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Cells Research Project Cell Structure and Function Cells and Energy Cell Growth and Division By: Mary Howk 2015/16.

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Presentation on theme: "Cells Research Project Cell Structure and Function Cells and Energy Cell Growth and Division By: Mary Howk 2015/16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cells Research Project Cell Structure and Function Cells and Energy Cell Growth and Division By: Mary Howk 2015/16

2 What are Cells? They are the basic structural and functional unit of any living thing. They hold our genetic information. They keep us living. The study of cells, cytology, can be considered one of the most important areas of biological research. – Almost every day, we are told about new discoveries in cell biology, such as cancer research, cloning, and embryology.

3 Why Is It Important to Study Cells? Without cells we wouldn't be living. Many diseases such as meningitis, malaria, diabetes, a type of cancer, cystic fibrosis, or Alzheimer’s disease are caused by problems at a cellular level. Physical damage such as a burn or broken bone cause damage at cell level. Understanding how cells work in healthy and diseased states will help cell biologists be able to develop new vaccines, more effective medicines, plants with improved qualities. It will eventually be possible to produce a ‘health forecast’ by analyzing your database of genetic and cell information. This will help you take more control over your health in a preventive way.

4 Why Are Some Ways That Cell Biology Been Used? Cell biology has assisted the human fertility program. DNA testing has been used to provide evidence that a living person is related to a long dead ancestor. In plant science, it has been used to show that two plants that look different have the same genetic origins. Forensic medicine uses cell biology and DNA fingerprinting to help solve murders and assaults. Biotechnology uses information from cell biology to genetically modify crops to produce alternative characteristics; to clone plants and animals; to produce high quality food is; to produce purer medicines and in time organs for the many people who need transplants. Society will need to have knowledgeable about the effects of cell biology as they make decisions about such things as growing organs for transplanting into humans and, in those areas where vitamin ‘A’ deficiency causes blindness, growing rice modified to produce the vitamin.

5 Research Requirements 1.Research the assigned genetics' topic. 2.Carefully follow the Project Process Project ProcessProject Process 3.Refer to the Research Requirements and Project Checklist often as you work. Research Requirements Project Checklist Research Requirements Project Checklist 4.Compile your findings in a Power Point slide show and present (along with notes) to the class. 5.Your final grade will be based on a Project Evaluation Rubric on the: Project Evaluation Rubric Project Evaluation Rubric 1. Accuracy of your research 2. Quality of your Power Point Presentation slides 3. Quality of your presentation to the class 6. You may earn Extra Credit by developing a review game. Extra Credit Extra Credit

6 Research Topics 1.Stem Cell Research/Therapies 1.Stem Cell Controversy (Pros/Cons; Government/Religious Views) 2.Careers in Cellular Biology 3.Cell Biology and Cancer 4.Closely related sciences I (Cytopathology, Microbiology, Developmental biology, Cellular Microbiology,)Cytopathology Microbiology Developmental biology Cellular Microbiology 5.Closely related sciences II (Genetics, Cytochemistry, Biochemistry)GeneticsCytochemistry Biochemistry

7 1.Thoroughly research assigned genetics' topic. And document web sources! 2.Develop a rough draft of the research in your own words! AVOID PLAGIARISM! 1.Get rough draft approved 2.Compile information in a Power Point document and add special effects 3.Review the Project Requirements frequently 4.Develop review questions for your classmates to answer after your presentation. 5.Develop handout for classmates. 6.Practice Power Point presentation and familiarize yourself with all vocabulary. 7.Make presentation to the class

8 Research Requirements 1.Detailed information on assigned cells topic 2.Examples of how the topic impacts various areas or populations (i.e. humans, animals, social issues, laws, government practices, etc.) 3.What is being done or needs to be done to address this issue? 4.Your opinions about this topic?

9 Provide in depth information on the assigned topic. Provide in depth information on the assigned topic.

10 Extra Credit Opportunity Develop a review game using one of the following game templates:

11 Review Game Requirements Must have at least 8 questions. Must have at least 8 questions. Must be in the following format: short answer, one word, multiple choice, etc. Do not have True/False questions. Must be in the following format: short answer, one word, multiple choice, etc. Do not have True/False questions. Be related specifically to the major points in the research presentation. Be related specifically to the major points in the research presentation.

12 Criteria1234Score: Research & Development Not enough information Meets Minimal requirements Thoroughly covers the subject Exceeds the requirements ____/4 LayoutLacking effort; contains many errors Provides basic information, but lacks creativity Easy to understand content Enhances understanding of concepts ____/4 Content/ Quality of the Product Incomplete, disorganized or difficult to understand Provides basic information Covers information in a logical progression Exceeds requirements and is written clearly _______/ 4 Oral Presentation Disorganized, difficult to hear, mispronounce d words Presented information in an under- standable manner Orderly and interesting manner Presented information in a well-organized manner ____/4 TOTAL: ____/16

13 Cells Research Project Part Two Pre-Project Activities

14 I: Copyright Laws II: Understanding Plagiarism

15 What Do You Know About Copyright Laws? (Part One) (True/False) 1.Copyright status is only granted to well-known authors and filmmakers. 2.The Motion Picture Association of America has anti-piracy sniffing dogs. 3.Sam buys a new band's CD but decides he doesn't like the singer, so he resells the CD on eBay. That's legal. 4.The sole purpose of copyright is to make authors money and protect them from getting their works stolen. 5.Amy tells Daniel about her summer vacation, and he says he'd love to see her pictures. Amy uses a peer-to-peer (P2P) file- sharing program to upload the photographs she took at camp so he can download them. That's copyright infringement 6.Amy tells Daniel that the files are available. Daniel uses the same peer-to-peer file-sharing program to download Amy's camp pictures. That's copyright infringement

16 What Do You Know About Copyright Laws? (Part Two) 7. Jason copies the entire last chapter from the final Harry Potter book to his commercial blog without any additional commentary. Since he only used part of the work, Jason would be protected by fair use. 8. Adam recorded a video for his YouTube channel about the upcoming Senate elections and includes an official photo taken by a government employee and four bills authored by the incumbent that Adam found on the Senate's website. That's copyright infringement. 9. Justin downloaded the black-and-white horror classic Night of the Living Dead from the Internet Archive and decided to mix an audio sample from the film into one of his original songs. That's copyright infringement. 10. Since Richard forgot to register his screenplay before he sent it out to agents for review, he's no longer eligible to copyright it.


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