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April 2013.  Certified data now available  Next year of career college data available  Inclusion of flex-entry students.

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Presentation on theme: "April 2013.  Certified data now available  Next year of career college data available  Inclusion of flex-entry students."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 2013

2  Certified data now available  Next year of career college data available  Inclusion of flex-entry students

3 With new data, prospect for reaching participation goal improves December Totals April Totals Public Universities576,712576,693 Public Two-Year Colleges732,293732,112 All Health-Related24,59324,562 Independent Col. & Univ. 125,248124,135 Career Colleges 101,026124,465 Self Funded1,9601,495 Flex Entry 43,470 Total1,561,8321,626,932

4 630,000 Texas needs 42,000 additional students to reach 2015 goal

5 Texas is still far behind on the Hispanic target Most Recent Total Needed to Reach Goal African American233,682(56,600) Hispanic514,980165,000 White657,86522,700 Other 220,405(90,000) Total1,626,93242,000

6  Weekly meetings with staff  Central location for up to date analysis  Programs being addressed: ◦ GenTX Day ◦ Summer Melt ◦ Meetings with Enrollment Managers ◦ Reverse Transfer ◦ GradTX Expansion






12  19 councils and colleges hosting application drives – University of North Texas is waving the application fee if a student wears a GenTX shirt.  2 community partners are hosting college tours  “GenTX Day College Sign Up” contest – nonprofit with most completed applications wins a College Tour package

13  “Summer Melt” – the difference between the number of students who intend to enroll in college and the actual number who enroll.  Students encounter enrollment barriers the summer immediately following high school graduation which reduces the number that show up  Lower income students tended to be more vulnerable to its effects.

14 Accepted Enrolled at pub univ Enrolled at ICUT Enrolled at CC Summer Melt * White45,97228,9922,5182,74625.5% African American 18,5079,9805581,16336.8% Hispanic42,25124,8701,6335,06525.3% Asian8,5555,26040636029.6% Intern'l4,7681,2362914570.4% Other4,8922,31323747938.1% Statewide124,94572,6515,3819,95829.6 % * does not take into consideration students who were accepted to a public institution but enrolled out-of-state

15  Use Student Exit Survey, ApplyTexas, and FAFSA data to target transition support to high school graduates  Hire 19 part-time high school counselors  Communicate with students/parents via phone, email, text, social media, and in- person to provide targeted services

16  Preliminary student enrollment results will be published by University of Texas at Austin, Ray Marshall Center  Harvard & Johns Hopkins will produce White Paper examining impact of program interventions/counselor activities on college enrollment  Program results will be published in Chamber Education Progress Report Series  Results will be presented at state conferences

17  Allocation of Closing the Gaps Participation Goals  Flex growth is associated with changes in late registration and other policies  Students with jobs are taking fewer hours because of increased employment demands  Programs to explain the benefits of higher education and the differences in financial aid

18 Including Career Colleges – Texas has reached Success goal December Totals April Totals Bachelors108,228 Associates58,988 Certificates29,420 Career Colleges40,046 Total196,636236,682

19 THECB 1/2012 210,000 236,682

20 THECB 1/2012 * Not targeted in the Plan. White* Hispanic African Am.

21  Issues: ◦ When a transcript is sent, an institution doesn’t know why (new or reverse transfer)  Work to establish a code for identification (short term)  Establish general guidelines for information to be sent with required information (short term) ◦ Volume of transcripts being sent requires individual attention  Use degree audit software to allow only questionable plans to be sent to institutions (long term)

22  Degree completion pilot program  Students with 90 SCH / 55 SCH that do not have an award  Try to work with other agencies to get better addresses for contacting students  Send information on degree completion and online programs

23  Need 42,000 additional students by fall 2015 to reach the goal  Hispanic target still far behind  Success goal has already been met, but this is not the time to be complacent

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