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Kevin Pearson Public Affairs Officer Eastern Municipal Water District May 13, 2015 Drought Update IREM IE Lunch-N-Learn Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Kevin Pearson Public Affairs Officer Eastern Municipal Water District May 13, 2015 Drought Update IREM IE Lunch-N-Learn Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kevin Pearson Public Affairs Officer Eastern Municipal Water District May 13, 2015 Drought Update IREM IE Lunch-N-Learn Presentation

2 Established in 1950 Full service agency, serving: –Water / wastewater / recycled; wholesale and retail One of 26 MWD member agencies 542 square miles Population: 785,000 Moreno Valley to Temecula and Hemet/San Jacinto to Perris Seven cities and the unincorporated areas Five publicly- elected board members 2 Overview of EMWD

3 EMWD Services Potable (drinking water): Approx. 140,000 accounts o 101,485 AF produced in 2013/2014  Imported water from the Bay Delta and Colorado River  Groundwater wells  Menifee and Perris desalters Wastewater: Approx. 229,000 accounts o Four regional reclamation facilities  Treating 45 million gallons/day (MGD) Recycled Water: 316 accounts o 37,467 AF sold in FY 2013/2014 Agricultural: Approx. 130 accounts 3

4 EMWD Water Supply Portfolio (FYE2014) 4 Local Water Supply: 60,367 AF 46% Imported Water Supply from MWD: 71,628 AF 54% Bay Delta (SWP) & Colorado River (CRA)

5 Begins in Sierras Water flows through the Sacramento-San Joaquin Bay Delta Provides water for 23 million people World’s largest publicly operated conveyance system Includes 21 dams, 700 miles of pipeline/canals High-quality water supply State Water Project System 5

6 Dependent on rain/snow in 7 state region Owned/operated by Metropolitan Water District of So Cal 242 miles of canals/tunnels Begins at Lake Havasu Ends at Lake Mathews Constructed from 1933- 1939 Colorado River Aqueduct 6

7 Perris-Menifee Desalters Allows EMWD to treat brackish groundwater supplies Funding partners include U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Metropolitan Water District Recycled Water EMWD is a national leader in recycled water usage 2014 goal: 100 percent beneficial reuse Groundwater 33 wells (21 domestic, 12 desalter) High-quality supply in San Jacinto Valley Local Supplies 7

8 Statewide Drought

9 Statewide Drought 2015 2014 was 7th driest and the 9th hottest year on record (137 years) 80 percent of state in extreme or exceptional drought Snowpack is now only 6% of average. Major reservoirs throughout California are at or below normal California Department of Water Resources (DWR) restricting water diversions Colorado River watershed snowpack average in 2014, 63% of average in 2015 Below Average Runoff from Northern Sierra in Eight of Last 10 Years

10 Drought 2014 10 10

11 Historical Allocations 11

12 State Drought Response Timeline Jan 17, 2014: Governor Brown declares a drought emergency (call for voluntary conservation) Apr 25, 2014: Second executive order asking for redoubling conservation efforts (voluntary) Jul 29, 2014: State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) implements Emergency Water Conservation Regulations (mandatory) Mar 27, 2015: SWRCB expands Emergency Water Conservation Regulations Apr 1, 2015: Governor’s Executive Order mandating 25% statewide conservation. May 5, 2015: SWRCB adopts new Emergency Water Conservation Regulations

13 Executive Order April 1, 2015: Governor issued an Executive Order to cut water use statewide by 25% – Orders State Board to develop regulations to impose restrictions relative to amounts used in 2013, based upon relative GPCD – Prohibits using potable water for public median irrigation – Prohibits irrigation for new construction unless using drip or microspray – Provides turf removal and appliance rebate incentives

14 State Board Emergency Regulation State Water Resources Control Board Approved Regulations on May 5, 2015 Additional end-user water waste prohibitions: – The irrigation with potable water of ornamental turf on public street medians; and – The irrigation with potable water of landscapes outside of newly constructed homes and buildings that is not delivered by drip or microspray systems

15 EMWD Response: Stage 4a Mandatory reduction of outdoor water use – simple messaging: Cut outdoor use by 50% Enforcement for tiered customers – Tier 3 allocation is eliminated – Tier 2 allocation reduced by 10% Customer impact will vary depending on conservation efforts Implementation – Effective immediately – Changes will appear on bills dated on or after July 1, 2015

16 16 Identifying Water Waste 16 “ Our goal isn’t necessarily to issue fines. Our hope is that by sending warning letters…that people will say ‘Hey, there’s an issue, let me resolve it.’” -- EMWD staff to The Press-Enterprise, July 30, 2014

17 17 Commercial Turf Rebates 17 $2 per square foot through Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Some water agencies may supplement MWD rebate amount Proposed changes as of May 26, 2015: –$2 per square foot for first 1,500 sq. ft –$1 per sq. ft for remainder, up to 1 acre ($45,060 maximum)

18 How Can You Help? 18 Proper outdoor irrigation: o Water between 9 p.m. – 6 a.m. o Short intervals o Reduce irrigation by 50 percent Monitor irrigation systems o Stop run-off o Fix broken sprinkler heads o No watering of hardscape, etc. Install drought tolerant landscaping Take advantage of money-saving rebates Attend free workshops

19 Thank You ! Kevin Pearson Public Affairs Officer Eastern Municipal Water District 951-928-3777, ext. 4219

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