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Integrating Health and Safety into an EMS Bureau of Engraving and Printing Presented by Megan Ahn, REM BEP Facility Management Representative.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating Health and Safety into an EMS Bureau of Engraving and Printing Presented by Megan Ahn, REM BEP Facility Management Representative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating Health and Safety into an EMS Bureau of Engraving and Printing Presented by Megan Ahn, REM BEP Facility Management Representative

2 EHS Management at the BEP

3 Presentation Objectives Provide overview of steps for integrating H&S into EMS Illustrate successes and challenges Strategies for employee buy-in

4 The EMS Model Five Basic Steps 4 Environmental Policy Statement Continual Improvement Planning Implementation & Control Checking and Corrective Action Management Review Start Here

5 Top Management Support Illustrate cost savings –Systems management of occupational health and safety measures the cost of high rates of injury and illness –Show the hidden costs of poor management performance Framework for Compliance –Organizations with a functional EHSMS are less likely to fall out of compliance

6 Planning H&S Integration with EMS Implementation Plan Teams Aspect/Impact Analysis Legal & Other Requirements Objectives and Targets Establish EHS Management Plans

7 EHSMS Teams H&S Integration Team –Recruit from all functional components of the organization –Ensure members are volunteers Other Working Groups –More narrowly focused –Expertise in particular operations

8 Aspect/Impact Analysis List products/services Processes and operations to produce products and services Sub-processes Materials Labor Impacts to environment and health and safety


10 Aspect/Impact Analysis (cont.) Significance Determination = Frequency x (Severity + Probability + Legal Risk)

11 Plan Documentation –Integrate your health and safety requirements into the same documentation for environmental requirements where practical –Review your existing EMS policies, procedures and operational controls for opportunities to include health and safety –Add federal, state and local health and safety regulations to your Legal and Other Requirements

12 Objectives and Targets Based on Significant Aspects and Impacts –Include Objectives based on significant H & S aspects Realistically achievable Measurable Assigned to responsible party Tracked, reviewed and progress documented

13 Environmental Management Plans Designate responsibility for the objectives and targets, how they are going to be achieved and by when - WHO? WHAT? WHEN?

14 Monitoring and Measuring Once H&S is included in your system through documentation : Policy Operational Controls Aspects/Impacts Objectives and Targets Internal and external auditing functions include checking on H&S as well as environmental.

15 Benefits to EHSMS Including H&S increases employee interest in the system Managing environment with health and safety reduces redundant efforts Maximize resources by broadening the scope of goal setting and problem solving

16 Comments or Questions?

17 Thank You

18 Megan Ahn, REM Contact Information Bureau of Engraving and Printing 14 th & C Sts. S.W. Washington, D.C. 22028 202-874-2491

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