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Let America Be America Again. Today’s Goals Practice re-reading a text Use a dictionary to find the correct meaning of a word Connect with a text Homework:

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Presentation on theme: "Let America Be America Again. Today’s Goals Practice re-reading a text Use a dictionary to find the correct meaning of a word Connect with a text Homework:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Let America Be America Again

2 Today’s Goals Practice re-reading a text Use a dictionary to find the correct meaning of a word Connect with a text Homework: None

3 American Dream & Obstacle

4 Your Individual Task You will need two different colors/types of writing utensils You need your copy of the poem “Let America Be America again”“Let America Be America again 1 st reading  underline phrases or words that stick out to you 2 nd time (different color)  circle/highlight/underline images or phrases that confuse you 3 rd time  write comments or questions in the margins (at least three)

5 Your Task With a Partner Using a dictionary, look up the words you do not understand. Write the definitions on the paper. Ask each other questions about phrases, images, or examples of figurative language you do not understand

6 Today’s Goals Make connections between the poem and today’s society Agenda: o Save the Last Word for Me! o Reflection o Discussion (?) Homework: None!

7 Review Yesterday In two to three complete sentences answer the following question: What is one aspect of the poem you did not understand, but now do understand? How did you achieve this understanding ? Who is the speaker of this poem? How do you know?

8 Your Individual Task Choose one quote from the poem. Write the quote in your notes. Include the line number. In your notes, write a reaction to the quote. o I chose this quote because… o To me, this quote means… o This reminds me of… o The image created is… o The symbolism is… o The tone created is…

9 Save the Last Word For Me! In your small group, one person will read their quote. That person may not say anything about what the quotes means to them. Each person will then share their own response/reaction to the quote. The person who chose the quote will have the last word. He/She will read what she wrote. Repeat until all quotes have been shared. One person will be asked to “share out” to the class. The person will be randomly chosen and will share two main ideas discussed.

10 Final Reflection- Choose and respond to one of the following questions: This poem was written in 1935. If Hughes were to re-write this poem today, in 2013, what parts would stay the same? Your answer should be 5-7 sentences long. Be sure to include specific details. Imagine Hughes is alive today and decides to add a stanza to his poem. Write the stanza (at least five lines long) taking into consideration the obstacles current Americans have in reaching their dreams. In this poem, Hughes uses a variety of punctuation marks including question marks, exclamation points, parenthesis, quotation marks, and italics. Choose one example and explain the author’s purpose in using this punctuation marks. Consider the effect of the punctuation mark on the poem.

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