inherited from PersonType.
CENG 553 Database Management Systems52 Updating User-Defined Types TRANSCRIPTInserting a record into TRANSCRIPT : TRANSCRIPT INSERT INTO TRANSCRIPT(Student,Course,Semester,Grade) VALUES (????, ‘CS308’, ‘2000’, ‘A’) StudentType – The type of the Student attribute is StudentType. How does one insert a value of this type (in place of ????)? StudentType encapsulated, –Further complication: the UDT StudentType is encapsulated, i.e., it is accessible only through public methods, which we did not define observermutator – Do it through the observer and mutator methods provided by the DBMS automatically
CENG 553 Database Management Systems53 Observer Methods observer methodFor each attribute A of type T in a UDT, an SQL:1999 DBMS is supposed to supply an observer method, A: ( ) T, which returns the value of A (the notation “( )” means that the method takes no arguments) StudentTypeObserver methods for StudentType: Id: ( ) INTEGER Name: ( ) CHAR(20) Status: ( ) CHAR(2) Address: ( ) ROW(INTEGER, CHAR(20), CHAR(5)) For example, in SELECT T.Student.Name, T.Grade TRANSCRIPT FROM TRANSCRIPT T WHERE T.Student.Address.Street = ‘Main St.’ StudentType Name and Address are observer methods, since T.Student is of type StudentType TRANSCRIPT Note: Grade is not an observer, because TRANSCRIPT is not part of a UDT
CENG 553 Database Management Systems54 Mutator Methods mutator methodAn SQL:1999 DBMS is supposed to supply, for each attribute A of type T in a UDT U, a mutator method A: T U For any object o of type U, it takes a value t of type T and replaces the old value of o.A with t; it returns the new value of the object. Thus, o.A(t) is an object of type U StudentTypeMutators for StudentType : StudentTypeId: INTEGER StudentType StudentTypeName: CHAR(20) StudentType StudentTypeAddress: ROW(INTEGER, CHAR(20), CHAR(5)) StudentType
CENG 553 Database Management Systems55 Example: Inserting a UDT Value TRANSCRIPT INSERT INTO TRANSCRIPT(Student,Course,Semester,Grade) VALUES ( StudentType NEW StudentType( ).Id(111111111).Status(‘G5’).Name(‘Joe Public’).Address(ROW(123,’Main St.’, ‘54321’)), ‘CS532’, ‘S2002’, ‘A’ ) ‘CS532’, ‘S2002’, ‘A’ are primitive values for the attributes Course, Semester, Grade Create a blank StudentType object Add a value for Id Add a value for Status Add a value for the Address attribute
CENG 553 Database Management Systems56 Example: Changing a UDT Value TRANSCRIPT UPDATE TRANSCRIPT SET Student = Student.Address(ROW(21,’Maple St.’,’12345’)).Name(‘John Smith’), Grade = ‘B’ WHERE Student.Id = 111111111 AND CrsCode = ‘CS532’ AND Semester = ‘S2002’ Mutators are used to change the values of the attributes Address and Name Change Address Change Name
CENG 553 Database Management Systems57 Referencing Objects Consider again TRANSCRIPT CREATE TABLE TRANSCRIPT ( StudentType Student StudentType, CrsCode CHAR(6), Semester CHAR(6), Grade CHAR(1) ) TRANSCRIPTProblem: TRANSCRIPT records for the same student refer to distinct values of type StudentType (even though the contents of these values may be the same) – a maintenance/consistency problem self-referencing columnSolution : use self-referencing column –Bad design, which distinguishes objects from their references –Not truly object-oriented
CENG 553 Database Management Systems58 Self-Referencing Column self-referencing columnEvery typed table has a self-referencing column –Normally invisible –Contains explicit object Id for each tuple in the table –Can be given an explicit name – the only way to enable referencing of objects STUDENT2StudentType CREATE TABLE STUDENT2 OF StudentType REF IS stud_oid ; Self-referencing columns can be used in queries just like regular columns Their values cannot be changed, however Self-referencing column
CENG 553 Database Management Systems59 Reference Types and Self-Referencing Columns reference typesTo reference objects, use self-referencing columns + reference types: REF (some- UDT ) TRANSCRIPT1 CREATE TABLE TRANSCRIPT1 ( StudentTypeSTUDENT2 Student REF(StudentType) SCOPE STUDENT2, CrsCode CHAR(6), Semester CHAR(6), Grade CHAR(1) ) Two issues: How does one query the attributes of a reference type How does one provide values for the attributes of type REF(…) –Remember: you can’t manufacture these values out of thin air – they are oids! Reference type Typed table where the values are drawn from
CENG 553 Database Management Systems60 Querying Reference Types StudentStudentTypeSTUDENT2TRANSCRIPT1Recall : Student REF(StudentType) SCOPE STUDENT2 in TRANSCRIPT1. How does one access, for example, student names? SQL:1999 has the same misfeature as C/C++ has (and which Java and OQL do not have): it distinguishes between objects and references to objects. To pass through a boundary of REF(…) use “ ” instead of “.” SELECT T.Student Name, T.Grade TRANSCRIPT1 FROM TRANSCRIPT1 T WHERE T.Student Address.Street = “Main St.” Crossing REF(…) boundary, use Not crossing REF(…) boundary, use “.”
CENG 553 Database Management Systems61 Inserting REF Values TRANSCRIPT1How does one give values to REF attributes, like Student in TRANSCRIPT1 ? STUDENT2Use explicit self-referencing columns, like stud_oid in STUDENT2 TRANSCRIPT1 STUDENT2Example: Creating a TRANSCRIPT1 record whose Student attribute has an object reference to an object in STUDENT2 : TRANSCRIPT1 INSERT INTO TRANSCRIPT1(Student,Course,Semester,Grade) SELECT S.stud_oid, ‘HIS666’, ‘F1462’, ‘D’ STUDENT2 FROM STUDENT2 S WHERE S.Id = ‘111111111’ STUDENT2 Explicit self-referential column of STUDENT2
Modifications to support ORDBMS Parsing –Type-checking for methods pretty complex. Query Rewriting –Often useful to turn path exprs into joins! Optimization –New algebra operators needed for complex types. Must know how to integrate them into optimization. –WHERE clause exprs can be expensive! Selection pushdown may be a bad idea. 62CENG 553 Database Management Systems
Modifications (Contd.) Execution –New algebra operators for complex types. –OID generation & reference handling. –Dynamic linking. –Support “untrusted” methods. –Support objects bigger than 1 page. 63CENG 553 Database Management Systems
Modifications (Contd.) Access Methods –Indexes on methods, not just columns. –Need indexes for new WHERE clause exprs (not just, =)! Data Layout –Clustering of nested objects. –Chunking of arrays. 64CENG 553 Database Management Systems
OO/OR-DBMS Summary Traditional SQL is too limited for new apps. OODBMS: Persistent OO programming. –Difficult to use, no query language. ORDBMS: Best (?) of both worlds: –Catching on in industry and applications. –Pretty easy for SQL folks to pick up. –Still has growing pains (SQL-3 standard still a moving target). 65CENG 553 Database Management Systems
Summary (Contd.) ORDBMS offers many new features. –But not clear how to use them! –Schema design techniques not well understood –Query processing techniques still in research phase. A moving target for OR DBA’s! 66CENG 553 Database Management Systems
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