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Presentation on theme: "HIGH SPEED RAIL ASSESSMENT NORGE"— Presentation transcript:

Pöyry transparent logo flattened with the pattern image Technical and Safety Analysis December 16th, 2010 Hermann Gitzelmann, Pöyry Infra GmbH

2 Technical and Safety Analysis – HSR Assessment Norge PÖYRY and partners will perform this task for JERNBANEVERKET PÖYRY is a global consulting and engineering company dedicated to balanced sustainability 7’000 experts in about 50 countries More than 30 years of experience in High-Speed Rail Rolling stock & risk assessment partner is INTERFLEET Technology with consultants from Norway, Sweden, UK and Germany Norwegian Engineering partner is SWECO KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Department of Railway Systems will contribute with their R&D experience Together our team offers international and Norwegian know-how both for High- Speed Rail and railway as a system 3-column text and 2-column image

3 Technical and Safety Analysis - Content of Task
Technical Solutions Standards for high-speed railways Adverse Weather and Climatic conditions Technical track solutions Infrastructure concepts / tilting train alignment Rolling stock Risk Assessment Safety and Security High Speed Rail Assessment Norge September 2010

4 Technical and Safety Analysis – Subject 1: Technical Solutions
Standards EN TSI UIC NRI Rolling stock Infra concepts Alignment Weather Conditions Tilting train Technical track solutions Lars High Speed Rail Assessment Norge September 2010

5 Subject 1 Technical Solutions – HSR Standards
Comparison and Evaluation of Technical Specifications for the Interoperability (TSI) and Norwegian Standards for high-speed railways Infrastructure Technical Equipment Rolling Stock Operation and Maintenance Analysis of gaps between European and Norwegian norms and standards Target:  Propose solutions or strategies to close the identified gaps in the Norwegian standards in comparison to the European norms and standards for HSR traffic High Speed Rail Assessment Norge September 2010

6 Subject 1 Technical Solutions - Adverse Weather and Climatic conditions
Evaluation and Description climatic and weather conditions in Norway Topographic issues and landslide Consequences for track and Rolling stock Evaluation of early warning systems Target:  Presentation of solutions and common procedures in respect to Norwegian weather and climatic conditions High Speed Rail Assessment Norge September 2010

7 Subject 1 Technical Solutions - Technical track solutions
Evaluation and Description for the different track construction types like ballast sleeper tracks and slab track Overview for different technical solutions influencing the track system in aspect to: Specific Norwegian environment Investment and operation costs Operational and service parameters Functional and technical parameters Target:  Presentation of track solutions and parameters as basis for decision on an optimal HSR track system under Norwegian requirements High Speed Rail Assessment Norge September 2010

8 Subject 1 Technical Solutions - Infrastructure concepts / tilting train alignment
Feasibility study for high speed tilting train system Main alignment parameters Interaction between alignment and variants (pure HSR / HSR with regional traffic / mixed traffic) Effects of alignment parameters to structures, safety and control equipment Conclusion and recommendation to alignment parameters for non-tilting and tilting train systems Case study of HSR experiences with tilting train systems in other countries Interviews with operators and suppliers Conclusions from the gathered information: Importance of tilting trains in the development of railway networks Infrastructure upgrading vs. use of tilting trains Reliability of tilting trains Target:  Presentation of solutions and parameters as basis for decision on an optimal HSR train system under Norwegian requirements High Speed Rail Assessment Norge September 2010

9 Subject 1 Technical Solutions - Rolling stock
Evaluation of critical parameters for the train concept Define technical requirements and assumptions related to the rolling stock to be used for high-speed railways in Norway Listing and description of existing/future train concepts Target:  Propose the right requirements for rolling stock and an evaluation model for different train concepts High Speed Rail Assessment Norge September 2010

10 Subject 2 Risk Assessment and Analysis
Safety Process, Overview Objectives of the risk-process: Definition of agreed risk tolerability criteria Identification of all relevant system-hazards Analysis of consequences Derivation of Tolerable Hazard Rates (THR) at system-level Lars High Speed Rail Assessment Norge September 2010

Definition of risk acceptance criteria ERA (European Railway Agency) approach according to the regulation No. 352/2009 of the commission of the European community Risk Level Severity Level Frequency of hazardous event Calibration of risk matrix Safety barrier Propose the appliance of an explicit risk estimation and harmonized Risk Acceptance Criteria for Technical Systems (RAC-TS) High Speed Rail Assessment Norge September 2010

Hazard Identification Process System boundary Interfaces System functions Scenarios Hazard List High Speed Rail Assessment Norge September 2010

Hazard Identification / Top Events resp. Accidents: Derailment Collision train-train Collision train object Fire Passenger injured at platform Person injured at level crossing Person injured at track side High Speed Rail Assessment Norge September 2010

14 Subject 2 Risk Assessment and Analysis
Derivation of Tolerable Hazard Rates at the level of system-functions After the identification of all hazards and the correlation of severity level the definition of tolerable hazard rates can apply using RAC-TS. The result of this phase is the complete list of all hazards and their related tolerable hazard rates. List of Hazards and related tolerable Hazard rates (THR) List of Hazards and related qualitative severity High Speed Rail Assessment Norge September 2010

15 Subject 3 Safety and security analysis
Future risk level of public transport with present means of transport vs. future HSR transport 1. Determine the current transport safety level and development 2. Estimate future distributions between types of transport means 3. Estimate the future passenger safety including high-speed operations 4. Present changes in risk and consequences of the change Uncertainty analysis is fundamental to the decision-making process => guidance on what safety factors to improve in order to increase the difference = benefits in future transportation systems Lars High Speed Rail Assessment Norge September 2010

16 Subject 3 Safety and security analysis
CURRENT SAFETY SITUATION Railway transport Road transport Air transport Boat transport Assessment of total safety METHODOLOGY Model description Scenarios Input data Uncertainty assessment RESULTS Change in transport safety of transport modes Total change in transport safety for studied scenarios Uncertainty analysis Lars High Speed Rail Assessment Norge September 2010

17 Interfleet Technology Karin Johansson Telefon +47 22340500
Contact: Pöyry Infra GmbH Hermann Gitzelmann Telefon Interfleet Technology Karin Johansson Telefon End slide High Speed Rail Assessment Norge September 2010


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