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Kindergarten Orientation 2016

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1 Kindergarten Orientation 2016
Scotts Ridge Elementary School Kindergarten Orientation 2016 Mel

2 Agenda Welcome and Introductions Arrival and Dismissal
Meet the Teacher Staggered Entry Preparing for the First Day Curriculum Health and Medical Information Food Communication PTA Volunteer Opportunities Questions Mel

3 Our Staff Mel Leach, Principal Derrick Evans, Assistant Principal
Mel & Derrick

4 SRE Kindergarten Teachers
Our Staff SRE Kindergarten Teachers Kinder Team Becca Meg Holly Abby Darlene Taylor Williams Berk Gerdeman Hays

5 Coming & Going? Parents are welcome to walk kindergarten students to their classrooms in the first few weeks of school. A “kiss and go” routine reduces the likelihood of tears. Upon arrival by bus or carpool, kindergarten students are escorted to their classrooms by staff members. In the afternoons, kindergarteners are escorted to buses and carpool by teachers.

6 Ways to Travel Carpool Bus Daycare Vans
YMCA: Before and After School Care Walker Please send a written note to your child’s teacher any time your child has a change in transportation. You may also contact the office before 2:00 pm if you have a last minute transportation change.   Derrick

7 Transportation Tags All children will be provided a tag for their backpack on their first day of staggered entry. This tag will include their name and identify their afternoon transportation (bus, carpool, daycare, or YMCA). Bus tags will include the bus stop location. Derrick

8 Arrival Procedures Arrival (8:45 -9:15am)
Children may not arrive at school until 8:45am unless enrolled in the YMCA Before School Care program. Carpool and buses begin unloading at 8:45am. At 9:10 a “Ready to Learn” Bell will ring. The expectation is that all students will be in their classrooms at 9:10. After 9:15, a parent needs to escort a child to the office. A tardy slip will be issued. Any child whose absence is marked unexcused will receive a phone call from the automated message center. Mel

9 Dismissal Procedures Dismissal is 3:45 pm.
Students may not be checked out after 3:15. If you need to check your child out early, please be sure you do so prior to this time. Mel

10 Dismissal Procedures For dismissal, kindergarten teachers escort students to designated areas based on their mode of transportation. Staff in those areas assist them in getting home. CARPOOLERS: Media Center WALKERS: Walker Hallway YMCA: Gym BUS RIDERS & DAYCARE VANS: Cafeteria Derrick

11 Apex Transportation Introductions Questions? Derrick

12 SRE Meet the Teacher Thursday, August 25 – 4:00 to 6:00
Tour the school with your child Buy SRE spirit wear Get carpool number/tag Confirm bus information Join the PTA

13 Kindergarten Meet the Teacher
Class assignments will be made following Staggered Entry. During Meet the Teacher (September 2nd), you and your child will find out his/her teacher. School supply lists will be posted on the Scotts Ridge website.

14 Staggered Entry What is it?
Each kindergartener will only come to school for one day during the first week of school. You will receive a postcard with your child’s assigned day. Staggered entry is a transition activity aimed at helping to ease the transition into kindergarten for children (and parents).

15 Staggered Entry What will my child do?
Smaller group sizes allow the staff to offer individual attention and support as children try new things. Assessments are integrated into the day through play activities. These assessments, along with observations over the first weeks of school, will allow the teachers to plan your child’s instruction.

16 Staggered Entry Dates Monday, August 29, 2016 Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Wednesday, August 31, 2016 Thursday, September 1, 2016 Friday, September 2, NO SCHOOL for any kindergarteners (Meet the Teacher in the evening) Tuesday, September 6, ALL kindergarteners’ 2nd day of school

17 Supplies for the First Day
Students will need to come to school with the following supplies on their staggered entry day: A large backpack without wheels. (Mini backpacks don’t hold enough stuff.) A towel for rest time labeled with child’s name. (No blankets or pillows please.) A healthy snack labeled with child’s name and packed separately from lunch. (Please do not send cookies or sweets for snack. Think brain food!) A full change of clothes (inc. socks & underwear) packed in a large ziploc bag and labeled with child’s name. A BIG SMILE! It’s going to be a wonderful day!

18 Helpful Hints Talk to your child about how he/she will go home in the afternoon. Talk about snack and lunch – have your child pack both in his/her backpack so they know which is which. Allow plenty of time in the morning to arrive at school on time.

19 A Typical Kindergarten Day…
Morning Meeting Literacy Block Snack Special Classes: Art, Music, PE, Media, Technology Sharing/Shared Reading or Writing Lunch Recess Quiet Time Math Science/ Social Studies Social Centers

20 Kindergarten Curriculum
North Carolina curriculum is based on the National Common Core State Standards and North Carolina Essential Standards. These guidelines describe the skills and knowledge that students should master for grades K-12. These standards set high expectations for all students… including kindergarten children.

21 Kindergarten Curriculum
More specific information regarding Common Core Curriculum will be given at the Open House. Website to Common Core Curriculum standards/

22 School Nurse Laura Clarke
Scotts Ridge has an assigned Wake County Health and Human Services nurse on campus 2-3 days/week. Laura Clarke Fax: Mel

23 Kindergarten Health The parent, guardian or responsible person has 30 calendar days from the first day of attendance to present the written proof of required immunizations and the physician completed kindergarten health assessment. The child CAN be excluded from school until proof is provided. If you have any questions about your child’s immunizations please contact the school prior to the start date. Mel

24 Medications Medications will be administered at school ONLY if a Physician Order for Medication form 1702 is completed. These forms are available at the front office and online at All medications must be brought to school by parent/guardian. Mel

25 Sick Children Your child must stay home for
24 hours after he/she has had a fever. Students should also stay home if they’re experiencing symptoms such as: - Red, watery eyes with yellow drainage - Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea - Severe headache - Undiagnosed rash Please call the office if your child will be out sick. You will also need to send a written note to your child’s teacher when he/she returns. Mel

26 Lunch Time Payment options: Pre-pay online (preferred)
If you would like to have your child purchase lunch at school... Payment options: Pre-pay online (preferred) - You may do this online via the link on the SRE homepage. - You will need your child’s student ID number to pay online. Send a check made out to “SRE cafeteria” for an amount you choose in your child’s daily folder. Additional Information: Your child’s lunch account number is the same as their student ID. Free & Reduced Lunch forms will go home on Staggered Entry day. Students will have lunch cards to swipe and pay for lunch in the cafeteria. Prices: Lunch - $2.00 Milk - $.50 Breakfast - $1.00 Derrick

27 Birthdays & Celebrations
As much as we like celebrating birthdays with special lunches, sweet treats, and balloons, we will not be having these kinds of celebrations at SRE. Instead, we will have Sailor Celebrations. On the child’s birthday, our Sailor Celebrations will begin with a special announcement on the morning WAVE news program, followed by a visit to the office to pickup a birthday pencil. By doing so, we are allowing parents to better manage their child's consumption of sugary treats and limiting the disruption of valuable learning time during the school day. Derrick

28 Home & School Communication
Scotts Ridge website: PTA website: PTA Facebook: Scotts Ridge Elementary PTA Twitter (Mel Remind 101 App (text message notification for transportation, updates, and last minute information) School Messenger Phone Call Classroom Newsletters & Website Friday Folders Conferences Report Cards – best method for contacting your child’s teacher (please allow 48 hours to respond)

29 PTA Please join the PTA! Fundraising Volunteering Special Events
Committees School Improvement

30 We LOVE Volunteers! Field Trips Classroom Events Learning Centers
KITS: Kids into Thinking Lunch Bunch PTA Events Media Center

31 Before You Volunteer Wake County requires ALL volunteers who will be working with students (in class activities, on field trips, etc.) to register as a volunteer. All interested volunteers should register at the beginning of the year using a designated computer in the Media Center. All visitors/volunteers MUST check in at the front office when entering the building. Mel

32 Thank You for Coming and Welcome to Scotts Ridge Elementary School!
We are so HAPPY you’re here. Questions?


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