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United States Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) Overview.

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2 United States Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) Overview


4 MAP of USAREC Geo-dispersed Areas Medical Recruiting Brigade (MRBde) 9A 1 st MR BN 9B 2 nd MR BN 9C 3 rd MR BN 9D 5 th MR BN 9E 6 th MR BN 6FLos Angeles 6HPortland 6ISacramento 6JSalt Lake City 6KSouthern Cal 6LSeattle 6NFresno 1AAlbany 1BBaltimore 1DNew England 1EHarrisburg 1GNew York Cty 1KMid-Atlantic 1NSyracuse 1ORichmond 3AAtlanta 3DColumbia 3EJacksonville 3GMiami 3HMontgomery 3JRaleigh 3NTampa 3TBaton Rouge 5AChicago 5CCleveland 5DColumbus 5HIndianapolis 5IGreat Lakes 5JMilwaukee 5KMinneapolis 5NNashville 4CDallas 4DDenver 4EHouston 4GKansas City 4JOklahoma City 4KSan Antonio 4PPhoenix 1 st BDE 2nd BDE 3rd BDE 5 th BDE 6 th BDE OCONUS Recruiting Companies/ Centers Alaska Hawaii Puerto Rico Germany Japan S. Korea Guam

5 Define Geo-dispersed: “Located 50+ miles or 60 minute drive from traditional Army support networks with adequate medical facilities (Garrison, MTF)” USAREC is an active duty Command with its Headquarters located at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Geo-dispersed describes the scattered locations of its Brigades, Battalions, Companies and Recruiting Centers across CONUS and OCONUS.

6 Example of a Geo-dispersed Assignment  3d Recruiting Brigade is located at Fort Knox, Kentucky  Nashville Recruiting Battalion in located in Nashville, Tennessee  Louisville Recruiting Company is located in Louisville, Kentucky  Clarksville Recruiting Center (Actual Place of duty) Clarksville, Indiana

7 Knowing the Army Recruiter & Recruiter Demographics  First-time in Recruiting  Commissioned Officer  New DA Select Recruiters/RA Soldiers from Installations  US Army Reserve NCO activated from TPU (Reserve Duty) as Active Guard/Reserve (AGR) Recruiter  Career Recruiters MOS 79R (reclassified)

8 Knowing the Army Recruiter & when they PCS to their Recruiting Centers  OCONUS  PCS directly to their Recruiting Centers  In-process and settle their Families  Then attend Army Recruiting School (ARC)  CONUS  TDY and Return to the Army Recruiting School (ARC) from their Installations  Return to their home Installation post graduation  Then PCS to their Recruiting Centers

9 Knowing the Army Recruiter & Geo-dispersed Risk Factors  First time in geo-dispersed environment away from installation support  Assumptions that recruiting duty is easier than a deployable unit  Driving 30 miles in a city with traffic can be a 1 hour commute  Assignment can still change after arriving to the Recruiting Center  Actual Recruiting Center may be over 75 miles away from the Company area

10 Knowing the Army Recruiter & Geo-dispersed Risk Factors Reintegration Issues following deployment  Financial  Relationship Problems  Legal Problems pending Misconceptions Spouse believes Soldier will be home for dinner every day Soldier will be home for all holidays/weekends Duty away from the Installation will be easier on the Family Spouse believes employment may be easier in the community

11 Knowing the Army Recruiter & Geo-dispersed Risk Factors TRICARE Not having TRICARE PRIME with a local MTF Having to switch to TRICARE Prime Remote As of January 2015, total number of Family Members in USAREC, 22,165 EFMP  As of July 2015, total number of Soldiers in the EFMP program,1,209

12 Knowing the Army Recruiter & Geo-dispersed Risk Factors Housing  Chose not to use Leased Government Housing  Purchased or Lease Housing in an expensive area  Mortgage or rental at high BAH did not factor in utilities Schools Teens/children have issues No other military teens/children in their schools or local communities They miss having other teens/children they can relate to and that can relate to them Spouses They miss not having a close-knit Military Community like on an installation

13 Great News!  Benefits of becoming an Army Recruiter  Career progression in current MOS  Reclassification as a Career Recruiter (MOS 79R)  “Manning the Force” for the entire Army  First contact and impression for Future Soldiers, their Families and Communities  Serving under Positions of Significant Trust and Authority (POSTA)  Benefits of good Quality of Life (QOL) Support  Recruiting mission success  Recruiters more missioned focus  Families less focused on QOL support issues  Families experience satisfaction with geo-dispersed assignments  Families receive seamless transitions from Installation support to geo-dispersed support  Recruiters and their Families remain, Army Strong!

14 In Closing "Getting to Know Recruiters and their Families"  Questions  Comments  Feedback Tanya Greer is a Soldier and Family Assistance Program Manager who works directly with our Recruiters and their Families in a geo-dispersed environment. She will now tell you about the unique ways we go about providing Quality of Life Support for our recruiting force.


16 Military Family Life Consultants (MFLCs) and Personal Finance Counselors (PFCs) are contract employees providing area support to each Brigade (12 teams total: 2/BDE) USAREC Well Being Team

17 Providing Relocation Support in a Geo-dispersed Environment  Overview  What is an SFA?  Challenges  Where to Start  Resources  Partnerships

18 Providing Relocation Support in a Geo-dispersed Environment  What is an SFA?  Each Brigade & Battalion in USAREC has a Soldier & Family Assistance Program Manager (SFA)  We are the equivalent to Army Community Services (ACS) staff and act as a mini ACS, we are a jack of all trades  Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinator (BCAC) for TRICARE  SFA ≠ FRSA (Family Readiness Support Assistant)

19 Providing Relocation Support in a Geo-dispersed Environment  SFA Programs:  Relocation  EFMP  Volunteer  FAP  FRG-provide training & guidance  AFTB  AFAP  Information & Referral  Financial Readiness  Beneficiary Counseling Assistance Coordinator (BCAC) for TRICARE  Several other additional duties

20 Providing Relocation Support in a Geo-dispersed Environment  Challenges  Geo-dispersed  Getting resources to those in remote locations  Communication  Understanding Recruiting Command  Commander’s, spouses, public

21 Providing Relocation Support in a Geo-dispersed Environment  Where to Start?  Market QOL Programs at Recruiter Retention School  Welcome letters/packets for new Recruiters  Social Media

22 Providing Relocation Support in a Geo-dispersed Environment  Resources  Newcomer’s Orientation Video  Family Strong Resource Guide  There’s an APP for that!  Military OneSource- Military Installations  Leased Government Housing  Army Fee Assistance Program for Child Care  5 hours respite care, routine care  Gym Membership Program  Google Hangouts- CG Town halls

23 Providing Relocation Support in a Geo-dispersed Environment  Resources  Social Media  211  Zip Skinny     AHOUS(Army Housing Online User Services)  Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE)

24 Providing Relocation Support in a Geo-dispersed Environment  Partnerships:  Military & Family Life Consultant(MFLC) and Personal Financial Counselor(PFC)  Unit Ministry Team  Joint Services Support  Red Cross  State Veterans Programs  ACS/A&FRC/FFS  School Liaison Officer  Boys & Girls Club  Legal Support Office  EFMP System Navigators

25 Providing Relocation Support in a Geo-dispersed Environment  Questions  Comments  Feedback

26 Links to USAREC  US Army Recruiting Command(USAREC) Facebook:  US Army Recruiting Command Soldier and Family Assistance Branch Facebook:  The Recruiter Journal:  US Army Recruiting Command(USAREC) Youtube:


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