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Decade of English. Traveling through the Englishland.

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Presentation on theme: "Decade of English. Traveling through the Englishland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decade of English

2 Traveling through the Englishland


4 Aim: Узагальнити знання, здобуті за І семестр; Розвивати навички правопису, читання, говоріння; логічне та творче мислення, пам’ять, увагу; Виховувати повагу до іноземної мови та підтримувати зацікавленість у вивченні англійської мови.

5 The Magic School Bus stations: Station «Spelling» The Poetic station The Music Station Station «Grammar» Station «Project Work»

6 Оцінювання проводиться за busmarks = 1 pointbusmark

7 Station «Spelling» (5 busmarks) Brit _ _ n, W _ term _ l _ n Kit _ _ en E _ g_ teenth J _ n _ ary Fr _ n _ h P _ n _ ap _ le Ba _ _ room T _ i_ teenth A _ g _ st a a a i i ip r t e e e c u uu o h h c h h

8 The Poetic station The Snowman I'm a little snowman Short and fat. Here is my nose And here is my hat. When the sun comes out I cannot play. I just simply melt away! (1 busmark)

9 The Poetic station The Snowman I'm a little … Short and fat. Here is my … And here is my hat. When the … comes out I cannot play. I just simply … away!

10 The Poetic station The Snowman I'm a little snowman Short and fat. Here is my nose And here is my hat. When the sun comes out I cannot play. I just simply melt away! (1 busmark)

11 The Music Station (1 busmark)

12 Station «Grammar» Put the words in the correct order 1)is/ a bank/ there/ next to the/ cinema 2) there/ two/ in the street/ are/ restaurants 3) is/ some cola/ there 4) me/ a jar/ please/ give/ of jam There is a bank next to the cinema. There are two restaurants in the street. There is some cola. Give me a jar of jam, please. (4 busmarks)

13 Station «Project Work» Read the texts Write the words Role the dialogues Write projects Sing songs Learn the poems Interesting Boring Start like this: English is my favorite subject. I like to… But I don't like to … Our English lessons are … Best wishes, … (2 busmarks)

14 Count your busmarks, please! My mark is … :)

15 The Magic School Bus stations: Station «Spelling» The Poetic station The Music Station Station «Grammar» Station «Project Work»


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