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Current data on key issues for Cheltenham. A growing population The population of Cheltenham was 115,700 in 2011 up 5.2% from 110,000 in 2011. The population.

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Presentation on theme: "Current data on key issues for Cheltenham. A growing population The population of Cheltenham was 115,700 in 2011 up 5.2% from 110,000 in 2011. The population."— Presentation transcript:

1 Current data on key issues for Cheltenham

2 A growing population The population of Cheltenham was 115,700 in 2011 up 5.2% from 110,000 in 2011. The population live in 50,929 households; which is an average of 2.26 per household. Just under 13% are older people aged over 65 living alone There are a further 22% of households with just one person living alone. 1.2% of households are students; the largest proportion in the county. 28% of households have children; 19% don’t.

3 Religion Nearly a third have no religion Just under 60% declare the religion to be Christian, down 12% from 72% in 2001 Just under 31% have stated no religion up; up 13% from 18% in 2001. The largest religious groups are then Muslim at 0.9% and Hindu at 0.8%. 7.6% did not state a religion

4 Ethnicity and Nationality White British ethnic group down 7.3% to 88%. The proportion of our population from black and other minority ethnic groups (including those of other white origin) has increased from 3.3% to 10.8% The largest ethnic groups are Other White (5.1%), Asian (Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, other) (2.5%) and mixed race (1.6%)  Over 1 in 10 (11.2%) were born outside the UK with 0.7% born in the Irish Republic, 4.3% born in EU countries and 6.2% born overseas in non-EU countries.  In 94% of households, everyone can speak English, but in 3.2% of households, no-one can speak English.

5 Data on vulnerable families

6 Vulnerable families Cheltenham has four wards with significantly higher levels of child poverty when compared to the Cheltenham average (16%); these are Hesters Way (34%), Oakley (35%), St. Pauls (36%) and Springbank (35%). These are the highest rates in the County. Looked after children; 25% (123/498) of the county’s looked after children had a home address in Cheltenham immediately before becoming looked after.

7 Free School Meal take-up School Name Total on roll Eligible for Free Meals Not Eligible for Free Meals Free Meals Taken Percent eligible of roll (%) Dunalley Primary School203681355933.5 Rowanfield Infant School214861287840.2 Oakwood Primary2681161529643.3 Gardners Lane Primary School198891097244.9 Belmont School7936432745.6 Hester's Way Primary School1821136910062.1 The Ridge School4228142866.7 Jan 2012

8 Data on private rented housing

9 Private rented housing From the Census 2011, home ownership (including owning home outright) falls from 71.6% to 64.5%. Those in private rented grows from 15% to 21.4%. 12.2% are in social rented accommodation compared to 13.3% in 2001. From CBC; 9,368 private rented dwellings (a figure which has grown by 50% since 2005), 38.3% are non- decent (3,589 dwellings). 1,796 dwellings are non-decent and are occupied by a vulnerable household. There is a significant problem with disrepair in the private rented stock. Within England 9.4% of privately rented dwellings failed the decent homes repair criteria compared with 27.9% in Cheltenham.

10 Data on vulnerable adults

11 Intentional self-harm hospital admissions per 100,000, 2010-2011 Source: iJSNA (SWPHO injury profile)

12 Suicide and injury undetermined mortality: All people all ages per 100,000, 2008-2010 Source: iJSNA (Health and Social Care Information Centre)

13 Data on alcohol

14 Alcohol-attributable hospital admissions per 100,000, 2010-11 Source: iJSNA (LAPE)

15 Liver disease mortality - all people under 75 per 100,000, 2008-2010 Source: iJSNA (NHS IC)

16 Data on young people

17 Under 18s admitted to hospital with alcohol specific conditions

18 Youth Unemployment Trends (18 – 24) over 6 months unemployed

19 Young people not in education, employment or training Chelte nham Cotsw olds ForestGlouce ster StroudTewkes bury Total Number of NEET 1526110327211796801 Size of cohort 26792206233051653169200517554 % NEET5. November 2012 NEET data

20 Data on Older People

21 Predicted age profile changes age 2011 census % 2015 estimates 2026 estimates 2035 estimates % % growth (2011 to 2035) 0-192600022.526.828.328.122.08.1 20-393450029.832.332.233.326.1-3.5 40-592950025.529.427.628.122.0-4.7 60-791940016.820.924.725.720.132.5 80+64005.57.19.512.49.793.8 115800100116.5122.3127.610.2

22 Key areas for improvement for ageing well in the Director of Public Health report 2011/12 Continue to improve identification and management of dementia, including the support given to carers Reduce the number of hip fractures among people aged 65 and over Reduce the numbers of excess winter deaths among people aged 75 and over

23 Number of people projected to have dementia in Gloucestershire, 2012–2030

24 Growth in numbers of older people providing unpaid care in Gloucestershire, 2011-2030 Source: GPHIU (POPPI)

25 Data on Older People

26 Crime Stats All crime down 28% for previous quarter compared to same period last year. Domestic burglary down 72% for previous quarter compared to same period last year. Anti-social behaviour down 52% when compared to previous year. Shoplifting up 5% for previous quarter compared to same period last year. Some concerns about violence-related crimes; assault without injury up 9% compared to same quarter last year, most serious violence had risen in the summer but has now fallen back. More information requested about domestic abuse. All figures up to Nov 2012

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