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IOT NOTICE BOARD Project Brief Notice Board is primary thing in any institution / organization or public utility places like bus stations, railway stations.

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Presentation on theme: "IOT NOTICE BOARD Project Brief Notice Board is primary thing in any institution / organization or public utility places like bus stations, railway stations."— Presentation transcript:

1 IOT NOTICE BOARD Project Brief Notice Board is primary thing in any institution / organization or public utility places like bus stations, railway stations and parks. But sticking various notices day-to-day is a difficult process. A separate person is required to take care of this notices display. This project deals about an advanced hi-tech wireless notice board. The main objective of the project is to develop a wireless notice board that displays notices when a message is left at webpage. If the user is in our database then NOTICE is automatically displayed else the message is stored in separate database with corresponding user details. The electronic notice board is equipped with a Portable Projector/LCD display. It uses a Raspberrypi Model B.

2 Work Done till now 1)First we Revised basic concepts of HTML, CSS and PHP. 2)Booted the Raspberry pi and installed static settings in it. 3)Googled about developing login pages and researched about sessional login procedures. 4)Started learning MySQL for handling and Storage of Database of usernames and their corresponding passwords 5)Established local host in laptop.

3 6) Design opening page for project 7)Started coding for login pages and came across many errors, still left with some of the errors to be resolved. 8) Yesterday had a formal meet with a batch mate and he told us that for Display page JavaScript and Jquery will play a major role as we have to load content every time with loading the page itself.

4 Future Timeline 1)To code and design Display page including jQuery image slider(for advertising purpose upload page to add images in slider. 2) Our goal is to finish all web related work in 8 to 10 days and then to get start working and combining GSM Module with the Raspberrypi.






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