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The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 1 Effective Preparation for NSE Corporate Membership History of The Nigerian Society of Engineers and Professional.

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Presentation on theme: "The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 1 Effective Preparation for NSE Corporate Membership History of The Nigerian Society of Engineers and Professional."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 1 Effective Preparation for NSE Corporate Membership History of The Nigerian Society of Engineers and Professional Ethics

2 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 2 INTRODUCTION The Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) was founded in 1958, in London. –To become the national umbrella organization for the engineering profession in Nigeria. –It was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital in 1967. –The original Memorandum and Articles of Association were amended to take effect from 1 st May, 1996.

3 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 3 AIMS & OBJECTIVES The Society from the onset, has as its aims to: –Promote, encourage and maintain a high standard of engineering study and practice. –Enhance the professional status of engineers, –Cooperate with similar professional organizations throughout the world.

4 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 4 MEMBERSHIP There are six grades of membership namely: –Fellow – Honorary Fellow – Member – Associate – Graduate and – Student

5 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 5 MEMBERSHIP CONT’D Overall individual membership of all categories is in excess of 30,000 members, currently (2006): Additionally, there are 200 Corporate Firm Members Application for membership can be via one of the following routes:

6 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 6 MEMBERSHIP CONT’D –Corporate Membership interview –Graduateship Examination –Graduate membership enrolment –Associate membership enrolment –Corporate member application

7 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 7 CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP Requirements for corporate membership: –Must be a graduate of at least 4 years post graduate qualification in Engineering from a COREN accredited University or School of Engineering in Nigeria or abroad –Present three bounded copies of post graduate experience –pass written test on Engineering in Society

8 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 8 GRADUATESHIP EXAMINATION For holders of Higher National Diploma and equivalent qualification in engineering approved by the Council of the NSE for Graduate membership of the Society towards eventually satisfying the requirements for full professional status for registration by COREN

9 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 9 GRADUATE MEMBERSHIP Degree or Higher National Diploma from a recognized engineering awarding institution

10 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 10 ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP Degree or Higher National Diploma from a recognized engineering related discipline awarding institution

11 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 11 CORPORATE FIRM MEMBERSHIP Engineering or Engineering Consulting Firm Must have at least 1 engineer as a director and also on the board of the company.

12 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 12 ORGANISATION & OPERATIONS The highest policy-making body of the Society is its Council which is elected by Corporate Members The President heads the Council Other members of the Council includes – 13-Member Executive Committee

13 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 13 ORGANISATION & OPERATIONS Other members of the Council includes – Registrar of COREN (Council for regulation of Engineering in Nigeria) –Representative of the Federal Minister of Works –Representative of Deans of Engineering in Universities –Representative of Directors of Engineering in Polytechnics

14 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 14 OPERATIONS The Society operates through –Committees –Divisions –Branches

15 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 15 OPERATIONS: Committees Committees include: –Codes & Ethics –Failure Investigation –Information & Library –Engineering Regulation Monitoring –Welfare –Education –Etc.

16 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 16 OPERATIONS: Divisions Divisions include: –Aeronautical –Agricultural –Chemical –Civil –Electrical –Geotechnical –Industrial

17 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 17 OPERATIONS: Divisions Cont’d Divisions include: –Mechanical – Metallurgical – Petroleum and Natural Gas – Structural –The Association of Professional Women Engineers of Nigeria (APWEN)

18 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 18 OPERATIONS: Branches Branches include: –Aba, Abeokuta, Abakaliki, Abuja, Ado-Ekiti, Ajaokuta, Akure, Apapa, Asaba, Awka, Bauchi, Benin, Calabar, Damaturu, Dutse, Ekpoma, Eket, Enugu, Egbin, Gombe, Ibadan, Ikeja, Ikot-Abasi, Ile-Ife, Ilesha, IIorin, Jos, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Lafia, Lagos, Lokoja, Maiduguri, Makurdi, Minna, New Bussa, Nsukka, Onitsha, Oshogbo, Owerri, Port-Harcourt, Sokoto, Umuahia, Uyo, Warri, Yenagoa, Yola, Zaria,

19 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 19 COREN  Acronym for Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria  Resulting from activities of the NSE and later establish by –(a)Decree No. 55 of 1970 as Council of Registered Engineers in Nigeria. –(b)Amendment Decree no. 27 of 1992 as the Current Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria.

20 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 20 COREN –  The Decree provides that Council shall: –i. Be a corporate body –ii. Determine who are engineers –iii. Determine the knowledge and skill for engineers i.e. body of knowledge to attain the status of an engineer. –iv. Provide a register for those so qualified –v. Regulate and control the practice of the engineering profession in all its aspects and ramifications.

21 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 21 COREN  Membership of the Council is drawn from the Register of Engineers to include: (a)1 elected Council as President (b)6 elected to represent NSE (c)4 appointed to represent Universities with engineering faculties. (d)1 appointed to represent Polytechnics in turn.

22 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 22 COREN (e)1 appointed to represent technical Colleges in rotation (f)6 appointed to represent the States of the Federation. (g)4 persons nominated by the Minister (h)1 person each to represent (i)Registered engineering technologists (ii)Registered Engineering technicians and (iii)Registered Engineering craftsmen.

23 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 23 COREN  The Council shall be funded and controlled by the Ministry (Currently Works)  Possession of required qualification from an approved (accredited) institution of learning for training –-Engineers (Universities) –-Technologists (Polytechnic) –-Technicians (Technical Colleges)

24 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 24 COREN –-Craftsmen (Trades Schools) (Within or outside Nigerian approved qualifications) –  Minimum of 2 years post graduate experience/training or 2 nd year of industrial pupilage.  Good character

25 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 25 COREN  Registered titles include: Engr. Engr. Technologists. Technicians. Craftsmen (Trade) –  Transfer from one register to the other is possible when conditions are met.

26 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 26 COREN: COUNCIL’S OPERATIONS The Council operates through Standing Committees and Adhoc Committees. A.Standing Committees Include: 1.Engineering and Personnel Registration Committee 2.Education and Training (Committee) 3.Engineering Consulting Firms Registration Committee

27 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 27 COREN: COUNCIL’S OPERATIONS 4.Finance and General Purposes Committee 5.Board of Appeal for Certificate of Experience 6.Registered Engineers investigation panel 7.Regulation and Control Committee.

28 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 28 COREN: COUNCIL’S OPERATIONS B.Adhoc Committees 1.Industrial Training Visitation Panel now SITSIE Technical Committee 2.Education and Training of Technicians 3.Committee on Engineering in the next 25years in Nigeria etc

29 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 29 COREN: REGULATION  Registration can be withdrawn by way of discipline by a tribunal due to unprofessional conduct.  The Council is a regulatory body and not a professional Association.  The Council also registers and regulates –-Consulting Engineering Organizations -Engineering Firms

30 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 30 COREN: REGULATION  Currently the Engineering Regulation Monitoring is established to implement the provisions of the decree –The Council organizes an annual Engineering for a – The Engineering Assembly.

31 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 31 COREN: REGULATION COREN ZONAL OFFICES –Makurdi, established 1981 –Kano“1982 –Akure“1982 –Owerri“1983 

32 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 32 ENGINEERING PROFESIONAL ETHICS Professional Ethics refers to the rules and conduct or attitudes permissible by the profession to be displayed in order to attract confidence, respect and dignity in the course of practicing the profession.

33 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 33 ENGINEERING PROFESIONAL ETHICS Engineering Professional Ethics defines the engineer’s responsibility to: –Himself –His colleagues –The Public

34 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 34 ENGINEERING PROFESIONAL ETHICS: Himself Encourage positive personal traits: –Professional competence, confidence, creativity, enthusiasm, dedication, reliability, pursue high quality –Self evaluation, continuous improvement through continuous learning,good social relations, good health habits, –Fairness, trust worthiness, safeguard the public and environment

35 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 35 ENGINEERING PROFESIONAL ETHICS : Public Act always in public interest in keeping with the professional standards Act in the interest of your client and employer and consistent with public interest. Maintain integrity of professional judgment and promote ethical approach to design and development.

36 The Nigerian Society of Engineers Lagos Branch 36 ENGINEERING PROFESIONAL ETHICS : Fairness and supportiveness of colleagues Encourage colleagues to adhere to the code of professional practice Credit the work of others and do not take undue credit Give fair hearing to opinion, concerns & complaints Collaborate with colleagues


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