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Ecology The study of living organisms as they interact with their environment Organism- any living thing Species- organisms that can breed and produce.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology The study of living organisms as they interact with their environment Organism- any living thing Species- organisms that can breed and produce."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ecology The study of living organisms as they interact with their environment Organism- any living thing Species- organisms that can breed and produce viable offspring Population- one species in the same place at the same time Community- all populations in the same place at the same time. Ecosystem- All living and nonliving things in and area. Biosphere- all ecosystems, earth


4 Ecology Habitat- Where an organism lives Niche- an organism’s role in an environment Eats Sleeps Predators

5 Interdependence Organisms depend on each other to maintain at stable ecosystem If an organism is added or taken out of an ecosystem it will disrupt that ecosystem.

6 Producers Most do photosynthesis Must have a producer in all ecosystems Plants Some protist (algae) Some bacteria

7 Consumers Organisms that feed on other organisms Herbivore (primary consumers)- feed on plants Carnivore- feed on meat Omnivore- feed on both plants and animals Scavenger- feed on dead animals Decomposers- break down dead organisms Detrivores- further break down dead organisms.

8 Interdependence Plant/ herbivore- herbivores feed on plants Predator/ prey- predator hunts and feeds on prey Competition- organisms compete for the same resources (food, water, space) Cooperation- organism work together towards a common goal (ant, bees)

9 Symbiosis Two organisms living closely together Mutualism- both organisms benefit (cows and tick birds) Commensalism- one organism benefits the other is not harmed (barnacles on a whale) Parasitism- one organism benefits the other is harmed. Parasite feeds on a host

10 Flow of Energy in an Ecosystem Energy flows in one direction. Energy is nonrenewable Food Chain- shows how energy is passed from a producer to consumers Food Web- shows all possible feeding relationships in an ecosystem. Energy Pyramid- Shows the amount of energy passed to each trophic level


12 Food Web

13 Energy Pyramid

14 Biomes A physical environment that has certain characteristic plants, animals, and climate.

15 Tundra Permafrost- permanently frozen topsoil. Cold temperatures High Winds Small plants- low-growing, shallow roots, small leaves Animals- warm-blooded, thick fur, able to store fat, likely to migrate


17 Taiga Coniferous forest Cool summers and cold winters Evergreens (conifers) Plants- needle-like leaves, waxy coating, cone shaped trees, Animals- thick fur, layers of fat, migrate/hibernate, fur changes brown-white.


19 Temperate/ Deciduous Forest Changing season Changing trees Plants- migrate or hibernate during winter, produce nuts or seeds, change with seasons


21 Grassland Savanna or Prairie Lots of grass Lots of herbivores Animals live in herds, graze

22 Grassland

23 Desert Little rain fall Extreme change in temperatures Plants- deep roots, small leaves or spines, waxy leaves Animals- small, burrow underground, active at night, large ears, get water from food.


25 Tropical Rain Forest Lots of rainfall Many organisms Plants- Large leaves, shallow roots, veins, smooth bark Animals- colorful (poisonous), camouflage, various beaks, traits for living in trees.


27 Freshwater Lakes, rivers, and streams Plants- Algae Flowing water animals- anchor using hooks or suckers


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