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Your copyright information can go here just like this, and it can span a long way 3D illustrations created by NorebboNorebbo 1 PRESENTED BY JESSICA NUGROHO.

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Presentation on theme: "Your copyright information can go here just like this, and it can span a long way 3D illustrations created by NorebboNorebbo 1 PRESENTED BY JESSICA NUGROHO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your copyright information can go here just like this, and it can span a long way 3D illustrations created by NorebboNorebbo 1 PRESENTED BY JESSICA NUGROHO | MAY 2016

2 Your copyright information can go here just like this, and it can span a long way 3D illustrations created by NorebboNorebbo 2 OUTLINE  Introduction  Literature Review  Methods  Interview  Conclusion  Limitations  List of Reference

3 Your copyright information can go here just like this, and it can span a long way 3D illustrations created by NorebboNorebbo 3 INTRODUCTION

4 Your copyright information can go here just like this, and it can span a long way 3D illustrations created by NorebboNorebbo 4 To deliver an improved understanding of how event marketing is used to build and maintain customer relationship by analysing the company’s objectives and identifying the impact on the enterprise

5 Your copyright information can go here just like this, and it can span a long way 3D illustrations created by NorebboNorebbo 5 LITERATURE REVIEW Offers countless rewards especially in tough competition and crisis (Smith, 2013; Marist, Yuliati, and Najib, 2014). Building and mainting relationships with customers as event marketing’s primary objective (Gerritsen and Van Olderen, 2014). Event marketing is planned to have an influence as well as giving an impression to event attendees (Duncan, 2005). Little empirical evidence relating to the effectiveness of event marketing in recent years “

6 Your copyright information can go here just like this, and it can span a long way 3D illustrations created by NorebboNorebbo 6 RESEARCH QUESTIONS Is Glorious 45 by Mercedes-Benz Indonesia a sufficient marketing exercise to develop good long term customer relationship for the larger term? 1.What were the Glorious 45 Mercedes-Benz and 10 th National Jamboree objectives? 2.What are the impacts that Mercedes-Benz Indonesia achieved in the event marketing? 3.How effective is the event marketing as a tool to develop good customer relationship for Mercedes-Benz Indonesia? 4.Did conducting an event with Mercedes-Benz Club Indonesia make a difference to the success of the event?

7 Your copyright information can go here just like this, and it can span a long way 3D illustrations created by NorebboNorebbo 7 QUALITATIVE APPROACH Interview Semi-Structured Interview Through Phone calls and E-mail Mercedes-Benz Indonesia and Mercedes-Benz Club Indonesia Document Analysis Online News Media monitoring Social Media monitoring

8 Your copyright information can go here just like this, and it can span a long way 3D illustrations created by NorebboNorebbo INTERVIEW QUESTIONS - ANSWERS GENERAL INFORMATIONINFORMATION ABOUT THE EVENT Q: Do you think Mercedes-Benz Indonesia needs to focus more on maintaining the relationships with the customers and community rather than focusing on the transaction? Q: Was it the first time that Mercedes-Benz Indonesia held an event with Mercedes-Benz Club Indonesia? MBI: MBI do both managing transaction and managing relationship with the customer. MBCLUBINA: Managing relations with the community is far more important now MBI: The special thing is, we did the event as a collaboration of 45 th anniversary of MBI and 10 th years of National Jamboree MBClubINA. A great synergy together MBCLUBINA: It is the first time MBI actually involved on the event MBI: The club not only inherits the value of Mercedes-Benz but also leverage the relationship of brand and customer into a different level MERCEDES-BENZ INDONESIA (MBI) MERCEDES-BENZ CLUB INDONESIA (MBCLUBINA)

9 Your copyright information can go here just like this, and it can span a long way 3D illustrations created by NorebboNorebbo AIMS AND OBJECTIVESANSWERS Q: Was the event only for celebrating the anniversary of Mercedes-Benz in Indonesia? MBI: The peak event itself is the 10 th National Jamboree, but also the 45 th anniversary MBCLUBINA: It was celebrating both MBI 45 th anniversary and MBClubINA 10 th years anniversary Q: What were the main objectives of Glorious 45 event for the company? MBI: To celebrate Mercedes-Benz’s long journey and commitment in Indonesia with Indonesian loyal customers MBCLUBINA: To strengthen the bond between each members Q: Why did Mercedes-Benz Indonesia hold a peak event in Mercedes-Benz Club Indonesia’s event? MBI: The Glorious 45 event held together with the community as the closest representatives of Mercedes-Benz customer in Indonesia MBCLUBINA: It is easier to talk to someone who already new the brand and the engine. Q: Was this event part of Mercedes-Benz Indonesia plan to strengthen the bond with Mercedes-Benz Club Indonesia? MBI: The collaboration event would strengthen the bond between MBI and MBClubINA. It was planned as part of effort to create a positive synergy. MBCLUBINA: They Involved in every activities

10 Your copyright information can go here just like this, and it can span a long way 3D illustrations created by NorebboNorebbo THE OUTCOMEANSWERS Q: What was the impact that Mercedes-Benz Indonesia / Mercedes-Benz Club Indonesia got from the event marketing? MBI: Creating direct customer engagement The direct interaction would be more appreciated and last longer Unique interaction MBCLUBINA: Strengthen relationship – Bond with the MB family Q: How sufficient was the event as a promotional tool to develop a good customer relationship for Mercedes- Benz Indonesia? Q: Was there any attitude and behavioral changing that Mercedes-Benz Club Indonesia feel after the event? MBI: Event marketing has become the main interaction channel with target audience MBCLUBINA: The number of car membership are increasing Q: Did conducting the event marketing with Mercedes-Benz Club Indonesia make a difference to the success of the event? MBI - MBCLUBINA: Unique customer communication channel Maintain customer retention management activities at the same time Q: What were the advantages and disadvantages of creating an event anniversary with the community? MBI: PRO - CONS Unique communication channel Creates strong bond of brand and its user CONS: Different rules and regulations Mixed communications

11 Your copyright information can go here just like this, and it can span a long way 3D illustrations created by NorebboNorebbo 11 CONCLUSION In the premium automotive segment, event marketing has become an effective tool to create direct customer engagement with the brand or product and maintain relationships with the customers

12 Your copyright information can go here just like this, and it can span a long way 3D illustrations created by NorebboNorebbo 12 LIMITATIONS Geographical limitations (Manchester – Indonesia) Time difference Hard to express and explain the questions through e-mail

13 Your copyright information can go here just like this, and it can span a long way 3D illustrations created by NorebboNorebbo 13 LIST OF REFERENCES Duncan, T., 2005. Principles of Advertising and IMC. 2 nd Ed. Noida: Tata McGraw-Hill Education Pvt. Ltd Gerritsen, D. and Van Olderen, R., 2014. Events as Strategic Marketing Tool. Oxfordshire: CABI. Marist, A. I., Yuliati, L. N. and Najib, M., 2014. International Journal of Marketing Studies: The Role of Event in Building Brand Satisfaction, Trust, and Loyalty of Isotonic Drink, [e-journal] 6(6). Available through: Canadian Centre of Science and Education [Accessed 26 January 2016]. Smith, R.D., 2013. Strategic Planning for Public Relations. 4 th ed. Oxon: Routledge.

14 Your copyright information can go here just like this, and it can span a long way 3D illustrations created by NorebboNorebbo THANK YOU

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